GATE 2023 Cutoff for IIT, Previous Year Category-wise Opening and Closing Ranks for IIT

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GATE 2023 Cut off for IIT will be released separately by each institute at the time of admissions. GATE Cutoff for IIT is the minimum score required by the candidates to be eligible for admission to the desired M.Tech program. It is necessary for candidates to qualify GATE 2023 Cut off Marks along with the admission cut off released in the form of closing ranks. GATE 2022 Cutoff for Computer Science is 820 at IIT Madras and 749 at IIT Kharagpur. Candidates can check the previous year IIT GATE Cutoff to know the trends in minimum scores required to qualify for admissions. IIT M.Tech Admissions are conducted through GATE COAP.

GATE 2023 Cut off for IIT

IIT GATE Cut off 2023- To be Released

GATE 2022 Cutoff for IIT

GATE 2022 Cut off for IIT is available in the section below. Candidates can check GATE 2022 Cut off for IIT CSE, Civil Engineering, EEE, ECE, Mechanical Engineering and other M.Tech programs. 

IIT Bombay GATE Cut off 2022

Program Name Specialization Disciplines Gen/EWS Cut off OBC-NCL Cut off SC/ST Cut off
Civil Engineering Transportation Systems Engineering CE 700 630 467
Geotechnical Engineering CE 650 585 433
Water Resources Engineering CE 600 540 400
Structural Engineering CE 675 608 450
Ocean Engineering CE, ME, XE 600 540 400
Remote Sensing CE, XE
Construction Technology and Management CE 650 585 433
Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering CS 750 675 500
M.S. by Research in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering CS 700 630 467
Electrical Engineering Communication Engineering EE, CS, EC 510 459 340
Control & Computing EE, CS, EC, IN
Power Electronics & Power Systems EE, EC, IN
Electronic Systems EE, EC, IN, BM, CS
Integrated Circuit & Systems CS, EC, EE, IN
Solid State Devices CS, EC, EE, IN, PH, MT
Mechanical Engineering Thermal & Fluids Engineering CH, AU, AE, ME 600 540 400
Design Engineering AU,AE,PI,MC,ME
Manufacturing Engineering PI,MC,ME
Systems & Control Engineering Systems & Control Engineering CH,AE,EE,ME,EC,IN,CS 650 585 433
Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering All eligible GATE discipline 400 360 267
Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering CH 600 540 400
Aerospace Engineering Aerodynamics AE 500 450 333
CE 600 540 400
ME 650 585 433
Dynamics and Control AE 500 450 333
EC/EE/IN 700 630 467
ME 650 585 433
Aerospace Propulsion AE 500 450 333
ME 650 585 433
Aerospace Structure AE 500 450 333
ME 650 585 433
CE 600 540 400
Earth Sciences Geoexploration GG 325 293 217
Petroleum Geoscience GG
Energy Science and Engineering Energy Systems and Engineering EE 510 459 340
ME 600 540 400
CH, Others 500 450 333
Environmental Science & Engineering Environmental Science & Engineering All eligible GATE discipline 500-700 495-630 333-467
Geoinformatics & Natural Resources Engineering Geoinformatics & Natural Resources Engineering) EE,CS,EC 500 450 333
GE,GG,PH,ST,MN,ES,MA 350 315 253
AR,CE,AG,XE 400 360 267
Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Industrial Engineering and Operations Research EC, EE, CS, MA, IN, ST, ME, CH, CE, PI, AE, AG, BM, BT, ES, MN,  MT, PE, PH, TF, XE, XH-C1 650 585 433
Metallurgical Engineering & Materials Science Material Science XE, CY, PH, MT 450 405 300
CH,EE 500 450 333
ME,PI 600 540 400
Process Engineering XE,MT 450 405 300
CH 500 450 333
ME,PI 600 540 400
Steel Technology CH 500 450 333
ME,PI 600 540 400
MT 450 405 300
Corrosion Science & Engineering CY,XE,MT 450 405 300
AE,CE,EE,CH 500 450 333
ME,PI 600 540 400
Materials, Manufacturing and Modeling Materials, Manufacturing and Modeling MT,PI 400 360 267
ME 600 540 400
Technology and Development Technology and Development All eligible GATE discipline 550 495 367
Educational Technology Educational Technology All eligible GATE discipline 600 540 400
Urban Systems Urban Systems AR,CE,ES,GE 600 540 400

IIT Madras GATE Cut off 2022

Program/ Department Program Disciplines Category-wise Cut off
Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering (CS1Y) AE, AG, AR, AU, BI, BM, BT, CE, CH CR, CS, EC, EE, EN, EP, ES, IE, IN, IT, ME, MF, ML, MM, MR, NA, PE PI, PR, ZE, CY, GG, MA, MC, MP MS, NT, OR, PH, ST, ZL, ZS 820 722 571 416 757 476
Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Engineering (EE1Y) EC,EE,EP,IN,ZE 683 612 436 383 587 --
Power Systems and Power Electronics (EE2Y) EC,EE,EN,EP,IN,ZE 782 757 596 543 753 471
Microelectronics and VLSI Design (EE3Y) EC,EE,EP,IN,ZE 831 741 624 462 808 500
Electronic System Design and Instrumentation (EE4Y) BM,EC,EE,EP,IN,ZE 832 785 630 478 803 458
RF and Photonics (EE5Y) PH,EP 669 487 -- -- -- --
EC,EE,IN,ZE 782 735 517 450 678 --
Integrated Circuits and Systems (EE6Y) EE,EC,EP,IN,ZE 877 810 637 535 871 557
Control and Optimization (EE7Y) EE,EC,EP,IN,ZE 770 734 558 464 721 --
Mechanical Engineering Thermal Engineering (ME1Y) ME, AE, CH 755 649 427 344 634 420
Thermal Engineering (ME1Y*) AU,EN,MR,PE,ZE,ZS 822 -- 599 -- -- --
Mechanical Design (ME2Y) ME, AE, AU 795 737 563 427 760 471
Manufacturing Engineering (ME3Y) ME,IN,MF,ML,PI,PR 717 643 429 305 600 382
Manufacturing Engineering (ME3Y*) AE,AU,EC,EE,IE,ZE 722 668 -- -- -- --
Civil Engineering Building Technology and Construction Management (CE1Y) CE 755 715 604 460 718 --
AR 842 733 -- -- -- 539
Environmental Engineering (CE2Y) CE 698 673 545 447 639 416
Environmental Engineering (CE2Y*) AG,BT,CH,ES,ME,ZE 731 -- -- -- -- --
Geotechnical Engineering (CE3Y) CE 731 608 522 487 644 434
Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering (CE4Y) CE 691 668 535 416 604 559
Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering(CE4Y*) AG 701 693 -- -- -- --
Structural Engineering (CE5Y) CE 789 719 562 515 781 392
Transportation Engineering (CE6Y) CE 747 711 604 489 681 --
Transportation Engineering (CE6Y*) AR,ZE 787 -- -- -- -- --
Aerospace Engineering Aerospace Engineering (AE1Y) AE 647 554 348 534 456 --
Aerospace Engineering (AE1Y*) ME 756 704 492 410 740 701
AU,CE,CH,EN,MF,MM,NA,PR 788 -- -- -- -- --
Applied Mechanics Computational and Experimental Mechanics (AM1Y) AE, AU, CE, CH, ME, MM, NA, PR, ZE 732 673 408 402 708 382
Biomedical Engineering (AM2Y) BM 598 486 214 -- 370 --
Biomedical Engineering (AM2Y*) IN 615 -- -- -- -- --
AE, CE, CH, CS, EC,EE, ME, MM, ZE 730 725 533 383 -- --
Biotechnology Bioprocess Engineering (BT1Y) AE, AG, AR, AU, BI, BM, BT, CE, CH, CR, CS, EC, EE, EN, EP, ES, IE, IN, IT, ME, MF, ML, MM, MR, NA, PE, PI, PR, ZE 765 641 358 266 578 --
Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering (CH1Y) BI,CH,ES,ZE,ZS 603 477 329 324 426 --
BI,CE,CH,ES,ZE,ZS -- 481 337 -- -- --
Mathematics Industrial Mathematics and Scientific Computing (MA1Y) MA 659 536 429 249 586 429
PH 742 712 567 -- -- --
AE,CE,CH,CS,EC,EE,ME,MM, NA 875 818 588 -- 843 420
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (MM1Y) MM 492 347 242 323 282 --
BT,CH,CR,CY,ME,MF,MS,NT, PH,PR,ZE,ZS 678 632 414 297 -- --
Ocean Engineering Ocean Structures (OE1Y) CE,NA 646 542 389 366 539 --
Ocean Technology (OE2Y) CE,ME,NA 626 598 414 259 594 --
Petroleum Engineering (PE1Y) AE, AG, AR, AU, BI, BM, BT, CE, CH, CR, CS, EC, EE, EN, EP, ES, IE, IN, IT, ME, MF, ML, MM, MR, NA, PE PI, PR, ZE, CY, GG, MA, MC, MP MS, NT, OR, PH, ST, ZL, ZS 753 605 462 410 728 --
Physics Functional Materials and Nanotechnology (PH1Y) PH 529 426 304 335 -- --
EP,NT 602 547 -- -- -- --
CY,EE,MM,MS,ZE 735 -- 539 -- -- --
Interdisciplinary Program Catalysis Technology (CA1Y) CH,ZE 598 456 398 345 535 --
CY,ZS 657 497 -- -- -- --
Clinical Engineering (CL1Y) BM 432 337 296 -- -- --
AE, CE, CS, EC, EE, IN, ME 727 688 398 404 607 --
BT, BI, CH, EP, MM, PI 601 567 283 311 516 --
AG, AR, AU, CR, EN, ES, IE, IT, MF, ML, MR, NA, PE, PI, PR, ZE 708 -- 418 -- 585 --

IIT Kharagpur GATE Cut off 2022

Program/ Department Specialization GATE Discipline Category-wise Cut off
Computer Science & Engineering Computer Science and Engineering CS 749 705 670 499 383
Civil Engineering Hydraulic and Water Resources Engg. CE 615 545 526 462 340
Transportation Engineering CE 688 604 638 522 368
Environmental Engg. and Management CE,CH,ES 648 565 588 469 346
Geotechnical Engineering CE 632 540 598 509 349
Structural Engineering CE 711 655 658 604 420
Electronics & Electrical Communication Engineering Microelectronics and VLSI Design EC 733 679 658 504 437
RF and Microwave Engineering EC 612 587 550 405 300
Telecommunication Systems Engg. -- 637 622 579 412 342
Visual Information and Embedded Systems Engineering -- 658 587 612 467 267
Electrical Engineering Machine Drives and Power Electronics EE 718 685 668 532 381
Control System Engineering EE,IN,EC 694 657 643 521 346
Power and Energy Systems EE 664 639 628 525 403
Instrumentation and Signal Processing EE,IN,EC 739 682 668 621 353
Signal Processing & Machine Learning EC,EE,IN 725 689 685 528 385
Mechanical Engineering Manufacturing Science and Engineering ME,PI 700 651 640 478 344
Thermal and Fluids Engineering ME,AE,B,E 709 672 647 484 347
Mechanical Systems Design ME 740 669 665 503 460
Aerospace Engineering Aerospace Engineering AE,CE,EE,ME 625 487 530 374 223
Agricultural And Food Engineering Farm Machinery and Power AG,ME 593 473 457 431 276
Land and Water Resources Engineering AG,CE 583 441 492 382 343
Food Process Engineering AG,CH,G,ME 626 461 496 343 390
Agricultural Biotechnology BT,XL-Q,R,S 590 522 488 325 167
Aquaculture Engineering AG,B,CE,CH,XE-E 457 419 394 327 252
Agricultural Systems and Management AG,XL-Q,R,S 488 413 425 291 252
Architecture And Regional Planning City Planning AR 684 346 557 442 351
Advanced Technology Development Centre Embedded Controls and Software CS,EC,EE,IN 734 721 648 553 404
Electric Transportation EE,EC,IN,ME 671 610 621 503 353
Biotechnology Biotechnology and Biochemical Engg. BT, XL-Q,S 674 533 533 409 195
Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering CH 487 429 414 298 251
Oceans, Rivers, Atmosphere & Land Sciences Earth System Science and Technology AE,AG,CE,CH,GG,MA,ME,PH,XE-B,E,H 596 571 543 376 284
Cryogenic Engineering Cryogenic Engineering XE-B,C,CH,E,PH,AE,EE,IN,ME 588 456 569 251 219
Energy Science And Engineering Renewable Energy Technologies B,BT,C,CY,E,F,PH,Q,EE,IN,ME,MN,MT,PE,PI 619 569 596 428 339
Geology & Geophysics Exploration Geosciences GG 469 402 277 199 271
Telecommunications Wireless Communications and Networks EC 646 571 537 404 338
Infrastructure Design & Management Infrastructure Design and Management B1,B2,CE,B-SI,B-SII,ES 666 556 555 448 345
Industrial And Systems Engineering Industrial Engineering and Management ME,PI,AE,AG,CE,CH,CS,EC,EE,IN,MN,MT 771 761 720 568 344
Mathematics Computer Science and Data Processing MA,EC,EE,PH,ST 728 638 554 494 249
Mining Engineering Safety, Health and Environment MN,CE,PE 618 - 464 363 358
Geomechanics for Mineral and Energy Resources MN,CE,CH,EE,ME,PE,PI 586 - 501 284 268
Materials Science Materials Science and Engineering CY,PH,C,F 468 396 383 263 226
Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Metal and Materials Engg. MT,C,CH,ME,PH 357 352 282 96 218
Ocean Engeneering And Naval Architecture Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture NM,AE,CE,ME 465 377 391 317 -
Physics Functional Materials and Devices PH,C,EC 481 438 371 256 226
Quality & Reliability Qualify and Reliability Engineering AE,BM,CH,CS,EC,EE,IN,ME,PI 688 661 636 460 319
Engineering Entrepreneurship Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship AG, CH, CS, EC, EE, ME, PI, AE, B,B1, B2, BM, B-SI, B-SII, BT, C, CE, CY, D, E, ES, F,G,H, IN, MN, MT, NM, PE, PH,Q,R,S,T, TF,U 705 679 638 468 416
Rubber Technology Rubber Technology CH,CY,F,B,E,ME,PI,TF 451 380 362 277 251
Medical Science & Technology Biomedical Engineering BM,BT,IN,ST,CS,EC,EE,PH 630 615 488 423 358
MedicaI imaging and Informatics BM,BT,IN,ST,CS,EC,EE,PH 598 538 449 315 336
Water Resources Water Engineering and Management AG,CE,CH,ES 453 382 433 303 276

IISc Banglore GATE Cut off 2022

Program/ Department GATE Discipline Category-wise Cut off
Computer Science And Engineering CS 675 660 640 500 350 250
Electronic Systems Engineering CS 800 720 720 550 550 550
EC, EE 800 700 700 550 550 550
IN 650 600 600 500 500 500
Electrical Engineering EC, IN 600 540 540 360 360 360
EE 550 495 495 330 330 330
Mechanical Engineering All Papers 730 700 700 500 500 700
Electronics And Communication Engineering CS, PH 600 550 550 400 400 550
EC 600 550 550 400 350 550
EE 670 600 600 500 400 600
IN 950 900 900 900 900 900
Robotics And Autonomous Systems AE 625 625 625 417 353 500
CS 635 600 600 570 550 600
EC 691 670 670 525 325 600
EE 728 635 702 550 470 600
IN 700 636 680 600 460 600
MA 800 700 700 570 470 600
ME 831 740 779 645 463 600
XE 700 627 627 537 470 600
Climate Science AE 550 450 450 350 350 450
AG, BT 950 850 850 800 800 850
AR, CS, EE, ES, GE, IN, NM, PI, TF, XL 900 800 800 750 750 800
CE 700 600 600 550 350 600
CH 600 500 500 350 350 500
EC 700 600 600 650 650 600
MA 600 500 500 450 400 500
ME 550 450 450 350 300 450
PH 600 500 500 400 400 500
XE 450 350 350 250 250 350
Microelectronics And Vlsi Design CS 950 855 855 636 636 636
EC 750 675 675 510 510 510
EE 950 855 855 640 640 640
IN 950 855 855 636 636 636
Product Design And Engineering AE 750 500 700 450 350 400
AG 850 800 800 550 500 400
AR 750 500 600 500 300 400
BM 750 600 700 500 500 400
BT 750 600 600 400 400 400
CE 750 700 700 600 600 400
CH 750 620 650 600 600 350
CS 650 600 600 500 500 400
EC 600 500 550 500 500 400
EE 650 600 600 500 500 400
ES 500 400 500 400 400 400
GE 700 500 600 400 400 400
IN 650 500 550 500 500 400
MA 700 500 650 400 400 400
ME 900 850 850 650 550 400
MT, XL 700 600 650 500 500 400
NM 800 600 700 500 500 400
PE 600 600 550 500 500 400
PI 800 650 700 500 400 400
ST 800 600 500 400 400 400
TF 800 700 700 500 500 400
XE 850 800 800 600 500 400
XH 500 400 450 400 400 400
Signal Processing CS, GE 600 550 550 400 400 550
EC, EE 670 600 600 450 450 600
IN 950 900 900 900 900 900
PH 600 550 550 400 400 550
Artificial Intelligence CS 815 802 749 591 464 802
EC 604 562 450 404 250 562
EE 696 696 696 471 342 696
CP Computational And Data Science AE 595 570 550 360 350 550
BT 550 440 440 350 300 440
CE 860 850 830 620 600 830
CH 770 750 740 580 300 740
CS 810 800 730 520 400 730
EC 750 700 690 550 500 690
EE 870 840 830 640 400 830
IN 870 760 750 600 550 750
MA 870 690 685 600 500 685
ME 850 840 790 660 500 790
MT 800 790 750 600 500 750
PH 760 730 670 450 400 670
ST 900 850 540 500 450 540
Nanoscience And Engineering AE 800 600 600 300 300 300
BM, BT 800 700 700 400 300 400
CH 800 700 700 400 250 400
CY 700 600 600 400 300 400
EC 600 550 500 450 250 --
EE 800 750 700 400 240 400
IN, XE 650 600 600 400 300 400
ME 700 650 550 450 300 400
MT 750 700 700 400 300 400
PH 600 550 550 350 300 300
PI 900 900 800 400 300 400
XL 700 600 600 400 300 400
Earth Science AE 600 500 500 400 400 500
AR 600 500 500 450 450 450
BT 900 800 800 700 700 700
CE 660 630 650 470 300 --
CH 450 440 440 300 300 300
CS 500 450 450 350 350 --
CY 500 450 450 400 400 --
ES 600 500 500 400 400 --
GE 500 490 490 400 400 --
GG 350 300 300 200 200 --
MA 450 400 300 300 300 300
ME 510 300 500 300 300 --
NM 900 800 800 700 700 700
PH 450 400 400 300 300 --
PI 800 700 700 600 600 600
XE 560 500 500 450 450 --
XL 900 800 800 700 700 700
Smart Manufacturing AE 650 500 600 400 400 400
AG 700 600 600 550 500 400
AR 750 500 600 500 250 400
BM 600 500 500 400 400 400
BT, XL 700 600 600 400 400 400
CE 800 600 700 600 500 400
CH 700 500 550 500 500 350
CS 650 600 600 300 300 400
EC 650 550 600 350 300 400
EE 700 640 640 500 240 400
ES 700 500 650 350 300 400
GE, NM 700 500 600 400 400 400
IN 660 600 600 500 500 400
ME 850 750 770 650 450 400
MT 800 600 650 600 400 400
PE 600 500 550 400 400 400
PI 750 700 700 550 400 400
TF 700 600 600 500 500 400
XE 750 700 700 450 400 400
Quantum Technology AE 600 550 550 450 450 500
AG 600 550 550 500 500 500
AR 600 550 550 500 500 500
BM 700 600 600 500 500 500
BT 700 600 600 500 500 500
CE 650 600 600 450 450 500
CH 600 550 550 450 450 500
CS 700 600 600 450 450 500
CY 600 550 550 450 450 500
EC 650 600 600 450 450 500
EE 700 600 600 450 450 500
ES 700 600 600 500 500 500
IN 700 600 600 450 450 500
MA 700 600 600 450 450 500
ME 750 650 650 450 450 500
MT 700 600 600 500 500 500
PE 700 600 600 500 500 500
PH 600 550 550 450 450 500
PI 700 600 600 500 500 500
ST 700 600 600 450 450 500
TF 700 600 600 500 500 500
XE 700 600 600 450 450 500
XH 700 600 600 500 500 500
Electronic Product Design EC, EE 525 475 475 400 400 400
IN, ME 475 425 425 375 375 375
Bio-Engineering AE 800 700 700 650 650 700
AG 700 600 600 550 550 600
AR, XL 900 800 800 700 700 800
BM 480 440 440 400 400 440
BT 490 440 440 400 400 440
CE, CH, CS 500 440 440 400 400 440
EC, EE, IN 590 440 440 400 400 440
ES 500 450 450 400 400 450
ME 700 440 440 400 400 440
MT 620 450 450 400 400 450
PE 700 600 600 500 500 600
PI 620 450 450 400 400 450
TF 850 750 750 700 700 750
XE 650 590 590 500 500 590
Electronic Product Design EC 525 475 475 400 400 400
Master Of Management All Papers 803 775 753 635 433 720
MSc (Life Sciences) All eligible paper 500 475 475 200 200 --

IIT Delhi GATE Cut off 2022

IIT Delhi GATE Cut off 2022 will be updated here soon. Till then, candidates can check previous year GATE Cut off for IIT Delhi in the article below. 

IIT Kanpur GATE Cut off 2022

M.Tech Program Category Closing Rank
Computer Science Engineering General 237
EWS 55
OBC 155
SC 94
ST 43
Civil Engineering General 6297
EWS 1078
OBC 2582
SC 1380
ST 430
Electrical Engineering General 1368
EWS 287
OBC 696
SC 410
ST 269
Mechanical Engineering General 3155
EWS 592
OBC 1529
SC 914
ST 465
Aerospace Engineering General 4683
EWS 853
OBC 2214
SC 1092
ST 744
Bio Engineering General 7309
EWS 1409
OBC 3262
SC 2071
ST 1213
Chemical Engineering General 4649
OBC 762
SC 2034
ST 1281
Earth Science General 9614
EWS 1714
OBC 4513
SC 2826
ST 1314
Physics General 6383
EWS 1568
OBC 3781
SC 2446
ST 1383
Statistics and Data Science General 1082
EWS 246
OBC 833
SC 588
ST 378
Materials Science and Engineering General 6535
EWS 1226
OBC 3003
SC 1881
ST 1083
Mathematics and Scientific Computing General 1143
EWS 212
OBC 681
SC 646
ST 325

IIT Madras GATE Cutoff

  • GATE cutoff for IIT Madras will have the closing rank for each candidate group. It must be noted that the IIT Madras GATE cutoff for each category and course will be different.
  • To determine GATE cutoff for IIT Madras, the authorities will consider various factors related to the entrance test and the college such as the level of difficulty of the test, trends in cutoffs from the previous year, and more.

IIT Madras GATE Cut off 2021

Program/Department Specialization GATE Disciplines GEN OBC SC ST EWS GEN (Pwd)
Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering (CS1Y) AE, AG, AR, AU, BI, BM, BT, CE, CH CR, CS, EC, EE, EN, EP, ES, IE, IN, IT, ME, MF, ML, MM, MR, NA, PE PI, PR, ZE, CY, GG, MA, MC, MP MS, NT, OR, PH, ST, ZL, ZS 816 723 596 430 761 366
Electrical Engineering Communication and Signal Processing (EE1Y) EC, EE, EP, IN, ZE 731 631 512 321 693 436
Power Systems and Power Electronics (EE2Y) EC, EE, EN, EP, IN, ZE 827 763 600 509 771 471
Microelectronics and VLSI Design (EE3Y) EC,EE,EP,IN,ZE 860 769 612 421 803 688
Electronic System Design and Instrumentation (EE4Y) BM,EC,EE,EP,IN,ZE 788 732 645 483 739 --
RF and Photonics (EE5Y) PH,EP 651 408 -- -- -- --
EC,EE,IN,ZE 743 709 566 377 -- --
Integrated Circuits and Systems (EE6Y) EE,EC,EP,IN,ZE 880 822 707 560 864 336
Mechanical Engineering Thermal Engineering (ME1Y) ME, AE, CH 813 743 542 440 775 443
Thermal Engineering (ME1Y*) AU,EN,MR,PE,ZE,ZS -- -- 570 -- -- --
Mechanical Design (ME2Y) ME, AE, AU 857 799 648 564 823 380
Manufacturing Engineering (ME3Y) ME,IN,MF,ML,PI,PR 751 697 491 444 724 432
Manufacturing Engineering (ME3Y*) AE,AU,EC,EE,IE,ZE 755 747 -- -- -- --
Civil Engineering Building Technology and Construction Management (CE1Y) CE 789 729 551 508 716 400
AR 840 735 -- -- -- 568
Environmental Engineering (CE2Y) CE 737 644 469 424 648 --
Environmental Engineering (CE2Y*) AG,BT,CH,ES,ME,ZE 747 663 -- -- -- --
Geotechnical Engineering (CE3Y) CE 741 687 477 526 678 --
Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering (CE4Y) CE 718 619 432 483 641 --
Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering(CE4Y*) AG 748 698 705 -- -- --
Structural Engineering (CE5Y) CE 813 747 655 540 754 --
Transportation Engineering (CE6Y) CE 772 704 522 513 666 389
Transportation Engineering (CE6Y*) AR, ZE 791 717 -- -- -- --
Aerospace Engineering Aerospace Engineering (AE1Y) AE 757 662 572 450 690 590
Aerospace Engineering (AE1Y*) ME 819 741 604 413 -- --
AU, CE, CH, EN, MF, MM, NA, PR 779 -- -- -- -- --
Applied Mechanics Computational and Experimental Mechanics (AM1Y) AE, AU, CE, CH, ME, MM, NA, PR, ZE 751 694 453 410 727 536
Biomedical Engineering (AM2Y) BM 752 417 -- -- 591 --
Biomedical Engineering (AM2Y*) IN 730 459 -- -- -- --
AE, CE, CH, CS, EC, EE, ME, MM, ZE 821 -- 506 354 -- --
Biotechnology Bioprocess Engineering (BT1Y) AE, AG, AR, AU, BI, BM, BT, CE, CH, CR, CS, EC, EE, EN, EP, ES, IE, IN, IT, ME, MF, ML, MM, MR, NA, PE, PI, PR, 717 624 433 350 569 --
Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering (CH1Y) BI,CH,ES,ZE,ZS 661 569 446 406 593 536
BI,CE,CH,ES,ZE,ZS 703 656 423 -- -- --
Mathematics Industrial Mathematics and Scientific Computing (MA1Y) MA 657 526 289 332 550 --
Industrial Mathematics and Scientific Computing (MA1Y*) PH 645 633 457 -- -- --
AE, CE, CH, CS, EC, EE, ME, MM, NA 848 824 576 610 844 483
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (MM1Y) MM 582 367 309 284 338 387
BT, CH, CR, CY, ME, MF, MS, NT, PH, PR, ZE, ZS 772 674 519 -- 761 --
Ocean Engineering Ocean Structures (OE1Y) CE, NA 598 524 382 353 468 --
Ocean Technology (OE2Y) CE, ME, NA 673 659 480 332 669 --
Petroleum Engineering (PE1Y) AE, AG, AR, AU, BI, BM, BT, CE, CH, CR, CS, EC, EE, EN, EP, ES, IE, IN, IT, ME, MF, ML, MM, MR, NA, PE, PI, PR, ZE, CY, GG, MA, MC, MP, MS, NT, OR, PH, ST, ZL, ZS 827 696 649 475 680 --
Physics Functional Materials and Nanotechnology (PH1Y) PH 530 411 203 293 445 --
Functional Materials and Nanotechnology (PH1Y*) EP, NT 700 414 437 -- -- --
CY, EE, MM, MS, ZE 778 -- -- 434 -- --
Interdisciplinary Program Catalysis Technology (CA1Y) CY, EE, MM, MS, ZE 637 515 369 280 487 --
CY, ZS 438 405 261 -- -- --
Clinical Engineering (CL1Y) AE, AG, AR, AU, BI, BM, BT, CE, CH, CR, CS, EC, EE, EN, EP, ES, IE, IN, IT, ME, MF, ML, MM, MR, NA, PE, PI, PR, ZE 654 614 463 321 630 --

IIT Madras GATE Cut off 2020

M.Tech Program

Eligible Discipline Codes General OBC SC ST Gen-PwD
Computer Science and Engineering CY, GG, MA, MC, MP, MS, NT, AE, AG, AR, AU, BI, BM, BT, CE, CH,CR, CS, EC, EE, EN, EP, EV, IE, IN, IT, ME, MF, ML, MM, MR, NA, PE, PI, PR, ZE, OR, PH, ST, ZL, ZS 799 658 537 345 266
Communication and Signal Processing ZE, EC, EE, EP, IN 740 691 593 308 597
Power Systems and Power Electronics EE, EN, EP, IN, ZE, EC 771 719 549 490 264
Microelectronics and VLSI Design EC, EE, EP, IN, ZE 838 717 606 423 727
Control and Instrumentation IN 788 700 523 398 339
EP, BM, EC, EE, ZE 779 706 550 - -
Microelectronics and Photonics PH, EP 429 - 213 - -
IN, EC, EE, ZE 736 678 600 472 -
EE, EC, EP, IN, ZE 773 693 554 404 566
Industrial Mathematics and Scientific Computing MA 396 318 315 - -
PH 712 340 - - -
NA, AE, CE, CH, CS, EC, EE, ME, MM 858 - 676 387 -
Thermal Engineering ME 777 739 569 419 476
ZS, AE, AU, CH, EN, MR, PE, ZE - - - - -
Design (Mechanical Engineering) ME 835 803 558 458 402
ZE AE, AU, ZS - - - - -
Manufacturing Engineering ME 772 747 576 437 -
ZE, PR, AE, AU, CS, EC, EE, IE, IN, MF, ML, NA, Pl 805 796 638 529 257
Building Technology and Construction Management CE 754 723 - 527 321
AR 734 606 - - -
ZE - 294 - - -
Environmental Engineering CE 730 643 603 448 -
ZE, AG, BT, CH, EV, ME 814 676 - - -
Geotechnical Engineering CE 768 651 499 397 -
ZE - - - - -
Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering CE 700 666 478 362 -
AG 630 517 - - -
ZE, EV, ME - - - 500 -
Structural Engineering CE 730 - 507 454 282
ZE - - - - -
Transportation Engineering CE 714 637 475 382 -
ZE, AR 835 - - - -
Aerospace Engineering AE 641 614 438 493 -
ME 768 750 412 - -
PR, NA, MM, MF, AU,CH,EN, CE 681 644 - - -
ZS, EC, ZE, CS, EE, IN - - 634 - -
Engineering Mechanics (Fluid Mechanics/ Solid Mechanics) NA, MM, AE, ZE, AU, CE, CH, ME 766 743 572 405 -
Biomedical Engineering BM 357 - - - -
IN 748 - 424 - -
MM, AE, ZE, ME, CE, CH, CS, EC, EE 760 656 - - -
Catalysis Technology ZE, CH 577 508 362 246 -
ZS, CY 381 - - - -
Chemical Engineering ZE, ZS, BI, CH, EV 582 573 384 242 -
Clinical Engineering NA, PE, ZE, MR, AE, AG, AR, AU, BI, BM, BT, CE, CH, CR, CS, EC, EE, EN, EP, EV, IE, IN, IT, ME, MF, ML, MM, PI, PR 649 502 409 197 -
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering MM 526 423 249 206 -
MF, MS, NT, BT, CH, CR, CY, ME, PH, PR, ZE, ZS 772 739 514 402 -
Ocean Engineering CE, ME, MR, ZE, AE, NA 655 560 427 268 -
Ocean Technology ME, MR, NA, AE, CE, ZE 677 572 392 294 -
AE, AG, AR, AU, BI, BM, BT, CE, CH, CR, CS, EC, EE, EN, EP, EV, IE, IN, IT, ME, MF, ML, MM, MR, NA, PE, PI, PR, ZE, CY, GG, MA, MC, MP, MS, NT, OR, PH, ST, ZL, ZS 677 589 267 56 -
Functional Materials and Nanotechnology PH 349 301 236 316 -
NT, EP 197 - - - -
ZE, CY, EE, MM, MS 659 603 325 - -

IIT Kharagpur GATE Cutoff

  • Candidates who score equal to or greater than GATE 2023 cutoff will be eligible for admissions to IIT Kharagpur M.Tech courses.
  • Taking into consideration various factors such as the total number of seats, the difficulty level of the GATE 2023 exam, the total number of registrations, and other important things, the authorities will determine GATE 2023 cutoff for IIT Kharagpur.

IIT Kharagpur GATE Cut off 2021

Specialization Course Code GEN EWS OBC SC ST
Computer Science and Engineering CS 776 731 682 550 412
Microelectronics and VLSI Design EC2 803 731 718 550 383
RF and Microwave Engineering EC3 681 655 612 412 317
Telecommunication Systems Engg. EC4 698 665 631 436 300
Visual Information and Embedded Systems Engineering EC5 731 712 655 446 361
Machine Drives and Power Electronics EE1 763 751 710 555 498
Control System Engineering EE2 744 732 702 608 490
Power and Energy Systems EE3 736 721 687 515 403
Instrumentation and Signal Processing EE4 748 732 691 577 366
Hydraulic and Water Resources Engg. CE1 690 609 637 488 363
Transportation Engineering CE2 723 705 670 551 472
Environmental Engg. and Management CE3 702 648 669 545 400
Geotechnical Engineering CE4 704 677 662 529 425
Structural Engineering CE5 767 694 704 570 520
Manufacturing Science and Engg. ME1 751 743 709 484 438
Thermal Science and Engineering ME2 768 753 720 478 413
Mechanical Systems Design ME3 779 758 739 515 430
Aerospace Engineering AE 644 617 581 310 296
Farm Machinery and Power AG1 555 505 462 393 219
Land and Water Resources Engineering AG2 549 481 425 337 425
Food Process Engineering AG3 617 475 475 406 344
Agricultural Biotechnology AG4 624 428 448 355 296
Aquaculture Engineering AG5 412 387 307 195 --
Agricultural Systems and Management AG6 437 387 325 225 195
City Planning AR 741 562 562 469 315
Embedded Controls and Software AT 765 739 702 535 383
Biotechnology and Biochemical Engg. BT 656 605 512 433 350
Chemical Engineering CH 560 430 454 272 219
Earth System Science and Technology CL 631 577 575 400 228
Cryogenic Engineering CR 727 670 676 467 303
Energy Science and Engineering ES 744 723 683 481 418
Exploration Geosciences GG1 528 346 364 428 199
Wireless Communications and Networks GS 688 669 617 417 381
Infrastructure Design and management ID 704 633 611 472 454
Industrial Engineering & Management IM 823 820 782 559 444
Computer Science and Data Processing MA 689 544 538 435 356
Geomechanics for Mineral and Energy Resources MN1 564 -- 499 434 290
Safety, Health and Environment MN2 577 -- 494 452 294
Materials Science and Engineering MS 463 396 329 223 215
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering MT 440 401 343 123 230
Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture OE 679 636 662 511 321
Functional Materials and Devices PH1 475 335 360 257 --
Qualify and Reliability Engineering RE 751 727 710 494 323
Rubber Technology RT 593 350 435 231 277
Biomedical Engineering SM 643 612 544 398 196
MedicaI imaging and Informatics SM1 526 404 413 250 196
Water Engineering and Management WM 456 419 381 319 263

IIT Kharagpur GATE Cut off 2020

Specialization Code GEN OBC SC ST
Aerospace Engineering AE 565 526 252 268
Farm Machinery and Power AG1 678 523 332 333
Land and Water Resources Engineering AG2 624 427 220 356
Food Process Engineering AG3 564 398 291 350
Agricultural Biotechnology AG4 652 551 378 361
Aquaculture Engineering AG5 398 339 214 244
Agricultural Systems and Management AG6 416 345 202 232
City Planning AR 657 517 406 241
Embedded Controls and Software AT 767.9 719.8 555.8 385.4
Biotechnology and Biochemical Engg. BT 661 573 471 286
Hydraulic and Water Resources Engg. CE1 723 651 499 386
Transportation Engineering CE2 748 675 540 469
Environmental Engg. and Management CE3 730 658 482 461
Geotechnical Engineering CE4 749 666 578 489
Structural Engineering CE5 795 689 582 525
Chemical Engineering CH 582 517 345 335
Earth System Science and Technology CL 671 620 458 331
Cryogenic Engineering CR 768.9 686.6 544.9 366.2
Computer Science and Engineering CS 791 681 590 418
Microelectronics and VLSI Design EC2 785 726 475 291
RF and Microwave Engineering EC3 727 630 446 289
Telecommunication Systems Engg. EC4 733 645 463 308
Visual Information and Embedded Systems Engineering EC5 737 660 463 299
Machine Drives and Power Electronics EE1 776.8 593.4 405.9 399.5
Control System Engineering EE2 763.8 636.7 506.8 366.7
Power and Energy Systems EE3 746.5 591.9 407.9 426.8
Instrumentation and Signal Processing EE4 776.4 700.8 416.1 373.7
Renewable Energy Technologies ES 781 750 558 493
-- ET 774 677 549 423
Exploration Geosciences GG1 481 396 232 232
Wireless Communications and Networks GS 801.3 719.6 627.2 523.4
Infrastructure Design and Management ID 716 649 506 620
Industrial Engineering and Management IM 803 754 597 480
Computer Science and Data Processing MA 428 357 247 372
Manufacturing Science and Engineering ME1 804 761 602 490
Thermal and Fluids Engineering ME2 810 768 603 508
Mechanical Systems Design ME3 814 779 626 482
MN 606.2 518.1 401.9 491.2
Materials Science and Engineering MS 432 340 264 -
Metal and Materials Engg. MT 470 392 252 191
Ocean Engineering OE 772 736 511 355
Functional Materials and Devices PH1 448 316 255 316
Qualify and Reliability Engineering RE 769 729 525 436
-- RR 738 661 545 -
Rubber Technology RT 692.6 604.8 455.3 -
Biomedical Engineering SM 648.9 556.1 631.1 417.5
Water Engineering and Management WM 517 410 208 249

IIT Delhi GATE Cutoff

  • GATE's cutoff for IIT Delhi is prepared by the Institute's admissions committee, taking into account many factors such as exam difficulty level, category, and cutoff trends from the previous year.
  • Students must note that IIT Delhi GATE cutoff is different each year but students can get an idea of admission possibilities based on cutoff patterns and plan accordingly.

IIT Delhi GATE Cut off 2021

M.Tech. Program Code GATE Paper GEN EWS OBC SC ST PH
Computer Sc. & Engg. MCS CS/IT 800 800 720 550 550 550
Communications Engg. EEE EC 731 731 655 498 460 500
EE 819 816 800 770 720 600
Computer Technology EET IT/CS/EC/EE Other 740 735 666 485 385 340
Construction Engg. & Mgmt. CET CE 600 600 600 350 350 350
Environmental Engg. & Mgmt. CEV CE 600 600 600 350 350 350
Rock Engg. & Underground Structure CEU CE 600 600 600 350 350 350
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engg. CEG CE 600 600 600 350 350 350
Structural Engineering CES CE 600 600 600 350 350 350
Water Resources Engg. CEW CE 600 600 600 350 350 350
Transportation Engg. CEP CE 600 600 600 350 350 350
Control & Automation EEA EE/EC/ Others 800 800 780 635 560 560
Integrated Electronics & Circuits EEN EC 900 860 850 640 600 500
EE 920 870 870 640 600 500
IN 860 830 830 590 590 500
PH 450 440 440 380 350 350
Power Electronics, Electrical Machines & Drives EEP EE 760 755 750 640 585 350
Other 900 880 850 700 650 350
Power Systems EES EE 750 720 680 600 600 600
Others 950 950 950 920 920 800
Mechanical Design MEM ME 725 725 675 525 375 375
Industrial Engineering MEE ME 725 725 675 525 375 375
Production Engineering MEP ME 725 725 675 525 375 375
Thermal Engineering MET ME 725 725 675 525 375 375
Material Sci. & Engg. MSM Meta. Engg 425 425 425 350 350 350
Mech. Engg 675 675 675 600 600 600
Engineering Analysis and Design AMA All 700 700 650 450 450 450
Biomedical Engineering BMT M.Sc. Biotech 650 650 617 585 585 585
B.E./B.Tech Biotech/Other 650 650 617 585 585 585
Radio Frequency Design & Technology CRF ECE 727 727 655 449 300 300
Atmospheric-Oceanic Science Technology AST AG/AE/CE/CH/ES/ME/MN /PI/XE 700 675 675 450 450 450
XE with paper H 350 325 325 275 275 275
Other Engg. 700 675 675 450 450 450
CY/PH/MA/GG/ST 400 350 350 275 275 275
Molecular Engg; Chemical Synthesis and Analysis CYM CY 425 425 382 339 339 339
Chemical Engineering CHE Direct Admission 600 600 550 450 375 375
Applied Optics PHA PH 400 400 360 270 270 270
EE/EC 700 700 630 455 455 455
Solid State Materials PHM PH 400 400 360 270 270 270
EE/EC 700 700 630 455 455 455
Textile Engineering TTE BE/B.Tech. 690 690 621 460 460 460
Fibre Science & Tech. TTF BE/B.Tech. 650 650 585 433 433 433
Textile Chemical Processing TTC BE/B.Tech. 650 650 585 433 433 433
Energy Studies JES BE/B.Tech./M.Sc 600 600 600 300 300 300
Energy & Environment Technologies and Mngt ESN BE/B.Tech./M.Sc. 600 600 600 300 300 300
Instrument Technology JID EE/TCE/Control 675 620 620 450 450 450
ME 620 570 570 425 425 425
PH 450 425 425 400 400 400
Optoelectronics & Optical Communication JOP EE/EC 715 695 650 490 490 440
PH 400 400 360 270 270 270
Polymer Science & Tech. MSP CY/PH/Polymer 350 350 350 280 280 280
TF 600 600 600 480 480 480
MSE 425 425 425 340 340 340
CH 550 550 550 440 440 440
ME 675 675 675 540 540 540
Telecom. Tech & Mgmt. JTM (All) 670 670 630 490 320 310
Cyber Security JCS EE/EC/MA/CS 700 700 650 550 500 500
VLSI Tool Design & Technology JVL EC 830 830 830 730 730 730
EE 830 830 830 730 730 730
CS 700 700 700 600 600 600
IN 930 930 930 800 830 830
Others 930 930 930 800 800 800
Electric Mobility CTE ME 730 730 675 525 525 525
EE 700 700 650 525 525 525
Industrial Design (M.Des.) DDS* B.Des./B.Arch./B.Plan./B.E ./B. Tech./B.F.A. or B.V.A. of Four years duration 48 31 39 38 31 24

IIT Delhi GATE Cut off 2020

M.Tech. Program Code GATE Paper GEN EWS OBC SC ST PH
Computer Sc. & Engg. MCS CS/IT 800 800 720 550 550 550
Communications Engg. EEE EC 750 730 700 650 600 500
EE 860 860 840 770 725 600
Computer Technology EET IT/CS/EC/EE Other 740 730 670 485 390 340
Control & Automation EEA EE/EC/ Others 780 750 750 588 500 500
Integrated Electronics & Circuits EEN EC 900 860 850 640 600 500
EE 920 870 870 640 600 500
IN 860 830 830 590 590 500
PH 450 440 440 380 350 350
Power Electronics, Electrical Machines & Drives EEP EE 760 760 755 640 585 350
Other 900 - - - - -
Power Systems EES EE 788 728 711 605 613 600
Others 910 880 850 820 800 800
Mechanical Design MEM ME 725 725 675 525 375 375
Industrial Engineering MEE ME 725 725 675 525 375 375
Production Engineering MEP ME 725 725 675 525 375 375
Thermal Engineering MET ME 725 725 675 525 375 375
Construction Engg. & Mgmt. CET CE 500 500 500 400 400 400
Environmental Engg. & Mgmt. CEV CE 500 500 500 400 400 400
Rock Engg. & Underground Structure CEU CE 500 500 500 400 400 400
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engg. CEG CE 500 500 500 400 400 400
Structural Engineering CES CE 500 500 500 400 400 400
Water Resources Engg. CEW CE 500 500 500 400 400 400
Transportation Engg. CEP CE 500 500 500 400 400 400
Engineering Analysis and Design AMA All 700 700 650 450 450 450
Biomedical Engineering BMT M.Sc. Biotech 650 650 617 585 585 585
B.E./B.Tech Biotech/Other 650 650 617 585 585 585
Radio Frequency Design & Technology CRF ECE 730 715 660 440 350 345
Atmospheric-Oceanic Science and Technology AST CE/CH 700 675 675 450 450 450
ME/PI/AE 750 725 725 450 450 450
AG 800 775 775 450 450 450
XE 450 425 425 275 275 275
PH, CY, MT, GG 425 400 400 275 275 275
Molecular Engg; Chemical Synthesis and Analysis CYM CY 400 400 360 320 320 320
Chemical Engineering CHE Direct Admission 660 660 627 525 445 445
Material Sci. & Engg. MSM Meta. Engg 550 550 550 475 475 475
Mech. Engg 745 745 745 670 670 670
Chem. Engg 425 425 425 350 350 350
Applied Optics PHA PH 350 350 315 235 235 235
EE/EC 700 700 630 455 455 455
Solid State Materials PHM PH 350 350 315 235 235 235
EE/EC 700 700 630 455 455 455
Textile Engineering TTE Text. Engg. 700 700 630 467 467 467
Other than Text. 750 750 675 500 500 500
Fibre Science & Tech. TTF BE/B.Tech. (Textile) 650 650 585 433 433 433
BE/B.Tech. (Non- Textile)/M.Sc. 750 750 675 500 500 500
Textile Chemical Processing TTC Text. Engg. 650 650 585 433 433 433
Other than Text. 750 750 675 500 500 500
Energy Studies JES BE/B.Tech./M.Sc 400 400 400 300 300 300
Energy & Environment Technologies and Management ESN BE/B.Tech./ M.Sc. 400 400 400 300 300 300
Industrial Tribology & Maintenance Engg. JIT Test/Interview 740 740 715 600 600 600
Instrument Technology JID EE/TCE/ Control 675 620 620 450 450 450
ME 620 570 570 425 425 425
PH 450 425 425 400 400 400
Optoelectronics & Optical Communication JOP EE/EC 740 740 670 500 500 500
PH 350 - 315 235 235 235
Polymer Science & Tech. JPT CY 350 350 350 280 280 280
TF, Polymer 500 500 500 400 400 400
CH, Petro 575 575 575 460 460 460
Telecom. Tech & Mgmt. JTM (All) 790 780 770 590 525 500
VLSI Tool Design & Technology JVL EC 900 900 900 850 850 850
EE 940 940 940 890 890 890
CS 800 800 800 700 700 700
IN 940 940 940 890 890 890
Others 940 940 940 890 890 890
Industrial Design (M.Des.) DDS* B.Des./B.Arch./ B.Plan./B.E./B. Tech./B.F.A. or B.V.A. of Four years duration 45 38 40 38 30 30

IIT Bombay GATE Cutoff

  • GATE cutoff for IIT Bombay is the minimum score that candidates are expected to obtain for a better probability of admission into the institute.
  • When issued by authorities, the candidates will be able to check the cutoff through online mode. All admissions to IIT Bombay are based on the GATE scores.
  • GATE cutoff for IIT Bombay will be different, depending on the applicant group and the courses that have been applied for.
  • Different factors relating to the examination such as the level of difficulty, the cutoff trends of previous years, and more will be taken into account by the authorities during the preparation of the GATE cutoff for IIT Bombay.

IIT Bombay GATE Cut off 2021

Program Name Specialization Disciplines Cut Off (GN/EWS) Cut Off (OBC-NC) Cut Off (SC/ST)
M.Tech Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering CS 750 675 500
M.S. by Research in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering CS 700 630 467
M.Tech Electrical Engineering Communication Engineering EE,CS,EC 510 459 340
Control & Computing EE,CS,EC,IN 510 459 340
Power Electronics & Power Systems EE,EC,IN 510 459 340
Electronic Systems EE,EC,IN,BM,CS 510 459 340
Integrated Circuit & Systems CS,EC,EE,IN 510 459 340
Solid State Devices CS,EC,EE,IN,PH,MT 510 459 340
M.Tech Mechanical Engineering Thermal & Fluids Engineering CH,AU,AE,ME 600 540 400
Design Engineering AU,AE,PI,MC,ME 600 540 400
Manufacturing Engineering PI,MC,ME 600 540 400
M.Tech Civil Engineering Transportation Systems Engineering CE 700 630 467
Geotechnical Engineering CE 650 585 433
Water Resources Engineering CE 600 540 400
Structural Engineering CE 675 608 450
Ocean Engineering CE,ME,XE 600 540 400
Remote Sensing CE,XE 600 540 400
Construction Technology and Management CE 650 585 433
M.Tech Aerospace Engineering Aerodynamics AE 500 450 333
CE 600 540 400
ME 650 585 433
Dynamics and Control AE 500 450 333
ME 650 585 433
EC 700 630 467
EE 700 630 467
IN 700 630 467
Aerospace Propulsion AE 500 450 333
ME 650 585 433
Aerospace Structure AE 500 450 333
ME 650 585 433
CE 600 540 400
M.Tech Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering PY 400 360 267
CY 400 360 267
ZE 400 360 267
MS 400 360 267
IN 400 360 267
EE 400 360 267
BM 400 360 267
CS 400 360 267
PH 400 360 267
ME 400 360 267
ZS 400 360 267
ER 400 360 267
EC 400 360 267
MG 400 360 267
CG 400 360 267
MT 400 360 267
PS 400 360 267
BY 400 360 267
MA 400 360 267
CH 400 360 267
BP 400 360 267
BT 400 360 267
EP 400 360 267
M.Tech Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering CH 550 495 367
M.Tech Earth Sciences Geoexploration GG 325 293 217
Petroleum Geoscience GG 325 293 217
M.Tech Energy Science and Engineering Energy Systems and Engineering EE 510 459 340
ME 600 540 400
CH 500 450 333
Others 500 450 333
M.Tech Environmental Science & Engineering Environmental Science & Engineering AE 650 585 433
AG 550 495 367
BT 500 450 333
BY 500 450 333
CE 500 450 333
CH 500 450 333
CY 500 450 333
EV 500 450 333
EM 500 450 333
EN 550 495 367
MB 500 450 333
ME 700 630 467
MN 600 540 400
MT 600 540 400
PH 600 540 400
AT 600 540 400
ES 600 540 400
ET 600 540 400
MO 600 540 400
M.Tech Geoinformatics & Natural Resources Engineering Geoinformatics & Natural Resources Engineering) AG 400 360 267
CE,AR 400 360 267
MN,GG 350 315 233
XE 400 360 267
CS 500 450 333
EC,EE 500 450 333
MA,PH,ST 350 315 233
M.Tech Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Industrial Engineering and Operations Research EC,EE,CS,MA,IN,ST 650 585 433
ME,CH,CE 650 585 433
PI 650 585 433
AE,AG,BM,BT,ES,MN, MT,PE,PH,TF,XE, XH-C1 650 585 433
M.Tech Metallurgical Engineering & Materials Science Material Science CH 500 450 333
CY 450 405 300
EE 500 450 333
ME 600 540 400
MT 450 405 300
PH 450 405 300
XE 450 405 300
Process Engineering CH 500 450 333
ME 600 540 400
MT 450 405 300
XE 450 405 300
Steel Technology CH 500 450 333
ME 600 540 400
MT 450 405 300
Corrosion Science & Engineering AE 500 450 333
CE 500 450 333
CH 500 450 333
CY 450 405 300
EE 500 450 333
ME 600 540 400
MT 450 405 300
XE 450 405 300
M.Tech Materials, Manufacturing and Modeling Materials, Manufacturing and Modeling MT 400 360 267
PI 400 360 267
ME 600 540 400
M.Tech Systems & Control Engineering Systems & Control Engineering CH 650 585 433
AE 650 585 433
EE 650 585 433
ME 650 585 433
EC 650 585 433
IN 650 585 433
CS 650 585 433
M.Tech Technology and Development Technology and Development All eligible GATE discipline 400 360 267
M.Tech Educational Technology Educational Technology All eligible GATE discipline 600 540 400
M.Tech Urban Systems Urban Systems All eligible GATE discipline 600 540 400

IIT Bombay GATE Cut off 2020

Program Name Specialization Disciplines Cut Off (GN/EWS) Cut Off (OBC-NC) Cut Off (SC/ST)
M.Tech Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering CS 750 675 500
M.S. by Research in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering CS 700 630 467
M.Tech Electrical Engineering Communication Engineering EE,CS,EC 510 459 340
Control & Computing EE,CS,EC,IN 510 459 340
Power Electronics & Power Systems EE,EC,IN 510 459 340
Electronic Systems EE,EC,IN,CS,BM 510 459 340
Integrated Circuit & Systems CS,EC,EE,IN 510 459 340
Solid State Devices CS,EC,EE,IN,PH,MT 510 459 340
M.Tech Civil Engineering Transportation Systems Engineering CE 700 630 467
Geotechnical Engineering CE 650 585 433
Water Resources Engineering CE 600 540 400
Structural Engineering CE 675 608 450
Ocean Engineering CE,ME,XE 600 540 400
Remote Sensing CE,XE 600 540 400
Construction Technology and Management CE 650 585 433
M.Tech Mechanical Engineering Thermal & Fluids Engineering CH,AU,AE,ME 600 540 400
Design Engineering AU,AE,PI,MC,ME 600 540 400
Manufacturing Engineering PI,MC,ME 600 540 400
M.Tech Aerospace Engineering Aerodynamics AE 500 450 333
CE 600 540 400
ME 650 585 433
Dynamics and Control AE 500 450 333
ME 650 585 433
EC 700 630 467
EE 700 630 467
IN 700 630 467
Aerospace Propulsion AE 500 450 333
ME 650 585 433
Aerospace Structure AE 500 450 333
ME 650 585 433
CE 600 540 400
M.Tech Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering PY 400 360 267
CY 400 360 267
ZE 400 360 267
MS 400 360 267
IN 400 360 267
EE 400 360 267
BM 400 360 267
CS 400 360 267
PH 400 360 267
ME 400 360 267
ZS 400 360 267
ER 400 360 267
EC 400 360 267
MG 400 360 267
CG 400 360 267
MT 400 360 267
PS 400 360 267
BY 400 360 267
MA 400 360 267
CH 400 360 267
BP 400 360 267
BT 400 360 267
EP 400 360 267
M.Tech Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering CH 550 495 367
M.Tech Earth Sciences Geoexploration GG 325 292 214
Petroleum Geoscience GG 325 292 214
M.Tech Energy Science and Engineering Energy Systems and Engineering EE 510 459 340
ME 600 540 400
CH 500 450 333
Others 500 450 333
M.Tech Environmental Science & Engineering Environmental Science & Engineering AE 650 585 433
AG 550 495 367
BT 500 450 333
BY 500 450 333
CE 500 450 333
CH 500 450 333
CY 500 450 333
EV 500 450 333
EM 500 450 333
EN 550 495 367
MB 500 450 333
ME 700 630 467
MN 600 540 400
MT 600 540 400
PH 600 540 400
M.Tech Geoinformatics & Natural Resources Engineering Geoinformatics & Natural Resources Engineering) AG 400 360 267
CE,AR 400 360 267
MN,GG 350 315 233
XE 400 360 267
CS 500 450 333
EC,EE 500 450 333
MA,PH 350 315 233
M.Tech Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Industrial Engineering and Operations Research EC,EE,CS,MA 650 585 433
ME,CH,CE 650 585 433
PI 650 585 433
All Others 650 585 433
M.Tech Metallurgical Engineering & Materials Science Material Science CH 500 450 333
CY 450 405 300
EE 500 450 333
ME 600 540 400
MT 450 405 300
PH 450 405 300
XE 450 405 300
Process Engineering CH 500 450 333
ME 600 540 400
MT 450 405 300
XE 450 405 300
Steel Technology CH 500 450 333
ME 600 540 400
MT 450 405 300
Corrosion Science & Engineering AE 500 450 333
CE 500 450 333
CH 500 450 333
CY 450 405 300
EE 500 450 333
ME 600 540 400
MT 450 405 300
XE 450 405 300
M.Tech Materials, Manufacturing and Modeling Materials, Manufacturing and Modeling MT 400 360 267
PI 400 360 267
ME 600 540 400
M.Tech Systems & Control Engineering Systems & Control Engineering CH 650 585 433
AE 650 585 433
EE 650 585 433
ME 650 585 433
EC 650 585 433
IN 650 585 433
CS 650 585 433
M.Tech Technology and Development Technology and Development All eligible GATE discipline 380 342 253
M.Tech Educational Technology Educational Technology All eligible GATE discipline 600 540 400

IIT Kanpur GATE Cut off

  • GATE cutoff for IIT Kanpur is the minimum qualification marks that candidates need to secure for admission to the institute's M.Tech courses.
  • Authorities will announce the GATE cutoff for IIT Kanpur admission after evaluating various factors such as the number of applicants and the exam difficulty level.
  • The authorities will release separate cutoffs for the various courses.
  • Candidates with marks higher than the cutoff given will be eligible for admission to the institute.

IIT Kanpur GATE Cut off 2020

Department M. Tech Programme GEN OBC SC ST
Computer Science. & Engineering Computer Science 732 665 567 443
Civil Engineering Hydraulics & Water Resources 681 638 500 399
Structural Engineering 696 644 548 -
Infrastructure & Engineering Management 714 634 557 410
Electrical 784 713 622 441
Geo-informatics 627 518 411 -
Transportation 704 689 578 344
Geo-Technical 725 678 555 -
Electrical Engineering Microelectronics, VLSI & Display Technology 817 777 691 -
Power Engineering 773 697 535 -
Signal Processing Communication & Networks 732 628 416 -
RF, Microwaves & Photonics 722 620 397 -
Control & Automation 783 726 567 547
Photonics 690 607 - 463
Mechanical Engineering Solid Mechanics & Design(SMD) 822 769 562 463
Fluid Mechanics & Thermal Sciences(FTS) 810 745 596 479
Manufacturing Science(MFS) 808 738 561 471
Aerospace Engineering Aerospace 465 410 342 414
Mechanical Engineering. background 737 670 511 -
ETC/EE/IN background 704 651 480 -
Civil Engineering. background 725 - 500 -
Biological Sciences & Bioengineering Biological Sciences & Bioengineering 579 579 539 -
Chemical Engineering Chemical 562 461 444 335
Materials Science Mechanical Engineering background 631 635 - . -
Electrical Engineering background 644 687 415 -
Physics background 414 - - -
Chemical Engineering Background 444 475 - -
Engineering science 578 629 - -
Instrumentation Engineering background 547 - - -
Materials Science & Engineering Metallurgical Engineering, background 544 489 377 -
Engineering Science background 603 547 - -
Mechanical Engineering, background 787 725 524 -
Physics background 578 - 475 -
Electrical Engineering. 691 667 - -
Chemical Engineering. 610 579 - -
Chemistry 649 - - -
Electronics & Communications. 652 608 - -
Production & Industrial - 850 - -
Biotechnology 562 - - -
Nuclear Engineering. & Tech. Nuclear Engineering. & Tech. 715 632 434 -
Photonics Sc. & Engineering, (earlier known as Laser Tech. Programme) Photonics Sc. & Engineering. 414 439 420 -
Earth Sciences Geology background 354 395 300 -
Civil Engineering background 489 482 500 -
Industrial & Management Engineering Industrial & Management Engineering 683 611 392 428

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques: What is the minimum GATE score required for admission to IIT?

Ans. On average, the GATE cutoff for IITs is 650-700. It can even be more for some institutes. You will have to get a score equal to or above the cutoff score to be eligible for admission into IITs. Out of 100 marks in GATE, you will have to score a minimum of 55-60 marks to cross the cutoff scores.

Ques: What happens if you clear GATE 2023 cutoff?

Ans. If you clear GATE cutoff, you are most likely to avail of admissions to top M. Tech colleges in the country. However, clearing GATE cutoff does not guarantee you a seat in these institutes. Depending on the number of seats available in each institute, you might or might not get admission.

Ques: How is GATE cutoff for M. tech colleges calculated?

Ans. The GATE score is used to determine the cutoff for various M. Tech colleges in India. The authorities take into consideration the elements of examination difficulty level and trends in the previous years’ cutoffs to determine the cutoff score for each paper and category. GATE scores are shown out of 1000.

Ques: Is GATE compulsory for admission to M.Tech Colleges in India?

Ans. Qualifying in GATE will give you the opportunity to study in top M.Tech colleges like the IITs and NITs. However, GATE is not compulsory for admission to M.Tech courses in India. Even if you do not qualify in the GATE exam, you can take up M.Tech courses in private universities in the country. You will be required to qualify the entrance exam of that particular university.

Ques: When will GATE 2023 cutoff for top colleges in India be released?

Ans. GATE 2023 cutoff for top M.Tech colleges in India will be released once the authorities of each institute analyse the applicants’ score patterns, the difficulty level of the exam, and the cutoffs from previous years.

Ques. Is 700 a good GATE score for IIT M.Tech Admissions?

Ans. GATE cut off for IITs varies according to your M.Tech discipline and category. Based on previous year trends, GATE score of 700 is good enough to get admission to most of the courses offered by IIT Bombay, IIT Madras, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Delhi, IIT Kanpur, etc.

Ques. What is the expected GATE 2023 Cut off for admission to the CSE program at IIT Madras?

Ans. Based on previous year's GATE cut off trends, GATE 2023 Cut off for IIT Madras is expected to be above 800 for the general category, 700-750 for OBC & EWS, 450-600 for SC & ST candidates.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

GATE 2025 : 3 Answered Questions

Ques. What are the cut off marks in gate for iit indore?

IIT Indore GATE Cutoss 2023 has not been released officially IIT Kanpur will release the GATE 2023 cutoff for IIT Indore Students having valid GATE scores from 2023, 2022, or 2021 will be eligible for admission to MTech courses. Considering the IIT Indore GATE cutoff for 2021, The overall cutoff for GATE is 615 - 740 marks. Here is the branch-wise cutoff M.Tech Material Science and Engineering 615 M.Tech Communication and Signal Processing 657 M.Tech VLSI Design and Nanoelectronics 670 M.Tech Production & Industrial Engineering 740 Please note that the above cutoff is only for the general category....Read More
Answer By Jyoti Chopra 17 Jun 23
1 Answer

Ques. Which one is better for an MSc in Chemistry, Hyderabad School of Chemistry or IIT Bhubaneswar?

MSc in Chemistry at IIT Bhubaneswar is better, keeping in mind the quality of education that you’ll receive, and the reputation of the institute:  You can opt for a joint MSc+PhD in Chemistry if you want to pursue a more research-focused program.  We have regular workshops and conferences at our department, wherein MSc. and PhD scholars can actively collaborate. The Chemistry department of IIT Bhubaneswar is active in research in various areas like- Coordination Chemistry Molecular Recognition for the synthesis of Exotic Organic and Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials Magnetic Materials and Magnetostructural Correlation Catalysis for Fine Chemicals Design and Development of Metal Complexes towards Catalysis and Anti-Cancer Drugs As you can see, all of this is high-impact and extremely significant. Thus, I would recommend you opt for IIT Bhubaneswar over Hyderabad School of Chemistry, for an MSc. in Chemistry. ...Read More
Answer By  11 Jul 24
1 Answer

Ques. Which is better: NIT Surathkal for IT or IIT Bhubaneswar for Mechanical?

I am a second year B.Tech Mechanical student at IIT Bhubaneswar. NIT Surathkal is a top ranked NIT, but joining Mechanical Engineering at IIT Bhubaneswar has its own advantages: One of the best things about BTech in Mechanical Engineering at IIT Bhubaneswar is that it welcomes interdisciplinary studies and extracurricular pursuits like athletics, music, dancing, fine arts, entrepreneurship, social work, projects, and internships.  The faculty and academic atmosphere of the Mechanical Department at IIT Bhubaneswar is very student-friendly. The department has excellent faculty members with expertise in core concepts as well as high-impact research in various specialisations. Here is a comparison between NIT Surathkal IT and IIT Bhubaneswar Mechanical for your reference: Parameters NIT Surathkal B.Tech IT IIT Bhubaneswar B.Tech Mechanical NIRF 2023 Engineering Ranking 12 47 Placement % 100% 94.34% Highest Package INR 54.75 LPA INR 27 LPA Average Package INR 29.23 LPA INR 11.96 LPA Top Recruiters Microsoft, Uber, Amazon Google, Microsoft, Reliance Industries Out of personal experience, I can assure you that B.Tech Mechanical at IIT Bhubaneswar is a good choice in terms of academics and placements. Rest, the choice depends on your personal preference. ...Read More
Answer By  11 Jul 24
1 Answer

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