GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science (TF) Syllabus 2023, Exam Pattern, Books, Question Papers

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Updated on, Sep 18, 2024

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GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science (TF) Syllabus 2023 consists of 5 major topics. 72% of the GATE TF syllabus is from the core subject, 13% from Engineering Mathematics, and 15% from General Aptitude. Candidates who opted for TF as their first paper can only opt for Engineering Sciences (XE) as their second paper. Check GATE Exam Pattern 2023

The major topics in GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science Syllabus 2023 include Textile Fibers, Yarn manufacture, Yarn structure, and Properties, Fabric manufacture, Structure, and Properties, Textile Testing and Chemical Processing. The students are advised to attempt a good amount of mock tests before appearing for GATE 2023. This will boost their confidence and improve their time management skills. Also Check GATE Preparation Tips

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GATE TF Syllabus

GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science (TF) Syllabus 2023

Engineering Mathematics Syllabus

Topics Sub Topics
Linear Algebra Matrices and Determinants, Systems of linear equations, Eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Vector Calculus Gradient; Divergence and Curl; Line; surface and volume integrals; Stokes, Gauss and Green’s theorems.
Calculus Limit, continuity and differentiability; Partial Derivatives; Maxima and minima; Sequences and series; Test for convergence; Fourier series.
Differential Equations Linear and non-linear first order ODEs; Higher order linear ODEs with constant coefficients; Cauchy’s and Euler’s equations; Laplace transforms; PDEs –Laplace, heat and wave equations.
Probability and Statistics Mean, median, mode and standard deviation; Random variables; Poisson, normal and binomial distributions; Correlation and regression analysis.
Numerical Methods Solutions of linear and nonlinear algebraic equations; integration of trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule; single and multi-step methods for differential equations.

General Aptitude Syllabus for GATE 2023 Textile Engineering and Fibre Science

Verbal Ability Numerical Ability
  • English grammar
  • Sentence completion, Instructions
  • Verbal analogies, Word groups
  • Critical reasoning, Verbal deduction. 
  • Numerical computation
  • Numerical reasoning
  • Numerical estimation
  • Data interpretation. 

GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science 2023

The syllabus of textile engineering is divided into 5 major sections. The weight of this section is 70% and candidates are advised to focus more on this section.

Section 1: Textile Fibers

  • Classification of textile fibres; Essential requirements of fibre forming polymers; Gross and fine structures of natural fibres like cotton, wool, silk; Introduction to bast fibres; Properties and uses of natural and man-made
    fibres including carbon, aramid and ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fibres; Physical and chemical methods of fibre and blend identification and blend analysis.
  • Molecular architecture, amorphous and crystalline phases, glass transition, plasticization, crystallization, melting, factors affecting Tg and Tm; Polymerization of nylon-6, nylon-66, poly (ethylene terephthalate), polyacrylonitrile and polypropylene; Melt spinning processes for PET, polyamide and polypropylene; Preparation of spinning dope; Principles of wet spinning, dry spinning, dry-jet-wet spinning and gel spinning; Spinning of acrylic, viscose and other regenerated cellulosic fibres such as polynosic and lyocell; Post spinning operations such as drawing, heat setting, tow-to-top conversion;Spin finish composition and applications; Different texturing methods.
  • Methods of investigating fibre structure such as density, x-ray diffraction, birefringence, optical and electron microscopy such as SEM and TEM, I.R. spectroscopy, thermal methods such as DSC, DMA, TMA and TGA; Structure and morphology of man-made fibres; Mechanical properties of fibres; Moisture sorption of fibres; Fibre structure-property correlation.

Section 2: Yarn manufacture, Yarn structure, and Properties

  • Principles of ginning; Principles of opening, cleaning and blending; Working principles of modern blow room machines; Fundamentals of carding; Conventional vs. modern carding machine; Card setting; Card clothing; Periodic mass variation in card sliver; Card autoleveller; Principles of roller drawing; Roller arrangements in drafting systems; Periodic mass variation in drawn sliver; Drawframe Autoleveller; Principles of cotton combing; Combing cycle and mechanisms; Recent developments in combing machine; Principles of drafting, twisting, and bobbin building in roving formation; Modern developments in roving machine; Principles of drafting, twisting and cop building in ring spinning; Causes of end breakages; Modern developments in ring spinning machine; Working principles of ring doubler and two-for-one twister; Relationship between single yarn twist and folded yarn twist; Principles of compact, rotor, air-jet, air-vortex, friction, core, wrap and twist-less spinning processes.
  • Influence of fibre geometry, fibre configuration and fibre orientation in yarn; Fibre packing density of yarn; Yarn diameter; Yarn twist and its relation to yarn strength; Helical arrangement of fibres in yarns; Yarn contraction; Fibre migration in yarns; Stress-strain relation in yarn; Mass irregularity of yarn; Structure-property relationship in ring, compact, rotor, air-jet and friction spun yarns.

Section 3: Fabric manufacture, Structure, and Properties

  • Principles of winding processes; Classification of winding methods; Patterning mechanism; Yarn clearers and tensioners; Different systems of yarn splicing; Warping objectives and classification; Different types of warping creels; Features of beam and sectional warping machines; Different sizing systems; Sizing of spun and filament yarns;Drawing-in process; Principles of pirn winding.
  • Primary and secondary motions of loom; Shedding motion; Positive and negative shedding mechanisms; Type of sheds; Tappet, dobby and jacquard shedding; Weft insertion; Mechanics of weft insertion with shuttle; Shuttle picking and checking; Beat-up; Kinematics of sley; Loom timing diagram; Cam designing; Effect of sley setting and cam profile on fabric formation; Take-up and Let-off motions; Warp and weft stop motions; Warp protection; Weft replenishment; Principles of weft insertion systems of shuttleless weaving machines such as projectile, rapier, water-jet and air-jet; Principles of functioning of multiphase and circular looms; Types of selvedges.
  • Basic woven fabric constructions and their derivatives; Crepe, cord, terry, gauze, leno and double cloth constructions; Drawing and lifting plans.
  • Fundamentals of weft knitting; Classification of weft knitting technologies; Weft knitted constructions such as plain, rib, interlock and purl; Different knit stitches such as loop, tuck and float.
  • Principle of warp knitting; Classification of warp knitting technologies; Swinging and shogging motion of guide bar; Basic warp knit construction such as pillar, tricot, atlas, inlay and nets. Fibre preparation processes for nonwovens; Web formation and bonding processes;Spun-bonding and melt- blowing technologies; Applications of nonwoven fabrics.
  • Principles of braiding; Type of braids; Maypole braiding technology.
  • Peirce’s equations for plain woven fabric geometry; Elastic Model of plain-woven fabric; Thickness, cover and maximum set of woven fabrics; Geometry of plain weft knitted loop; Munden’s constants and tightness factor for plain weft knitted fabrics; Geometry of tubular braids.

Section 4: Textile Testing

  • Sampling techniques for fibres, yarns and fabrics; Sample size and sampling errors.
  • Moisture in textiles; Fibre length, fineness, crimp, maturity and trash content; Tensile testing of fibres; High volume fibre testing.
  • Linear density of silver, roving and yarn; Twist and hairiness of yarn; Tensile testing of yarns; Evenness testing; Fault measurement and analysis of yarns.
  • Fabric thickness, compressibility, stiffness, shear, drape, crease recovery, tear strength, bursting strength, pilling and abrasion resistance; Tensile testing of fabrics; Objective evaluation of low stress mechanical characteristics; Air permeability; Wetting and wicking; Water-vapour transmission through fabrics; Thermal resistance of fabrics.

Section 5: Chemical processing

  • Impurities in natural fibre; Singeing; Chemistry and practice of preparatory processes for cotton; Preparatory processing of wool and silk; Mercerization of cotton; Preparatory processes for manmade fibres and their blends; Optical brightening agent.
  • Classification of dyes; Dyeing of cotton, wool, silk, polyester, nylon and acrylic with appropriate classes of dyes;
  • Dyeing of polyester/cotton and polyester/wool blends; Dyeing machines; Dyeing processes and machines for cotton knitted fabrics;Dye-fibre interaction;Introduction to thermodynamics and kinetics of dyeing; Brief idea about the relation between colour and chemical constitution; Beer-Lambert’s law;Kubelka-Munk theory and its application in colour measurement; Methods for determination of wash, light and rubbing fastness.
  • Methods of printing such as roller printing and screen printing; Preparation of printing paste; Various types of thickeners; Printing auxiliaries; Direct styles of printing of (i) cotton with reactive dyes, (ii) wool, silk, nylon with acid and metal complex dyes, (iii) polyester with disperse dyes; Resist and discharge printing of cotton, silk and polyester; Pigment printing; Transfer printing of polyester; Inkjet printing; Printing faults.
  • Mechanical finishing of cotton; Stiff, soft, wrinkle resistant, water repellent, flame retardant and enzyme (bio- polishing) finishing of cotton; Milling, decatizing and shrink resistant finishing of wool; Antistatic and soil release finishing; Heat setting of synthetic fabrics; Minimum application techniques.
  • Pollution control and treatment of effluents.

Direct link to download GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Sciences (TF) syllabus PDF 

GATE TF Exam Pattern

GATE Exam Pattern of Textile Engineering and Fibre Science 2023

GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science Syllabus 2023 consist of - Engineering Mathematics, General Aptitude, and Textile Engineering and Fibre Science. Find below the exam pattern of the same.

  • Paper is held in online mode (Computer Based Test).
  • The question paper consists of 65 questions worth 100 marks.
  • Students have to attempt all the questions for the duration of 3 hours.
  • The paper will contain MCQs and NAT type of questions.
GATE TF Sectional Weightage
Engineering Mathematics 13%
General Aptitude 15%
Remaining Topics of TF 72%

GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science Marking Scheme 2023

Type of Question Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
MCQ 1 or 2 Marks ⅓ for 1 mark questions⅔ for 2 marks questions
NAT 1 or 2 Marks No Negative Marking

Read More GATE 2023 Exam Pattern

GATE TF Weightage of Topics

GATE TF 2023 Weightage of Topics

GATE Engineering Mathematics & General Aptitude Section

Topic Weightage (Marks)
Grammar 2
Synonyms and Antonyms 3
Sentence Completion 2
Reasoning Ability 4
Data Interpretation 3
Clock Problems 1
Linear Algebra 3

GATE Textile Engineering Section

Topic Weightage (Marks)
Principles of Weft & Warp Knitting 10
Yarn manufacture, Yarn structure, and Properties 15
Chemical processing 14
Sampling Techniques and Errors 8
Motion of Loom, Cam Design, and Kinematics of Sley 10
GATE TF Preparation

GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science Preparation 2023

This section consists of the essential sections required in GATE Preparation. The students need to go through them for further assistance.

GATE TF Books for Engineering Mathematics

Book Name Author ISBN Number
Higher Engineering Mathematics B.S. Grewal 8174091955, 978-8174091956
A Textbook of Engineering Mathematics N P Bali and Dr. Manish Goyal 8131808327, 978-8131808320
Engineering Mathematics Sastry S.S 8120337050, 978-8120337053
Mathematical Methods for Scientists & Engineers Donald A. McQuarrie 8130909979, 978-8130909974

GATE TF Books for Textile Engineering And Fibre Science

Book Name Author ISBN Number
Advanced Engineering Mathematics Erwin Kreyszig 9788126554232, 8126554231
Developments in Science and Technology Kalpana Rajaram 9788179305461, 8179305465
Textile Processing and Properties Vigo TL Vigo Vigo 9780444882240, 0444882243

Also Check GATE Cutoff

Previous Year GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science Question Paper

Given below are the links for GATE TF Previous Year Question Papers along with their answer keys. The students are advised to go through them before appearing for GATE 2023. 

Year Link for GATE TF Question Paper Link for GATE TF Answer Key
2021 Check Here  Check Here 
2020 Check Here  Check Here 
2019 Check Here  Check Here 
2018 Check Here  Check Here 
GATE TF Question Paper

GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science Sample Questions

Engineering Mathematics and General Aptitude Sample Questions

  • Next Term in the series: 81, 54, 36, 21, ________?
  • Clock Problem: At what time between 6 and 7 will the minute and hour hand of making an angle closest to 60 degrees?
  • Direction and Distance Problem: X is 1Km northeast of Y. Y is 1Km southeast of Z. W is 1Km west of Z. P is south of W. Q is 1Km east of P. Calculate the distance between Q and X in Km?
  • Sentence Completion: A person is suffering from Alzheimer's disease __________ short term memory loss?

Check GATE Paper Analysis 

Sample Questions from Textile Engineering and Fibre Science

Candidates can have a look at a few sample questions and the weightage of the topics based on previous years' papers.

  • Sample Question 1: A filament yarn of 300 deniers is being spun at a take-up speed of 900 m/min. Let's assume the density of the melt as 1.2 g/cm3. What is the speed (cm3 /min) at the spinneret?
  • Sample Question 2: The delivery rate of a roving machine is 20 m/min. Let us assume the flyer speed as 1000 rpm. The inner diameter of the flyer top as 1 cm and the diameter of roving as 2.5 mm. The slippage between the flyer top and roving as 50 %. What is the false twist (turns/m) in the roving above the flyer?
  • Sample Question 3: Warp and weft yarns with diameters of 0.4 mm and 0.6 mm, respectively, are used to produce plain woven fabric with end spacing of 0.8 mm and pick spacing of 1.2 mm. Assuming the degree of flattening to be 0.8 in both warp and weft yarns, the approximate fabric cover would be ______________?

GATE Syllabus 2023 for other Papers

Frequently Asked Questions

GATE Syllabus for TF 2023 FAQs

Ques: How to prepare online for GATE 2023 Textile Engineering?

Ans: Candidates can join the online classes for GATE 2023 Textile Engineering offered by various coaching institutes like The GATE Academy, Made Easy, etc. These online classes allow the students to study in their comfort zone. They can study without taking pressure from the teachers or fellow students. Check GATE 2023 Online Coaching

Ques: What topics should not be avoided from GATE 2023 Textile Engineering Syllabus?

Ans: Some of the major or main topics in GATE 2023 Textile Engineering Syllabus are mentioned below. The students are advised not to skip these chapters as they carry the maximum weightage.

  • General Aptitude, Engineering Mathematics
  • Textile Fibers
  • Yarn manufacture, Yarn structure, and Properties
  • Fabric manufacture, Structure, and Properties
  • Textile Testing
  • Chemical processing

Ques: What is the weightage of important topics in GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science Syllabus 2023?

Ans: The weightage of the major sections in GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science is mentioned below:

Engineering Mathematics 13%
General Aptitude 15%
Remaining Topics of TF 72%

Ques. Which books should be read for GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science Syllabus 2023?

Ans: The best for the preparation of GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science Syllabus 2023 syllabus will be your graduation level books or notes. These books will help you in clearing the basic concepts. However, other than those books you can also refer to the following:

  • Developments in Science and Technology by Kalpana Rajaram
  • Textile Processing and Properties by Vigo TL Vigo Vigo

Ques. Can previous years' papers help me to prepare for the GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science Syllabus 2023?

Ans: Yes, previous years' papers can help you in GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science Syllabus 2023 as they are handy and you can go through them a number of times. You can observe the trend of questions asked in the past 2-3 years and prepare according to that. Practice papers help you prepare for your exams in the long run.

Ques. What is the paper code for GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science 2023?

Ans. The paper code for GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science is TF. Before appearing for the exam the students are advised to attempt as many GATE Mock Tests as possible to secure the desired scores.

Ques. Is it possible to complete the GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science Syllabus in 60 days?

Ans. GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science Syllabus 2023 typically requires at least 6 months to complete if the candidate studies for at least 3 hours a day. However, the syllabus can be completed within 2 months if the candidate dedicates a lot of time and effort. 

Ques. Which are some good books for the GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science Syllabus 2023?

Ans. Some good books for GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science Syllabus 2023 are as follows: 

  • Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig
  • Developments in Science and Technology by Kalpana Rajaram
  • Textile Processing and Properties by Vigo TL 

Ques. What other subject can be chosen along with GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science?

Ans. Along with GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science, candidates can opt for Engineering Sciences (XE) as their second choice. The students need to prepare thoroughly before appearing for the exam.

Ques. What will be the difficulty level of GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science 2023? 

Ans. According to the previous year’s trends, the difficulty level of GATE Petroleum Engineering ranges from moderate to difficult. The students need to attempt a good amount of previous year question papers to ace this exam. Check GATE Paper Analysis 

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

GATE 2025 : 3 Answered Questions

Ques. What are the cut off marks in gate for iit indore?

IIT Indore GATE Cutoss 2023 has not been released officially IIT Kanpur will release the GATE 2023 cutoff for IIT Indore Students having valid GATE scores from 2023, 2022, or 2021 will be eligible for admission to MTech courses. Considering the IIT Indore GATE cutoff for 2021, The overall cutoff for GATE is 615 - 740 marks. Here is the branch-wise cutoff M.Tech Material Science and Engineering 615 M.Tech Communication and Signal Processing 657 M.Tech VLSI Design and Nanoelectronics 670 M.Tech Production & Industrial Engineering 740 Please note that the above cutoff is only for the general category....Read More
Answer By Jyoti Chopra 17 Jun 23
1 Answer

Ques. Which one is better for an MSc in Chemistry, Hyderabad School of Chemistry or IIT Bhubaneswar?

MSc in Chemistry at IIT Bhubaneswar is better, keeping in mind the quality of education that you’ll receive, and the reputation of the institute:  You can opt for a joint MSc+PhD in Chemistry if you want to pursue a more research-focused program.  We have regular workshops and conferences at our department, wherein MSc. and PhD scholars can actively collaborate. The Chemistry department of IIT Bhubaneswar is active in research in various areas like- Coordination Chemistry Molecular Recognition for the synthesis of Exotic Organic and Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials Magnetic Materials and Magnetostructural Correlation Catalysis for Fine Chemicals Design and Development of Metal Complexes towards Catalysis and Anti-Cancer Drugs As you can see, all of this is high-impact and extremely significant. Thus, I would recommend you opt for IIT Bhubaneswar over Hyderabad School of Chemistry, for an MSc. in Chemistry. ...Read More
Answer By  11 Jul 24
1 Answer

Ques. Which is better: NIT Surathkal for IT or IIT Bhubaneswar for Mechanical?

I am a second year B.Tech Mechanical student at IIT Bhubaneswar. NIT Surathkal is a top ranked NIT, but joining Mechanical Engineering at IIT Bhubaneswar has its own advantages: One of the best things about BTech in Mechanical Engineering at IIT Bhubaneswar is that it welcomes interdisciplinary studies and extracurricular pursuits like athletics, music, dancing, fine arts, entrepreneurship, social work, projects, and internships.  The faculty and academic atmosphere of the Mechanical Department at IIT Bhubaneswar is very student-friendly. The department has excellent faculty members with expertise in core concepts as well as high-impact research in various specialisations. Here is a comparison between NIT Surathkal IT and IIT Bhubaneswar Mechanical for your reference: Parameters NIT Surathkal B.Tech IT IIT Bhubaneswar B.Tech Mechanical NIRF 2023 Engineering Ranking 12 47 Placement % 100% 94.34% Highest Package INR 54.75 LPA INR 27 LPA Average Package INR 29.23 LPA INR 11.96 LPA Top Recruiters Microsoft, Uber, Amazon Google, Microsoft, Reliance Industries Out of personal experience, I can assure you that B.Tech Mechanical at IIT Bhubaneswar is a good choice in terms of academics and placements. Rest, the choice depends on your personal preference. ...Read More
Answer By  11 Jul 24
1 Answer

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Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


Note: GATE 2025 Application Fee needs to be paid online through net banking or debit card or credit card facilities. Additional charges will be applicable as per the rule of the bank from where the money is being transferred. This charge will be specified on the payment portal.

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