bySonam Rana updated Content Curator updated
GATE 2022 Question Papers are now available. Candidates can download GATE 2022 Question Paper PDF using the links mentioned below. GATE 2022 CE and ME papers were held in two slots meanwhile all the other papers were held in a single slot. Two new papers have been added to the list of GATE 2022 papers- Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering (NM) and Geomatics Engineering (GE). Candidates preparing for GATE 2023 can check previous year GATE Question Papers for better preparation and in getting acquainted with the paper pattern and type of questions asked in the exam.
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GATE 2022 Question Papers with Answer Key- Download PDFs
Paper/ Subject | Exam Date | Session | GATE 2022 Question Paper Link |
Mechanical Engineering- ME | February 13 | Forenoon Session | Check Here |
Mechanical Engineering- ME | February 13 | Afternoon Session | Check Here |
Petroleum Engineering- PE | February 13 | Forenoon Session | Check Here |
Architecture and Planning- AR | February 13 | Forenoon Session | Check Here |
Geomatics Engineering- GE (New Paper) | February 13 | Afternoon Session | Check Here |
Aerospace Engineering- AE | February 13 | Afternoon Session | Check Here |
Civil Engineering- CE | February 12 | Forenoon Session | Check Here |
Civil Engineering- CE | February 12 | Afternoon Session | Check Here |
Biotechnology- BT | February 12 | Forenoon Session | Check Here |
Physics- PH | February 12 | Forenoon Session | Check Here |
Ecology and Evolution- EY | February 12 | Forenoon Session | Check Here |
Engineering Sciences- XE | February 12 | Afternoon Session | Check Here |
Life Sciences- XL | February 12 | Afternoon Session | Check Here |
Electronics and Communication Engineering- EC | February 6 | Forenoon Session | Check Here |
Environmental Science and Engineering- ES | February 6 | Forenoon Session | Check Here |
Statistics- ST | February 6 | Forenoon Session | Check Here |
Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering- NM (New Paper) | February 6 | Forenoon Session | Check Here |
Metallurgical Engineering- MT | February 6 | Forenoon Session | Check Here |
Mining Engineering- MN | February 6 | Forenoon Session | Check Here |
Chemistry- CY | February 6 | Afternoon Session | Check Here |
Chemical Engineering- CH | February 6 | Afternoon Session | Check Here |
Production and Industrial Engineering- PI | February 6 | Afternoon Session | Check Here |
Humanities and Social Sciences- Economics (XH- C1) | February 6 | Afternoon Session | Check Here |
Humanities and Social Sciences- English (XH- C2) | February 6 | Afternoon Session | Check Here |
Humanities and Social Sciences- Linguistics (XH- C3) | February 6 | Afternoon Session | Check Here |
Humanities and Social Sciences- Philosophy (XH- C4) | February 6 | Afternoon Session | Check Here |
Humanities and Social Sciences- Psychology (XH- C5) | February 6 | Afternoon Session | Check Here |
Humanities and Social Sciences- Sociology (XH- C6) | February 6 | Afternoon Session | Check Here |
Instrumentation Engineering- IN | February 6 | Afternoon Session | Check Here |
Agricultural Engineering- AG | February 6 | Afternoon Session | Check Here |
Geology and Geophysics- GG | February 6 | Afternoon Session | Check Here |
Textile Engineering and Fibre Science- TF | February 6 | Afternoon Session | Check Here |
Computer Science and Information Technology- CS | February 5 | Forenoon Session | Check Here |
Biomedical Engineering- BM | February 5 | Forenoon Session | Check Here |
Electrical Engineering- EE | February 5 | Forenoon Session | Check Here |
Mathematics- MA | February 5 | Forenoon Session | Check Here |
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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.