TSICET 2023: Application Form (Out), Exam Dates, Eligibility, Exam Pattern, Result, Cut Off

As per TSICET 2023 Eligibility Criteria, candidates with a bachelor’s degree of minimum 3 years duration with at least 50% marks are only allowed to appear for the examination. TSICET 2023 is going to be conducted on May 26 & 27, 2023 for a duration of 2 and half hours.

As per TSICET 2023 Exam Pattern, the question paper consists of a total of 200 multiple-choice objective-type questions. For every correct answer, 1 mark is awarded. There will be no negative markings in the exam. TSICET 2023 Syllabus includes 3 major sections viz. Analytical Ability, Mathematical Ability, and Communication Ability.. Candidates are advised to download TSICET Practice Paper for better reference. 

TSICET 2023 Result is likely to be released in August 2023, along with the response sheet on the official website. Candidates can download their scorecard by entering the candidate's ID and date of birth. The answer key will also be released in Pdf format.

What is TS ICET? TS ICET is a state-level entrance exam conducted by TSCHE to grant admission into MBA and MCA programs offered by the universities in the state of Telangana. A total of 23,358 seats are available in 150+ TSICET Participating Business Schools across the state of Telangana. Check TS ICET 2023 Exam Dates

TSICET 2023 Exam Highlights

Exam Name Telangana State Integrated Common Entrance Test (TSICET)
Conducting Body Kakatiya University on behalf of Telangana State Council for Higher Education (TSCHE)
Minimum Eligibility Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized Board
Mode of Application Online 
Mode of Examination Online 
Courses Offered MBA and MCA
Seats Offered 23,000+ seats
TSICET Help Desk 0870-2438088

TS ICET Exam Dates

TSICET 2023 Exam Dates

The following table depicts the list of tentative dates related to TSICET 2023 exam events.

Events Dates 
TSICET Registration 2023 Starts March 6, 2023
Registration Window closes (without late fee)

May 6, 2023

Fill TSICET Application form with a late fee of INR 250 May 12, 2023
Application Form Correction May 12 – 15, 2023
TSICET Application Form with late fee of INR 500 May 18, 2023
TSICET Admit Card  3rd week of May 2023
TSICET 2023 Exam Dates May 26 & 27, 2023
Announcement of Preliminary Key 1st week of June 2023
Last Date for Submission of Objections on Preliminary Answer Key

2nd week of June 2023

Announcement of Final Answer Key and Results

4th week of June 2023

Commencement of TS ICET 2023 Counseling July 2023
TS ICET Eligibility Criteria

TSICET 2023 Eligibility Criteria

TSICET 2023 Eligibility Criteria notified by Kakatiya University is detailed below:


  • An applicant must be an Indian National.

Educational Qualification Requirements:

  • Recognized Bachelor’s Degree Examination of minimum 3 years’ duration with at least 50% marks (45% marks in case of reserved categories).
  • If the qualifying degree is obtained by distance mode then it should be recognized by the joint committee of UGC, AICTE, and DEC.
  • Candidates who are in their final year of the qualifying examination can also apply, provided their results will be declared on or before the TSICET Counselling Process

Age Limit 

  • There is no limit on age criteria.

Number of Attempts:

  • There is no set limit for the number of attempts.

Read TSICET 2023 Eligibility

TS ICET Application Form

TSICET 2023 Application Form

Given below is a brief about TS ICET Registration 2023 Process: Read about TSICET 2023 Registration

Step 1: Register and Pay TSICET Application Fee

  1. Visit the official portal i.e. icet.tsche.ac.in
  2. Click on the “Application Fee Payment” link
  3. Enter the following details asked:
  • Candidate's Name
  • Qualifying Exam Hall Ticket Number
  • Date of Birth
  • Mobile Number
  • E-Mail ID
  • Category
  • Payment Type
  1. Pay the application fee. A payment reference ID will be generated for filling the form.

The registration fee for the TSICET is represented in the following table:

Category TS ICET 2023 Application Fee
Other candidates INR 650
SC/ST candidates INR 450

Step 2: Fill TSICET 2023 Application Form

Candidates have to fill in the following details:

  • Candidate’s Personal Details
  • Qualifying Examination Details
  • Exam Centre
  • Candidates’ Category as mentioned in the caste certificate.
  • Local Area Status: AU (Andhra University), OU (Osmania University), SVU (Sri Venkateswara University), or Non-Local.
  • SSC (10th class) or equivalent details
  • Select whether Non-Minority / Minority.
  • Special Category, if applicable, such as:
  • Annual Income of the Parent
  • Address for Correspondence, contact number, and email ID
  • Intermediate /Degree details

Step 3 – Upload Photo and Signature

  • Photograph Format: jpg file, Size: less than 30 KB
  • Signature Format: jpg format, Size: less than 15 KB

TSICET 2023 Form Correction

TSICET 2023 Form correction facility will begin from May 12 – 15, 2023. Candidates can correct the following details easily during the period of form correction.

  • Qualifying Exam - Year of Appearing / Passing
  • Place of Study - Degree
  • Annual Income of Parents
  • SSC Hall Ticket Number
  • Local Area Status
  • Birth State, Birth District
  • Gender
  • Special Reservation Category
  • Type of Exam
  • Medium of Instruction in Qualifying Exam
  • Mother's Name
  • Non-Minority / Minority Status
  • Study Details
  • Address for Correspondence
  • Community / Reservation Category
  • Aadhar Card Details

TS ICET Admit Card

TSICET 2023 Admit Card

  • TSICET 2023 Admit Card will be available in the 3rd week of May 2023 for registered candidates on the official website – icet.tsche.ac.in.
  • No candidate will be allowed to appear in the exam without admit card.
  • TSICET 2023 Hall Ticket is also a necessary document for the Counselling Process and subsequent admission processes.

How to Download TSICET 2023 Admit Card?

  1. Visit the official website i.e. icet.tsche.ac.in
  2. Click on the “Download TSICET 2023 Hall Ticket” link
  3. Enter your Application No and Date of birth in DD/MM/YY format
  4. Click on “Get Hall Ticket”
  5. TSICET 2023 Hall Ticket will be generated
  6. Save it and take a print out the same for future use

Download TSICET 2023 Admit Card

Discrepancy in TSICET 2023 Admit Card

If there are any kind of discrepancies in TSICET 2023 Hall Ticket or the candidates are unable to access the admit card, they must contact the conducting authority at the address given below – 

University College of Commerce and Business Management
Kakatiya University, Vidyaranyapuri,
Warangal- 506009, Telangana
Contact No: 0870-2438088
Fax: 0870-2458088
E-mail: convenerTS ICET2023@gmail.com

TS ICET Exam Pattern

TSICET 2023 Exam Pattern

TSICET 2023 will be conducted in online mode. The medium will be English only for Section-C and English & Telugu for Section-A & Section-B of the question paper. The table enlists further details related to TSICET 2023 Exam Pattern:

Mode of Examination Online
Medium of Examination English and Urdu
Total Duration 150 minutes
Total number of questions 200
Total number of sections 3 (Analytical Ability, Mathematical Ability, Communication Ability)
Type of questions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Number of choices per question 4
Marking Scheme 1 mark for the correct answer; 0 marks for unanswered questions; no negative marking for incorrect answer

TS ICET Practice Papers

TSICET Previous Year Question Papers

The previous year's question papers are a good source for practice. Kakatiya University also releases a Mock Test for the TS ICET aspirants before the commencement of the test. Check out the following table for previous years’ practice papers:-

TSICET 2021 Question Papers

Examination TSICET 2021 Question Paper
August 19, 2021 (Morning shift) Download
August 19, 2021 (Afternoon shift ) Download
September 30, 2020 (Urdu Afternoon) Download
August 19, 2021 (Urdu Morning) Download

TSICET 2020 Question Papers

Answer key and question paper for TSICET 2020 Answer Keys have been provided below. 

Examination Question Paper Answer Key
September 30, 2020 (Morning shift) Download Download
September 30, 2020 (Afternoon shift ) Download Download
September 30, 2020  (Urdu) Download Download
October 01, 2020 (Morning Shift) Download Download

TSICET Previous Year Question Papers

TS ICET Syllabus

TSICET 2023 Syllabus

The syllabus of TSICET 2023 as released by the organizing committee is as follows:

Section-A –  Analytical Ability 

  1. Data Sufficiency: A question is given followed by data in the form of two statements labeled as i and ii.
  • If the data given in alone is sufficient to answer the question then choice (1) is the correct answer.
  • If the data given in ii alone is sufficient to answer the question then choice (2) is the correct answer.
  • If both i and ii are put together are sufficient to answer the question but neither statement alone is sufficient, then choice (3) is the correct answer.
  • If both i and ii put together are not sufficient to answer the question and additional data is needed, then choice (4) is the correct answer.
  1. Problem Solving:
  • Sequences and Series: Analogies of numbers and alphabet, completion of blank spaces following the pattern in a:b::c:d relationship; odd thing out: missing number in a sequence or a series.
  • Data Analysis: The data are given in a Table, Graph, Bar diagram, Pie Chart, Venn Diagram, or Passage is to be analyzed and the questions pertaining to the data are to be answered.
  • Coding and Decoding Problems: A code pattern of the English Alphabet is given. A given word or a group of letters is to be coded or decoded based on the given code or codes.
  • Date, Time & Arrangement Problems: Calendar problems, clock problems, blood relationships, arrivals, departures and schedules, seating arrangements, symbol and notation interpretation.

Section-B – Mathematical Ability 

  1. Arithmetical Ability: Laws of indices, ratio, and proportion; surds; numbers and divisibility, l.c.m. and g.c.d; Rational numbers, Ordering.; Percentages; Profit and loss; Partnership, Pipes and cisterns, time, distance and work problems, areas and volumes, mensuration, modular arithmetic.
  2. Algebraical and Geometrical Ability: Statements, Truth tables, implication converse and inverse, Tautologies-Sets, Relations and functions, applications - Equation of a line in different forms.
  • Trigonometry - Trigonometric ratios, Trigonometric ratios of standard angles, (0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°, 180°)
  • Trigonometric identities: sample problems on heights and distances, Polynomials; Remainder theorem and consequences;
  • Linear equations and expressions; Progressions, Binomial Theorem, Matrices, Notion of a limit and derivative;
  • Plane geometry - lines, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Circles, Coordinate geometry-distance between points.
  1. Statistical Ability: Frequency distributions, Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, Correlation, simple problems on Probability.

Section-C – Communication Ability 50 Questions (50 Marks)

Candidates will be assessed on the ability to:

  1. identify vocabulary used in day-to-day communication.
  2. understand the functional use of grammar in day-to-day communication as well as in business contexts.
  3. identify the basic terminology and concepts in computer and business contexts (letters, reports, memoranda, agenda, minutes, etc.).
  4. understand written text and draw inferences.

Part 1 – Vocabulary

Part 2 – Business and Computer terminology

Part 3 – Functional Grammar

Part 4 – Reading Comprehension (3 Passages)

Read More about TSICET 2023 Syllabus

TSICET 2023 Preparation Tips

With TSICET 2023 exam just a few days away, candidates must go through the last-minute preparation tips mentioned below for TSICET 2023:

  • Candidates must focus only on revising the important topics &  formulas during the last few days before TSICET exam to avoid any confusion during the actual exam.
  • Candidates must not start with any new topics or study any extra topics which are unimportant and focus on the most important topics studied before.
  • Speed and accuracy are the two ways of ensuring effective time management during the exam. Try to solve 4-5 mock tests a week before the exam to improve your speed and accuracy.
  • Candidates are recommended not to study on the day of TSICET 2023 exam as it only increases stress. Stay calm and do not take any kind of exam stress. 
  • Candidates are suggested to sleep for a minimum of 7-8 hours before the exam day. This is essential for relaxing the brain, increasing content retention, and concentration.

TS ICET Exam Centers

TSICET 2023 Exam Centers

  • The Telangana State Integrated Common Entrance Test (TS ICET) will be held across 16 Regional Test Centers in Telangana State.
  • Candidates are given the choice to fill the city of their choice according to convenience during TS ICET 2023 Application Process.

Mentioned below are the 16 regional test centers in Telangana, along with their codes:

TSICET Test Center Center Code TSICET Test Center Center Code
Adilabad 11 Mancherial 19
Hyderabad 12 Nalgonda 20
Jagityal 13 Nizamabad 21
Karimnagar 14 Sangareddy 22
Khammam 15 Siddipet 23
Kodad 16 Vikarabad 24
Kothagudem 17 Wanaparthy 25
Mahabubnagar 18 Warangal 26
TS ICET Result

TSICET 2023 Result

TSICET 2023 Result is expected to be declared in 4th week of June 2023 on the official website. The unreserved category candidates must secure at least 25% marks in order to qualify it. However, for the candidates of ST or SC categories, there are no such qualifying marks. Based on the TSICET 2023 Results, the conducting body will announce the Merit List. Candidates can check their individual TSICET 2023 Scorecard through the following steps:

  1. Visit the official website of TSICET
  2. Click on the link ‘TSICET 2023 Result’
  3. Visit the official website of TSICET
  4. Click on the ‘TSICET 2023 Rank Card’ link
  5. Enter the Hall Ticket Number
  6. Upon clicking the submit button, TSICET 2023 Rank Card will be generated

TSICET 2023 Answer Key

  • The exam conducting authority publishes Two Answer Keys i.e. Preliminary and Final answer key of TSICET 2023.
  • Candidates will be able to calculate their marks before the announcement of TSICET 2023 Result
  • Candidates were also given the facility to submit their objection on the primary answer key if any, to the office of the Convener, TSICET – 2023 through e-mail / Speed or Registered Post or in person within six days after publication of the preliminary answer key.
  • TSICET's Final answer key will be published along with Results in the 3rd week of September 2023. 
  • Candidates must note that TSICET 2023 Results and Rank List will be prepared based on the final merit list.  

TS ICET Merit List

TSICET 2023 Merit List

  • Kakatiya University, Warangal, will publish a separate merit list for both courses based on the candidates’ performance in the entrance test.
  • Candidates who score more than the cutoff marks will qualify for the next rounds.

TS ICET Counselling

TSICET 2023 Counselling

  • Based on this TSICET 2023 Merit list, qualified candidates will proceed for the TSICET 2023 Counselling.
  • Admission to 85% of seats shall be reserved for the local candidates.
  • 15% of the seats shall be left unreserved, as specified in the AP Educational Institutions order 1974 as amended.

TSICET 2023 Counselling will contain various steps which are discussed below:

  1. Registration – All the candidates who are selected for TSICET Counselling must register themselves by filling out the registration form at the counselling center.
  2. Certificate verification – Once the registration is done, the candidates must report to the counseling center with the required list of documents mentioned below for certificate verification.
  3. Online Web Options Entry & Freezing or Locking of Options – After the certificate verification, the conducting body will release an online portal for the candidates where they have to enter their preference of colleges in the online portal and lock it.
  4. TSICET 2023 Seat Allotment – During the seat allotment process, the choices that have been locked before the deadline will be considered for seat allocation. The final seat allotment will be made on the basis of the Merit list and availability of seats apart from the candidate’s choice.
  5. Payment of Fee and Reporting in the allotted college
  • The next step is the payment of the fee. Candidates are required to download the bank challan from the online website.
  • The fee can be paid in any of the Andhra Bank or Indian Bank in the state of Telangana.
  • Candidates will receive proof of the payment and with this receipt, the candidates must report to the allotted colleges.

Documents Required for TSICET 2023 Counselling 

Candidates appearing for TSICET 2023 Counselling are required to take certain documents to the counseling center. Candidates of all categories must carry these documents:

  • Rank Card
  • TSICET Admit Card
  • Mark sheet of SSC / Intermediate or Equivalent Qualifying Examination
  • Class IX to Degree Certificates
  • Caste & Income certificate issued on or after April 1, 2023
  • Transfer Certificate of Degree or Equivalent
  • Residence Certificate
  • In the case of non-local candidates residential certificate of either of parents in Telangana for 10 years excluding the period of employment outside Telangana from Tehsildar.
  • Aadhar Card 


TSICET 2023 Cutoff

  • TSICET 2023 Cutoff is the minimum score required to secure admission in MBA and MBA courses offered by various colleges and institutions in the state of Telangana.
  • TSICET 2023 cutoff will depend on a lot of factors such as:
    • The number of applicants,
    • The number of seats available,
    • Previous year cut off marks and the difficulty levels of the entrance test.
  • Candidates have to score a minimum of 25% marks in the entrance test (no minimum marks in the case of SC/ST candidates) to qualify for the counseling rounds.
  • The ranking of the merit list will be in the descending order of total marks scored in the entrance exam.
  • A separate Reserved category list will also be prepared.
  • Based on candidates’ performance, they will be called for a Counselling procedure.

Universities Under TSICET 2023

The following list of universities offers admission to MBA/MCA two-year programs. Candidates can pursue full-time, part-time, evening, and distance mode courses from these universities.

  • Prof. Jayashankar Agricultural University (PJSAU)
  • Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU)
  • JNT University, Hyderabad (JNTU-H)
  • Kakatiya University (KU)
  • Mahatma Gandhi University (MGU)
  • Osmania University (OU)
  • Palamur University (PU)
  • Satavahana University (SU)
  • Telangana University (TU)

Check TSICET 2023 Universities with Fees

Frequently Asked Questions

TSICET 2023 Frequently Asked Questions

Ques. Who is conducting the TSICET 2023 exam?

Ans. The Kakatiya University, Warangal conducts the TSICET exam on the behalf of the Telangana State Council of Higher Education, Hyderabad.

Ques. What are the various courses offered through TSICET 2023?

Ans. You may appear in the TSICET 2023 exam for getting admission to the Master in Business Applications (MBA) and Master in Computer Applications (MCA) courses.

Ques. What is the duration of the courses offered through TSICET 2023?

Ans. The MBA course available through TSCICET 2023 is for two years and the MCA course is for three years.

Ques. What is the eligibility for the TSICET 2023 exam?

Ans. Following are the highlights of eligibility details for various courses offered through TSICET 2023:

  • For MBA, candidates should have passed the bachelor’s degree of at least three years from any discipline and a recognized university or institution with at least 50% marks (45% for the SC/ST category).
  • For MCA, candidates should have passed the bachelor’s degree of at least three years from any discipline and a recognized university or institution along with the Mathematics subject in class 12th with at least 50% marks (45% for the SC/ST category).

Ques. What is the registration fee of TSICET 2023?

Ans. The registration fee of TSICET 2023 is INR 650 for the General category candidates and INR 450 for the SC and ST category candidates.

Ques. How can I pay the registration fee of TSICET 2023?

Ans. You can pay the registration fee of TSICET 2023 through TS Online, AP online, Mee Seva, and e-Seva centers. Additionally, you can pay it through a payment gateway (credit card, debit card, or net banking).

Ques. What is the mode of TSICET 2023 registration?

Ans. You may register for TSICET 2023 in the online mode through its official website at icet.tsche.ac.in.

Ques. What are the various exam centers of the TSICET 2023 exam?

Ans. TSICET 2023 exam will be conducted in 12 cities of Telangana and 4 cities of Andhra Pradesh. Following is the list of exam centers: • Hyderabad • Karimnagar • Khammam • Kodad • Mahabubnagar • Nalgonda • Narsapur – Medak • Nizamabad • Rangareddy • Sangareddy • Siddepet • Warangal • Kurnool (AP) • Tirupati (AP) • Vijayawada (AP) • Vishakapatnam (AP)

Ques. What certificates and information do I need to have ready with me while applying for TSICET 2023?

Ans. You should have the following certificates and details with you handy while filling TSICET 2023 registration form:

  • Degree or hall ticket number of the qualifying examination
  • Name of the candidate
  • Candidate’s father name
  • Date of birth of the candidate
  • Mobile number
  • Local status (OU/AU/SVU/ Non-local)
  • Parents’ income certificate
  • Category (SC, ST, or OBC) certificate, if applicable
  • Special Category (NCC, PH, Sports, or CAP)

Ques. How many marks do I need to secure in TSICET 2023 exam?

Ans. The qualifying marks for TSICET 2023 exam are 50 out of 200. The ranking will be calculated based on merit in the examination.

Ques. What happens if I fail to register for TSICET 2023 by the end date?

Ans. Earlier, in case one could not register for TSICET 2023 by the end date, there was a provision of registering with an additional late fee penalty of INR 500. However, for TS ICET 2023, this provision of registration with a late fee has been scrapped by TSCHE.

Ques. What happens in case of power or internet connection failure during the TSICET application form 2023 submission?

Ans. In case of interruption during the TSICET 2023 form submission, you would be able to access your registration page by logging in again to the official website - icet.tsche.ac.in again. Your already filled information might have been saved by the server.

Ques. Could I pay the TSICET 2023 application fee post submitting my online application form?

Ans. No, TS ICET 2023 application fee needs to be paid before registering for it.

Ques. I am a student of graduation final year. Am I eligible for applying to TSICET 2023?

Ans. Yes, you may apply to TSICET 2023, providing that you secure the least required marks at a late stage.

Ques. I have passed 47% marks in my B.Sc. Am I eligible to apply to TS ICET 2023 for the MBA course?

Ans. Yes, you are eligible to apply for TS ICET 2023 for the MBA course

Ques. From where could I get my TSICET 2023 admit card?

Ans. Successfully registered candidates can download TSICET 2023 Admit Card online from the 2nd week of August 2023. (10 AM onwards).

Ques. Would the TSICET 2023 admit card also be sent to me through the physical post?

Ans. No, you will have to download it through the official website only. TSICET doesn’t provide admit cards by post or email.

Ques. What should I bring to the exam center along with the TSICET 2023 admit card?

Ans. Along with TS ICET 2023 admit card, the candidate has to carry one valid and original (not photocopied/scanned copy) photo identity proof like voter Id, aadhaar card, etc to TSICET 2023 Exam Center.

Ques. Which all documented are will be allowed as photo identity proof at the exam center of TSICET 2023?

Ans. Driving license, passport, PAN card, voter Id card, Aadhaar card, college Id card, employee Id card, or any other photo identity proof issued by the Indian or state government will be allowed as photo identity proof at the exam center of TSICET 2023

Ques. Will I be allowed to enter the exam center of TSICET 2023, if I carry the photocopy of my driving license?

Ans. No, you need to carry the original one to the exam center of TSICET 2023. Candidates who bring a photocopy of any document will not be permitted to sit in the exam.

Ques. Will I be allowed to enter the exam center of TSICET 2023, if I carry would show the E-aadhaar on my mobile phone?

Ans. No, you need to carry the original hard copy of any of your photo identity proof to enter the exam center of TSICET 2023

Ques. Do I need to validate something in the downloaded TSICET 2023 admit card?

Ans. Yes, you need to validate that all your particulars in the TS ICET 2023 admit card are correct.

Ques. What should I do if I find errors in my TSICET 2023 admit card?

Ans. You need to immediately contact the officials of TS ICET 2023 to get those corrected and issue a new admit card.

Ques. What are the restricted items for the TSICET 2023 examination hall?

Ans. Mobile phones, physical calculators, wristwatches, any other electronic items, and sharp objects are not allowed inside the TS ICET 2023 examination hall.

Ques. How should I submit the Application Form of TSICET 2023? 

Ans. For TSICET 2023, the application form cannot be bought at designated centers and has to be submitted ONLY through ONLINE mode.

Ques. What are the various modes of payment of TSICET 2023 Registration fees?

Ans. There are two modes of payment. The first mode is through TSICET 2023 Online / AP Online / e-Seva / Mee Seva centers and the other mode is through Debit Card / Credit Card/Net Banking. The locations of TSOnline / APOnline / eSeva / Mee Seva centers are given on the official website. 

Ques. How do I know that my application has been received and accepted after filling in the Online TSICET 2023 Application Form?

Ans. On successful submission of the Online TSICET 2023 Application Form, you will immediately receive an SMS on your mobile phone with the Registration number. Further, your “Filled In Online Application Form” containing all the details uploaded from the database and typed by you along with the Registration number and the Barcode will be displayed instantly.

Ques. Should I upload any certificates at the time of TSICET 2023 registration?

Ans. No, you do not have to upload any certificates at the time of TSICET 2023 registration.

Ques. After completing the ONLINE application process and generating a printable Application form, will I be able to log in to TSICET 2023 website again to change my application data?

Ans. No, after submission of the ONLINE application form, a “Filled In Application Form” is generated. The candidate can take a print of the application form and hence, cannot modify the data. Therefore, the candidates are highly expected to be extra careful while filling out the ONLINE TSICET 2023 application form. However, some of the fields (excluding Regional Test Centre) in the Filled In Online Application Form can be edited if the candidate writes a request letter with relevant proofs addressing CONVENER, TSICET-2023 or send an e-mail to convener TS ICET2023@gmail.com.

Ques. I did some mistakes in filling in the details in TSICET 2023 Online Application. How can I change?

Ans. Candidates are expected to be extra careful while filling TSICET 2023 application form. However, some of the fields (excluding Regional Test Centre) in the Filled In Online Application Form can be edited if the candidate writes a request letter with relevant proofs addressing CONVENER, TS ICET-2023 or send an e-mail to convenerTS ICET2023@gmail.com. 

Ques. What if I don’t have an Email-id for TSICET 2023 Application Form?

Ans. Email-id is not a mandatory detail but desirable as you might be intimated important information about TSICET-2023 from time to time to the given e-mail id. 

Ques. When will TSICET 2023 Counselling be conducted?

Ans. TSICET 2023 Counselling is likely to be conducted in September 2023. The exact Dates will be announced in due course. It is going to be held in online mode. 

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

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