GATE Application Form 2023- IIT Kanpur has increased GATE 2023 application fee. the late application fee for GATE 2023 registration is INR 1350 for Women/SC/ST/PwD candidates and INR 2200 for all other categories. Meanwhile, during regular registration Women/SC/ ST/ PwD candidates must pay a GATE Application Fee of INR 850 while all other candidates are required to pay INR 1700 to successfully register for the exam. There is no GATE 2023 age limit. Candidates who have completed their undergraduate degree or are currently in the 3rd year of their degree program can apply for GATE 2023. Check GATE Eligibility Criteria
- GATE 2023 is scheduled to be conducted in 219 cities in India and 8 cities outside India. While filling the application form, candidates will get the opportunity to choose up to three GATE Exam Centers of their choice based on which one exam center will be allotted.
- While filling the online GATE application form 2023, candidates will have to upload scanned passport-size photo, signatures, and other required documents as per the prescribed guidelines. Check GATE Photo Size and Signature Upload Guidelines
- GATE 2023 Form Correction has also started. Successfully registered candidates can rectify/ make corrections in their GATE Application Form till November 2, 2022. Check GATE 2023 Application Form Correction
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GATE Application Form 2023 Dates
GATE Application Form 2023 release date has been announced along with the official notification. Candidates can check GATE Application Form 2023 release date in the table below-
Event | Dates |
GATE 2023 Notification Release | July 27, 2022 |
GATE 2023 Application Form Release Date | August 30, 2022 |
Last Day to Fill GATE 2023 Application Form (without late fee) | October 7, 2022 |
Last Day to Fill GATE 2023 Application Form (with additional fee) | October 16, 2022 (Extended) |
Last Date for GATE 2023 Form Correction | Till November 2, 2022 |
GATE 2023 Admit Card Release | January 9, 2023 |
GATE 2023 Exam Dates | February 4, 5, 11 and 12, 2023 |
GATE Application Form 2023: How to Apply?
For the ease of aspirants, the exam authority releases a guide for the successful submission of GATE Application Form. The process of applying for GATE 2023 comprises of the following steps-
- GATE Registration – Register as “New User” and proceed as mentioned in the guide. After successful registration, you will get access to GOAPS with the credentials you entered.
- Fill GATE Application Form 2023 – Login using GOAPS Enrollment ID and GOAPS Password and start filling the application form which include details such as educational qualification, personal details, etc.
- Upload Required Documents – Upload Image, Signature, Eligibility Certificate, SC/ST Certificate and PwD Certificate as per the given specifications.
- Payment of GATE Application Fees – Payment can be done through credit card, debit card, or net banking.
- Complete Declaration – Before submitting the application form, a candidate must read and accept the declaration statement without that you will not be able to submit the application form.
Step 1: GATE Registration

To fill the online GATE Application Form 2023, candidates have to register themselves first. New candidates can register themselves by entering their full name and other details in the form given below.
- Enter your Personal Details like Name of the Candidate, Email Address, Country of Residence, Mobile Number
- Create your Password – It should be unique and 8-15 characters long.
- Enter the Captcha and click on ‘Submit. ‘
- If all the details are correct, an SMS and an email will be sent to your mobile number and email address respectively.

- Enter details like a valid email address, mobile number and create a GOAPS password.
- GOAPS password must be unique. Avoid using Date of Birth, your name or some numbers (12345) or string of letters (abcd), etc.
- All communication will be done through the registered mobile number and email id.
- In the case of foreign students, all the communication will be done through email ID.
GOAPS Enrollment ID: After successful registration, an email containing the GOAPS Enrollment ID will be sent. This ID will be used for submitting GATE Application Form 2023, downloading GATE Admit Card and for the purpose of checking results and downloading the scorecard.
NOTE: Only one GATE application form can be filled through one email ID.
Step 2: Filling GATE Application Form 2023
Enter the Enrollment ID and Password to proceed with GATE Application Form filling process. There are 4 subsections under stage 2 of How to Apply for GATE 2023. The detailed process is explained below-

- GATE Exam Details: Select the GATE 2023 Paper you wish to appear in. Select your examination city and pick 3 choices of GATE 2023 Exam Centers. While selecting the exam cities, the first two choices must be of the same GATE Zone and the third one can be from any sector.
- Applicant’s Personal Details: Don’t forget to Verify Email Address and Mobile Number. On clicking the Verify Button, an OTP is sent to the registered email id and mobile number. Enter your personal details like Date of Birth, Gender, Nationality, Category etc.
- Correspondence Address: Add your Correspondence Address for future correspondence.
- Qualifying Degree Details: You are required to fill the details of your qualifying degree i.e. Name and discipline of the Qualifying degree, Name of college/ university, Passing year, etc.
Step 3: Upload Required Documents for GATE Registration
Images to be uploaded should be scanned beforehand and kept ready for uploading. Documents that are required to be uploaded are mentioned below-
Particulars | Dimensions | Size and Other Specifications | Uploading of Documents |
Passport size photograph in the white background | 5 kb -200 kb | 3.5 cm Width × 4.5 cm Height with 60% - 70% of Face Coverage Pixels Range from 240x320 – 480×640 | In JPEG / JPG format |
Signature in running handwriting | 5 kb-200 kb | Area of signature must cover 70-80% of the image. Pixels Range from 80×280 – 160×560 Sign with black or dark blue color ink only. | |
Photo ID Proof | NA | NA | PDF Format |
Category Certificate wherever applicable | NA | NA | |
PwD Certificate wherever applicable | NA | NA | |
Certificate of Dyslexia | NA | NA |
Also Check: GATE 2023 Documents Upload Guidelines
Step 4: Payment of GATE Application Fee 2023
- GATE Application Fee varies for Indian nationals and International candidates.
- The payment can be made via net banking facility/credit card or debit card only.
- E-challan mode of payment has been eliminated from the GATE registration process.
- GATE Application Fee is neither refundable nor transferable.
- As per the banking norms, additional online transaction charges will be applicable.
- Candidates belonging to SC/ ST/ PwD category have to upload valid documentary evidence for concession in fees.
GATE 2023 Application Fee- Revised
Category wise GATE 2023 application fee has been increased. The increased GATE 2023 Application Fee has been listed in the table below-
Category | Normal Application Fee | Late Application Fee |
Women | INR 850 | INR 1350 |
SC/ ST/ PwD | INR 850 | INR 1350 |
All Other Candidates | INR 1700 | INR 2200 |
GATE 2023 Application Fee for International Candidates
This year IIT Kanpur is going to conduct GATE 2023 in cities of Dhaka, Kathmandu, Dubai and Singapore for international candidates. GATE 2023 Application Form for such international candidates has also been increased. The table below mentions the regular and late fee to be paid by international candidates.
Category | Normal Application Fee | Late Application Fee |
Group 1: Dhaka & Kathmandu | USD 100 | USD 150 |
Group 2: Dubai & Singapore | USD 200 | USD 250 |
Payment Issues Resolvement GATE Registration 2023
In case the payment made is not reflected in the first go, You should not make another payment immediately. You should wait for at least two days, then check GATE 2020 Application Form Status. Another payment should be made in case of an unsuccessful payment. In case any extra payments are received, it will be automatically refunded to the respective bank account (it may take a week or more, after the closure of GATE Registration).
Step 5: Accepting the Declaration
Before submitting the application form in GOAPS portal, a candidate has to read and accept the declaration statement. Some of the points from the declaration are mentioned below. You cannot skip this step and the application form will only be submitted after you agree with the declaration.
- In the declaration, you have to confirm that the form is filled by you.
- You have understood each and every point in the form and fill up the details accordingly.
- I agree to strictly comply with the code of conduct for GATE 2023.
- If any of the information provided by me is found to be incorrect at any time later, my candidature for GATE 2023 will be cancelled.
- I shall be liable for legal action for providing any type of false information.
GATE Application Form Status 2023
If the status of your application is “Under Scrutiny”, you need not worry. Wait till the scrutiny team processes your application. Only those candidates whose applications need to be rectified in photo/signature/supporting documents will be contacted by email and SMS. The scrutiny process will continue even after the application portal is closed.
Forgot Enrollment ID or Password of GATE 2023?
In certain situations, enrollment id and password can be misplaced by a candidate. If need be, email id can also be used to access GATE Application Form 2023.

There are two options available to access the application form-
- Request for an OTP: If you remember the Enrollment ID/Email Address, but have forgotten Password, click on "Request for an OTP" to get One Time Password. Provide your registered mobile number and Enrollment ID/Email Address. Click on Reset Password to obtain a new one.
- Already have an OTP? : If you already have an OTP, click on "Already have an OTP?" to reset the password. Enter the following details to create a New Password-
- Enrollment ID/Email Address
- New Password
- Confirm New Password
- Password Specifications: Choose a password that cannot be guessed easily. It should be unique and 8-15 characters.
GATE 2023 Documents Required
Candidates must keep the following documents handy before initiating the registration process for GATE 2023. All the supporting documents mentioned below need to be uploaded while filling the online application form.
Photo ID:
- You have to upload the PDF file of any one of the following valid photo identities.
- Valid IDs are Aadhaar- UID, Passport, PAN Card, Voter ID, College ID, Employee ID, and Driving License.
- For international candidates, only a valid Passport / Government issued ID / College ID / Employee ID will be accepted as the recognized identification document.
- If you do not have any of these as your identity proof then please obtain any one of them before filling the application.
- The candidate has to produce the same original valid photo ID proof during the examination for verification purposes.
- If a candidate fails to show the original valid photo ID proof, then that candidate will not be allowed to enter the examination hall.
Category (SC/ ST) Certificate
- Candidates who belong to SC or ST category have to upload a valid documentary proof to get the concession in the application fee.
- A certificate issued by the authorized officials will be valid.
- The same document will be required during the time of admission.
- OBC-NCL and EWS candidates are not required to upload any category certificate while filling the online application form.
Person with Disability (PwD) Certificate
- Persons with Disability (PwD) candidates should attach a recently obtained PwD certificate issued by the competent authority. The benefit would be given to those who have a minimum 40% impairment irrespective of the type of disability.
- The same document will be required during the time of admission.
Certificate of Dyslexia
- Dyslexic candidates should attach a proper dyslexic certificate issued by any authorized Dyslexia Association.
- The scribe will be provided by the GATE authorities.
- The same document will be required during the time of admission.
GATE Form Correction 2023
After the submission of GATE Application Form, it goes under scrutiny where the authority checks and informs the candidates about the mistakes for the rectification. An additional fee is applicable for changing the details in the application form through GATE Form Correction window.
The following details can be edited before paying the application fee-
- Details like Communication Address, Graduation Details, Date of Birth, Gender and Category.
- One needs to upload a clear and acceptable image of the photograph and signature if they have not uploaded the high-quality images.
- The correct document defining the category status.
- The rectification of selection of the wrong status of qualifying examination along with its correct document can be submitted.
The changes that cannot be made in the submitted GATE Application Form 2023:
- The E-mail Id mentioned by the candidate
- Contact Number is given by the candidate
- Paper for attending GATE 2023
As the above-mentioned details cannot be edited, in case a mistake is made, you have to apply again for GATE 2020 with a new E-mail ID and Phone Number. It must be noted that the previous application fee shall not be refunded.
Know More GATE 2023 Form Correction
GATE Application Form 2023 FAQs
Ques. When will GATE Application Form 2023 be released?
Ans. GATE 2023 Application Form have been released on August 30, 2022. However, GATE 2023 registration window with a regular fee payment is now closed. Eligible candiates can now fill GATE 2023 application form with a late application fee. The last date to register for GATE 2023 is October 16, 2022.
Ques. What is GATE 2023 Application fees for Exam Center in Dubai and Singapore?
Ans. GATE 2023 is scheduled to be conducted at four exam centers outside India. The application fee for candidates applying for exam center outside India is the same for all candidates.
Category | Normal Application Fee | Late Application Fee |
Group 1: Dhaka & Kathmandu | USD 100 | USD 150 |
Group 2: Dubai & Singapore | USD 100 | USD 250 |
Ques. Is it compulsory to submit a category certificate during the time of registration of GATE?
Ans. Yes. To get the benefits of the reservation during the time of counselling it is compulsory to mention your category while filling the online application form along with the uploading of the same document in the PDF format. Candidates cannot change the category during the time of the admission process.
Ques. My graduation was through a distance learning program, Can I apply for GATE 2023?
Ans: As long as your course on the basis of which you are applying is recognized by AICTE, you can apply for GATE 2023.
Ques. I completed my graduation in 2020 but I do not have my degree certificate or provisional certificate yet. What document should I upload to prove that I am eligible for GATE 2023?
Ans: A copy of your final year mark sheet or a declaration from your college Principal (or other competent authority) along with the signature and seal, may do the needful.
Ques. Can I register for more than one paper in GATE?
Ans. Yes, you can apply for 2 papers out of 29 for GATE 2023. You have the liberty to choose any paper according to your admission plans, keeping GATE ligibility criteria in mind.
Ques. I am facing difficulty while uploading my signature. I have followed all the guidelines defined by the GATE authorities. What should I do now?
Ans. In this case, check the format in which you are trying to upload the document. Also, check the size and also do not resize the file. Know more
Ques. What is the GATE Application Fee for Foreign Nationals?
Ans. Since the international exam centers for GATE 2022 were cancelled, international candidates were also required to pay the same amount as the national candidates i,e., INR 1500. However, for GATE 2023 candidates appearing for GATE 2023 in city of Dhaka & Kathmandu need to pay USD 100 while students appearing for the exam in the city of Dubai & Singapore need to pay USD 200.
Ques. Do I have to send any hard copy of the GATE Application Form 2023 to any authority?
Ans. No, you do not have to send any hard copy of the application form to any of GATE zonal offices. GATE Application Form 2023 will only be available online. No offline application forms are released by the GATE conducting authorities.
Ques. When and how can I check my GATE Application Status?
Ans. You can check the status of your form by visiting the official website of GOAPS anytime and entering the required credentials.
Ques. I have submitted my application form and have generated a PDF file. Will I be able to make any changes in the GATE Application Form 2023 form now?
Ans. No, once the application is finally submitted and PDF is generated you can not make any changes.
Ques. What ID documents are required while filling in the GATE Application Form 2023?
Ans. For Indian candidates, it is Passport, PAN Card, Voter ID, Aadhaar UID, College ID, Enrolment ID and Driving License. For International candidates, it is a valid Passport/ Government issued ID/ College ID/ Employee ID.
Ques. I am a student with 56 percent in MSc. Am I eligible to sit for the GATE 2023 entrance exam?
Ans. Passed a Master’s degree in any branch of Science/Mathematics/Statistics/Computer Applications or equivalent or currently appearing in the final year. Year of qualification must not be later than 2023.
Ques. What is the upper age limit for the GATE 2023 exam?
Ans. GATE 2023 Eligibility Criteria mandates a candidate to hold a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized university/ institute in order to apply for the exam. There is no upper age limit for GATE 2023.
Ques. I can’t upload my signature, despite many attempts. I followed all the instructions and criteria specified while registering for GATE 2023. What should I do?
Ans. Please check the format of the file while registering for GATE 2023. Also, check the size. Kindly refrain from resizing the file.
Ques. How do I find out if my uploaded photograph is acceptable or not during GATE Registration 2023?
Ans. In case the photo you have uploaded is not accepted, you will get an email or SMS. After which, you can correct the photograph and other details. Kindly refrain from resizing the file. Declaration during GATE Registration 2023.
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.