GATE Agriculture Engineering 2023 Syllabus: Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme, Weightage of Topics, Question Papers

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Updated on, Sep 18, 2024

bySonam Rana updated Content Curator updated

GATE Agriculture Engineering Syllabus 2023 consists of 7 different subjects. The 7 subjects are further divided into subsections. While almost 70% of GATE Agriculture Engineering Syllabus is based on core Agriculture-based subjects, 15% of the total marks will consist of each Engineering Mathematics section and General Aptitude. Check GATE Paper Analysis

GATE Agricultural Engineering Syllabus 2023 include topics like Engineering Mathematics, Farm Machinery, Farm Power, Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Agricultural Processing Engineering, and Dairy and Food Engineering. The students need to practice as many previous year question papers as possible before appearing for GATE 2023. Also Check GATE Preparation Tips 

Must Read: 

Agriculture Engineering Syllabus

GATE Agriculture Engineering Syllabus 2023

Candidates can check the syllabus for agriculture engineering below:

Section 1: Engineering Mathematics

Engineering Mathematics is one of the important and tough sections of the GATE exam. The section carries 15% weightage of questions in the question paper. Engineering Mathematics is the branch of applied mathematics concerning mathematical methods and techniques that are typically used in engineering and industry.

  • Linear Algebra
  • Calculus
  • Vector Calculus
  • Differential Equations
  • Partial Differential Equations
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Numerical Methods

Section 2: Farm Machinery

Farm machinery is one of the most expensive and critical inputs when growing a rice crop. Machinery should be up to date and easy to use.

  • Machine Design: Design and selection of machine elements – gears, pulleys, chains and sprockets and belts; overload safety devices used in farm machinery; measurement of force, stress, torque, speed, displacement and acceleration on machine elements - shafts, couplings, keys, bearings and knuckle joints.
  • Farm Machinery: Soil tillage; forces acting on a tillage tool; hitch systems and hitching of tillage implements, functional requirements, principles of working, construction and operation of manual, animal and power operated equipment for tillage, sowing, planting, fertilizer application, inter-cultivation, spraying, mowing, chaff cutting, harvesting and threshing calculation of performance parameters - field capacity, efficiency, application rate and losses; cost analysis of implements and tractors.

Section 3: Farm Power

Humans, animals, and machines are all used as sources of power in agriculture production. When undertaking different operations on a farm, a certain amount of work is required to complete the task.

  • Sources of Power: Sources of power on the farm - human, animal, mechanical, electrical, wind, solar and biomass; bio-fuels.
  • Farm Power: Thermodynamic principles of I.C. engines; I.C. engine cycles; engine components; fuels and combustion; lubricants and their properties; I.C. engine systems – fuel, cooling, lubrication, ignition, electrical, intake and exhaust; selection, operation, maintenance and repair of I.C. engines; power efficiencies and measurement; calculation of power, torque, fuel consumption, heat load and power losses; performance index, cost analysis of implements and tractors.
  • Tractors and Power tillers: Type, selection, maintenance and repair of tractors and power tillers; tractor clutches and brakes; power transmission systems – gear trains, differential, final drives and power take-off; mechanics of tractor chassis; traction theory; three point hitches - free link and restrained link operations; steering and hydraulic control systems used in tractors; tractor tests and performance; human engineering and safety considerations in design of tractor and agricultural implements.

Section 4: Soil and Water Conservation Engineering

Soil is the thin skin covering the land, clean water is becoming more valuable every day. Soil water relations, evapotranspiration, precipitation, runoff, erosion, flow in natural waterways and through reservoirs, wetland and groundwater hydrology, and water quality.

  • Fluid Mechanics: Ideal and real fluids, properties of fluids; hydrostatic pressure and its measurement; continuity equation, kinematics and dynamics of flow; Bernoulli’s theorem; laminar and turbulent flow in pipes, Darcy- Weisbach and Hazen-Williams equations, Moody’s diagram; flow through orifices, weirs and notches; flow in open channels, dimensional analysis – concepts of geometric dimensionless numbers.
  • Soil Mechanics: Engineering properties of soils; fundamental definitions and relationships; index properties of soils; permeability and seepage analysis; shear strength, Mohr’s circle of stress, active and passive earth pressures; stability of slopes, Terzaghi’s one dimensional soil consolidation theory. AG Agricultural Engineering
  • Hydrology: Hydrological cycle and measurement of its components; meteorological parameters and their measurement; analysis of precipitation data; runoff estimation; hydrograph analysis, unit hydrograph theory and application; streamflow measurement; flood routing, hydrological reservoir and channel routing, Infiltration – indices and equations, drought and its classification.
  • Surveying and Leveling: Measurement of distance and area; instruments for surveying and leveling; chain surveying, methods of traversing; measurement of angles and bearings, plane table surveying; types of leveling; theodolite traversing; contouring; total station, introduction to GPS survey, computation of areas and volume.
  • Soil and Water Erosion: Mechanics of soil erosion - wind and water erosion: soil erosion types, factors affecting erosion; soil loss estimation; biological and engineering measures to control erosion; terraces and bunds; vegetative waterways; gully control structures, drop, drop inlet and chute spillways; earthen dams.
  • Watershed Management: Watershed characterization and land use capability classification; water budgeting in watershed, rainwater harvesting, check dams and farm ponds.

Section 5: Irrigation and Drainage Engineering

Irrigation is the artificial exploitation and distribution of water at the project level aiming at the application of water at field level to agricultural crops in dry areas or in periods of scarce rainfall to assure or improve crop production. 

  • Soil-Water-Plant Relationship: Water requirement of crops; consumptive use and evapotranspiration; measurement of infiltration, soil moisture and irrigation water infiltration. Irrigation Water Conveyance and Application Methods: Design of irrigation channels and underground pipelines; irrigation scheduling; surface, sprinkler and micro irrigation methods, design and evaluation of irrigation methods; irrigation efficiencies.
  • Agricultural Drainage: Drainage coefficient; planning, design and layout of surface and sub-surface drainage systems; leaching requirement and salinity control; irrigation and drainage water quality and reuse; non- conventional drainage system.
  • Groundwater Hydrology: Groundwater occurrence; Darcy’s Law, steady and unsteady flow in confined and unconfined aquifers, groundwater exploration techniques; overview of groundwater recharge estimation and artificial recharge techniques.
  • Wells and Pumps: Types of wells, steady flow through wells; design and construction of water wells; classification of pumps; pump characteristics; pump selection and installation.

Section 6: Agricultural Processing Engineering

Agricultural Engineering deals with the design of farm machinery, the location, and planning of farm structures, farm drainage, soil management, and erosion control, water supply and irrigation, rural electrification, and the processing of farm products. 

  • Engineering properties of agriculture produce: Physical, thermal, frictional, rheological and electrical properties.
  • Evaporation and Drying: Concentration and drying of liquid foods – evaporators, tray, drum and spray dryers; hydrothermal treatments; drying and milling of cereals, pulses and oilseeds; drying kinetics; psychrometry – properties of air-water vapor mixture.
  • Size Reduction and Material Handling: Mechanics and energy requirement in size reduction of agriculture produce; particle size analysis for comminuted solids; size separation by screening; fluidization of granular solids-pneumatic, bucket, screw and belt conveying; cleaning and grading; effectiveness of separation; centrifugal separation of solids, liquids and gases; homogenization; filtration and membrane separation.
  • Processing of Agriculture Produce: Processing of seeds, spices, fruits and vegetables; value addition of agriculture produce.
  • Storage Systems: Controlled and modified atmosphere storage; perishable food storage, godowns, bins and grain silos, packaging material and machines.

Section 7: Dairy and Food Engineering

Food engineering is a multidisciplinary field that combines microbiology, applied physical sciences, chemistry, and engineering for food and related industries. Food engineers provide the technological knowledge transfer essential to the cost-effective production and commercialization of food products and services. 

  • Heat and Mass Transfer: Steady state heat transfer in conduction, convection and radiation; transient heat transfer in simple geometry; working principles of heat exchangers; diffusive and convective mass transfer; simultaneous heat and mass transfer in agricultural processing operations; material and energy balances in food processing systems; water activity, sorption and desorption isotherms.
  • Preservation of Food: Kinetics of microbial death – pasteurization and sterilization of milk and other liquid foods; preservation of food by cooling and freezing; refrigeration and cold storage basics and applications.

Direct Link to Download GATE Agriculture Engineering (AG) Syllabus PDF 

Weightage of Important Topics

GATE Agriculture Engineering Syllabus 2023: Weightage of Important Topics

Important Topics Number of Questions
General Aptitude 10
Engineering Mathematics 10-12
Farm Machinery 10
Soil and Water Conservation Engineering 15
Dairy and Food Engineering 5-8
Agriculture Engineering Exam Pattern

GATE Agriculture Engineering Exam Pattern 2023

The exam pattern is defined paper-wise depending upon candidates’ branches. Herein is accumulated the examination pattern of GATE Agriculture Engineering 2023. The candidates are advised to go through the following before appearing for the exam. 

  • GATE Agriculture Engineering 2023 will be held online mode. 
  • GATE consists of 3 sections namely General Aptitude, Engineering Mathematics, and Specific subject of the paper.
  • The candidates will be required to answer a total of 65 questions.
  • The exam includes 3 types of Questions - Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), MSQS, & Numerical Answer Type (NAT).
  • Applicants have to attempt all the questions for a duration of three hours.
  • The maximum number of questions in GATE is from the core subject.
  • GATE Agriculture Engineering Syllabus 2023 is based on graduation level.
  • For 1 mark MCQs, 1/3 marks will be deducted for every incorrect answer. Likewise, for 2 marks MCQs, 2/3 marks will be deducted.
  • No marks are deducted for incorrect Numerical Answer Type (NAT) questions. 

Check Detailed GATE Exam Pattern

Marking Scheme

GATE Agriculture Engineering (AG) Marking Scheme 2023

Section  Distribution of Marks Total Marks Types of questions
General Ability 5 questions of 1 mark each 5 questions of 2 marks each 15 marks  MCQs
AG (Subject Syllabus) + Engineering Mathematics 25 questions of 1 mark each 30 questions of 2 marks each  85 marks MCQs and NATs

Check GATE Cutoff 

Agriculture Engineering Books

GATE Agriculture Engineering Books 2023

To know what are the best books for GATE preparation, you need to know your requirements first. You must choose the book which has all the topics. GIven below section wise books for those candidates who appear for GATE Agriculture Engineering exam:

Books for Engineering Mathematics

Books Author/ Publisher
Advanced Engineering Mathematics Dass H.K. S Chand; Reprint Edn
A Mind for Numbers: How to Excel at Math and Science Barbara Oakley TarcherPerigee
A Textbook of Engineering Mathematics N.P. Bali , Laxmi Publications
Modern Mathematical Methods for Physicists and Engineers Cantrell Cambridge University Press

Books for Farm Machinery

Books Author/Publisher
Agricultural Machinery Management Bello R S, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
The Book of Farm Implements and Machines James Slight
Farm Machinery And Equipment Harris Pearson Smith
Principal Of Agricultural Engg.Vol -I  T P & A M Michael Ojha

Books for Irrigation and Drainage Engineering

Book Name Author ISBN Number
Soil and Water Engineering Delmar D. Fangmeier, William J. Elliot 813151210X, 978-8131512104
Hydrology and Soil Conservation Engineering Ghanshyam Das -
Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS-CN) Methodology S.K. Mishra, Vijay Singh 9048162254, 978-9048162253
Soil and water conservation engineering Richard K. Frevert -

Books for Irrigation and Drainage Engineering

Book Name Author ISBN Number
Irrigation And Drainage LENKA D 8127224596, 978-8127224592
Irrigation Water Resources And Water Power Engineering Modi P.N 8189401297, 978-8189401290
Irrigation Engineering H.M. Raghunath 8126528818, 978-8126528813
Land Drainage: Principles, Methods and Applications A.K. Bhattacharya, A.M. Michael 812592776X, 978-8125927761

Books for Agricultural Processing Engineering

Book Name Author
Question Bank in Agricultural Engineering Amandeep Godhara
Agricultural Engineering Soil Mechanics E. McKyes
Introduction to Agricultural Engineering Technology Harry Field and John Solie
Introduction to Agricultural Engineering lawrenceo. Roth and Harry Field

Books for Dairy and Food Engineering

Book Name Author ISBN Number
Food Science B Srilakshmi 8122438091, 978-8122438093
Fundamentals of Food Process Engineering Romeo T. Toledo 1441939660, 978-1441939661
Obj. Type Questions in Food Process Engg. &Technology Ansari Irfan Ahmed 8183601928, 978-8183601924
Introduction to food engineering R. Paul Singh -
Previous Year Question Paper

GATE Agriculture Engineering Previous Year Question Paper

Given below are the links for GATE CSE Previous Year Question Papers along with their answer key. The students are advised to attempt each one of them at least twice to secure the desired scores. 

Year Link for GATE Agriculture Engineering Question Paper Link for GATE Agriculture Engineering Answer Key
2021 Check Here Check Here 
2020 Check Here  Check Here 
2019 Check Here  Check Here 
2018 Check Here  Check Here 
2017  Check Here  Check Here 

Also Check GATE Recommended Books 2023

Sample Questions

GATE Agriculture Engineering- Sample Questions 

  • Sample Question 1: In a country of 1400 million population, 70% own mobile phones. Among the mobile phone owners, only 294 million access the Internet. Among these Internet users, only half buy goods from e-commerce portals. What is the percentage of these buyers in the country?
  • Sample Question 2: “I read somewhere that in ancient times the prestige of a kingdom depended upon the number of taxes that it was able to levy on its people. It was very much like the prestige of a head-hunter in his own community.”
    Based on the paragraph above, the prestige of a head-hunter depended upon ___________?
  • Sample Question 3: The clean paddy production per annum is 160 million tonnes. Average milling quality analysis indicates the husk content, total yield and degree of polish as 22%, 73.32% and 6%, respectively. For an average bran oil yield of 20%, the annual rice bran oil potential in million tonnes is ________?
  • Sample Question 4: A horizontal axis drag type wind rotor, fitted with 4 thin rectangular blades having drag coefficient 1.29, is used to extract power when the average wind velocity in the rotor plane is 10 km h. The maximum power coefficient is ____?
GATE Syllabus Of Other Papers

GATE 2023 Syllabus Of Other Papers

GATE Agriculture Engineering Syllabus FAQs

GATE Agriculture Engineering Syllabus 2023 FAQs

Ques. What are the major subjects of the GATE Agriculture Engineering Syllabus 2023?

Ans. The major subjects of GATE Agriculture Engineering Syllabus are as follows: 

  • Farm Machinery
  • Farm Power
  • Soil and Water Conservation Engineering
  • Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
  • Agricultural Processing Engineering
  • Dairy and Food Engineering
  • Engineering Mathematics
  • General Aptitude

Ques. What is the marking scheme of GATE Agriculture Engineering Syllabus 2023?

Ans. GATE Agriculture Engineering Marking Scheme is as follows: 

Section  Distribution of Marks Total Marks
General Ability 5 questions of 1 mark each 5 questions of 2 marks each 15 marks 
AG (Subject Syllabus) + Engineering Mathematics 25 questions of 1 mark each 30 questions of 2 marks each  85 marks

Ques. What is the exam pattern for GATE Agriculture Engineering 2023?

Ans. The exam pattern for GATE Agriculture Engineering Syllabus is as follows: 

  • Mode of Examination: Online
  • GATE consists of 3 sections namely General Aptitude, Engineering Mathematics and Specific subject of the paper
  • The total number of questions in the exam is 65.
  • The exam includes 3 types of Questions - Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), MSQS, & Numerical Answer Type (NAT).
  • Applicants have to attempt all the questions in a duration of three hours.
  • The maximum number of questions in GATE is from the core subject.
  • GATE Syllabus is based on graduation level.
  • For 1 mark MCQs, 1/3 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer. Likewise, for 2 marks MCQs, 2/3 marks will be deducted.
  • There is no negative marking for NAT, MSQs

Ques. What is the paper code for GATE Agriculture Engineering Syllabus 2023?

Ans. The paper code for GATE Agriculture Engineering is AG. The candidates need to check out the syllabus and examination pattern before appearing for GATE 2023. 

Ques. How many days are required to study GATE Agriculture Engineering Syllabus 2023?

Ans. Candidates require at least 6 months to complete the GATE Agriculture Engineering Syllabus, on average if they spend around 3 hours a day studying. However, this is not an ideal time. The students need to remember that the more time they devote to the preparation, the more their chances of getting high scores. 

Ques. Is it possible to complete the GATE Agriculture Engineering Syllabus 2023 in 60 days?

Ans. GATE Agriculture Engineering Syllabus demands at least 6 months, but if candidates can dedicate large amounts of time in a single day for preparation it is possible to complete GATE Agriculture Engineering Syllabus within 60 days. However, it is advised that the students start preparing for GATE early on only. 

Ques. What will be the difficulty level of GATE Agriculture Engineering 2023?

Ans. The difficulty level of GATE Agriculture Engineering 2023, depends entirely upon the students’ preparation. Before appearing for the exam the students need to complete every topic mentioned in the syllabus. To figure out the latest trends they can even check out GATE Previous Year Paper analysis

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

GATE 2025 : 3 Answered Questions

Ques. What are the cut off marks in gate for iit indore?

IIT Indore GATE Cutoss 2023 has not been released officially IIT Kanpur will release the GATE 2023 cutoff for IIT Indore Students having valid GATE scores from 2023, 2022, or 2021 will be eligible for admission to MTech courses. Considering the IIT Indore GATE cutoff for 2021, The overall cutoff for GATE is 615 - 740 marks. Here is the branch-wise cutoff M.Tech Material Science and Engineering 615 M.Tech Communication and Signal Processing 657 M.Tech VLSI Design and Nanoelectronics 670 M.Tech Production & Industrial Engineering 740 Please note that the above cutoff is only for the general category....Read More
Answer By Jyoti Chopra 17 Jun 23
1 Answer

Ques. Which one is better for an MSc in Chemistry, Hyderabad School of Chemistry or IIT Bhubaneswar?

MSc in Chemistry at IIT Bhubaneswar is better, keeping in mind the quality of education that you’ll receive, and the reputation of the institute:  You can opt for a joint MSc+PhD in Chemistry if you want to pursue a more research-focused program.  We have regular workshops and conferences at our department, wherein MSc. and PhD scholars can actively collaborate. The Chemistry department of IIT Bhubaneswar is active in research in various areas like- Coordination Chemistry Molecular Recognition for the synthesis of Exotic Organic and Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials Magnetic Materials and Magnetostructural Correlation Catalysis for Fine Chemicals Design and Development of Metal Complexes towards Catalysis and Anti-Cancer Drugs As you can see, all of this is high-impact and extremely significant. Thus, I would recommend you opt for IIT Bhubaneswar over Hyderabad School of Chemistry, for an MSc. in Chemistry. ...Read More
Answer By  11 Jul 24
1 Answer

Ques. Which is better: NIT Surathkal for IT or IIT Bhubaneswar for Mechanical?

I am a second year B.Tech Mechanical student at IIT Bhubaneswar. NIT Surathkal is a top ranked NIT, but joining Mechanical Engineering at IIT Bhubaneswar has its own advantages: One of the best things about BTech in Mechanical Engineering at IIT Bhubaneswar is that it welcomes interdisciplinary studies and extracurricular pursuits like athletics, music, dancing, fine arts, entrepreneurship, social work, projects, and internships.  The faculty and academic atmosphere of the Mechanical Department at IIT Bhubaneswar is very student-friendly. The department has excellent faculty members with expertise in core concepts as well as high-impact research in various specialisations. Here is a comparison between NIT Surathkal IT and IIT Bhubaneswar Mechanical for your reference: Parameters NIT Surathkal B.Tech IT IIT Bhubaneswar B.Tech Mechanical NIRF 2023 Engineering Ranking 12 47 Placement % 100% 94.34% Highest Package INR 54.75 LPA INR 27 LPA Average Package INR 29.23 LPA INR 11.96 LPA Top Recruiters Microsoft, Uber, Amazon Google, Microsoft, Reliance Industries Out of personal experience, I can assure you that B.Tech Mechanical at IIT Bhubaneswar is a good choice in terms of academics and placements. Rest, the choice depends on your personal preference. ...Read More
Answer By  11 Jul 24
1 Answer

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Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


Note: GATE 2025 Application Fee needs to be paid online through net banking or debit card or credit card facilities. Additional charges will be applicable as per the rule of the bank from where the money is being transferred. This charge will be specified on the payment portal.

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