GATE 2023 Textile Engineering Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme and Weightage of Topics

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Updated on, Sep 18, 2024

bySonam Rana updated Content Curator updated

GATE Textile Engineering and Fibre Science exam pattern has been released. No new changes have been made to GATE 2023 TF pattern this year. The weightage of core subject syllabus in the final exam is 72% and Engineering mathematics is 13%. The weightage of General Aptitude is the same i.e. 15%.

  • Candidates can also sit for GATE XE as their second paper if they have opted for TF as the first paper. Also, if you have opted for XE as your first paper then for the second paper you can opt from AE/ CH/ ME/ MN/ MT/ PE/ PI/ TF. 
  • The marking scheme, time duration, language of paper, etc are the same as of the previous year. 
  • GATE test-takers are suggested to adhere to the latest exam pattern along with referring to the GATE 2023 syllabus for the TF section for a detailed understanding of the course.  Check GATE 2023 Textile Engineering Syllabus

GATE 2023 score enables students to gain admission to various prestigious PG programs in IITs, NITs, etc. Students can also get direct interview calls for prestigious PSU jobs in India after clearing GATE. Read the article to know more about exam pattern, marking scheme, type of questions, weightage of sections, and much more. 

Must Read:

Highlights of GATE 2023 Textile Engineering Exam Pattern

  • There are 3 sections in the examination- General Aptitude, Engineering Mathematics, and Subject- wise questions.
  • The duration of the paper is 3 hours and the score is valid for a period of the next 3 years.
  • The entrance test will have three types of questions including Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), Multiple Select Questions (MSQ), and Numerical Answer Type (NAT) Questions. Marks will be deducted in case of a wrong attempt for MCQs questions only.
  • The papers of GATE 2023 will have questions related to the General Aptitude & Engineering Mathematics in addition to the main subject of the paper.
Feature Description
Duration of the exam A total of 3 hours (180 minutes)
Number of Questions 65
Total Marks 100
Questions Type There will be two type of questions asked in the exam: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), Multiple Select Questions (MSQ), and Numerical based Questions
Total sections Three; General Aptitude, Engineering Mathematics, and Textile Engineering
Marking Scheme One Mark MCQs (one-third marks will be cut in case of wrong attempt) while for 2 Mark MCQs (two-third marks will be deducted)

Why Knowledge of Exam Pattern is important?

Knowing the exam pattern of the GATE exam will assist the students to create a strong preparation strategy. The official brochure announced by IIT is of much use for the candidates giving the exam near year. Also, solving last year’s papers will help the students to boost their preparation.

GATE exam is conducted aiming to judge the individual’s abilities in various grounds related to the course they are planning to opt in the future.

  • Textile Engineering deals a lot with the usage of scientific and engineering principles while designing and managing all aspects of fiber, textile, and apparel processes, products, and machinery.
  • The more the GATE TF practice papers are solved by the candidates, the better understanding they will develop. Once he/she gets get familiar with the latest exam pattern, they can easily score good marks in the GATE entrance test.
  • Make sure that you don’t miss Engineering Maths/Aptitude section while preparing for the entrance test. Both of these sections are important and help in ensuring a good score.
  • Make short notes related to all the important topics, concepts, formulas, tricks, etc. while preparing for the GATE exam.
  • In the test, 72% weightage will be given to subject-specific questions.

GATE TF Exam Pattern

Details of GATE 2023 Textile Engineering Exam Pattern

Type of Question

  • There will be three types of questions asked in the exam.
  • Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) – Every question will have 4 choices out of which only 1 is the correct answer.
  • Multiple Select Questions (MSQ) – In MSQs, questions will have a choice of four answers. Out of which, one or more than one choice(s) are correct.
  • Numerical Answer Type (NAT) Questions – The answers to these questions are numerical values that are to be entered using a virtual keypad. No choices are given for these questions.


  • There will be three sections in the question paper including:
  • General aptitude
  • Engineering Mathematics
  • The subject selected by the candidates (Textile Engineering)

Marking Scheme

  • For the MCQs holding weightage of 1 Mark, one-third marks will be deducted for the wrong attempts while for 2 Mark MCQs, the deduction will be of two-third marks.
  • No marks will be given for the questions left unanswered.

Negative marking

  • No marks will be deducted for the wrong answers in Numerical Answer Type (NAT) and Multiple Select Questions (MSQ) questions.
  • However, no marks will be awarded if MSQ is partially answered and it is correct. 

GATE TF Marking Scheme

h2>GATE Textile Engineering Marking Scheme

The distribution of marks according to the three sections is given in the table below:

GATE 2020 Paper Sections Marks Distribution
Textile Engineering and Fiber Science (TF) Subject Questions 72% of the total marks.
Engineering Mathematics 13% of the total marks.
General Aptitude (GA) 15% of the total marks.
  • The question paper consists of 65 questions worth 100 marks.
  • Each correct answer will fetch you one or two marks. However, incorrect answers will lead to negative marking.
  • There is a provision of negative marking in the MCQ questions while NAT questions do not carry any negative marking.

Negative Marking

Type of questions Marks for the correct answer Negative marking for the incorrect answer
Multiple Choice Questions 1 or 2 marks 1/3rd for 1 mark questions and 2/3rd for 2 marks questions
NAT, MSQ 1 or 2 marks No negative marking

Know More GATE Exam Pattern

Important Topics in TF

Important topics of GATE Textile Engineering

The complete syllabus of Textile Engineering and Fibre Science is divided into 3 sections which include Engineering Mathematics, General Aptitude and Textile Engineering.

Different topics come under each of the sections, some of the important topics asked in the exam include:

Subject Syllabus
Engineering Mathematics Linear Algebra (Matrices and Determinants, Eigenvalues, Systems of linear equations) Differential equations (Linear and non-linear; Cauchy’s and Euler’s equations; Laplace transforms; heat and wave equations.) Calculus (Continuity and differentiability, Maxima and minima; sequences and concepts; Test for convergence; Fourier series.) Probability and Statistics (Mean, mode and median; Random variables; Correlation and regression analysis.) Numerical Methods (Solutions of linear and nonlinear algebraic equations; integration of trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule)
Textile Fibre Types of textile fibers; Important requirements of fiber forming polymers; Properties and benefits of natural and man- made fibres; physical and chemical ways of fiber and blend identification and blend analysis.

Besides the above-mentioned topics, many other topics are important from the exam point of view and the students must refer to them as well.

Previous Year Sample Questions

Sample Questions From Important Topics

Question 1- Once a team of analysts discovered the problem, we _________ in a better position to comment on the issue.

Which one of the following options CANNOT be filled in the blank?

(A) will be (B) were to be

(C) are going to be (D) might be

(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 6

The correct answer is B

Question 2- A final test is the _________ of a series of evaluations that a student has to go through.

(A) culmination (B) consultation

(C) desperation (D) insinuation

The correct answer is A

Question 3- The product of three integers X, Y and Z is equal to 192. Z is equal to 4 while P is equal to the average of X and Y. What is the minimum value of

(A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 9.5

The correct answer - A

Q.4. A wool fabric needs to be dyed suing an acid dye to a shade of 4% on the weight of fabric (owf).

The material to liquor ratio is 1:40 and the exhaustion is 100%. The concentration (gpl) of the dye in the initial dye bath would be __________

The correct answer is 1:1

Download GATE Textile Engineering Practice Papers

Weightage of Sections

Topic Wise Weightage of GATE 2023 Textile Engineering 

Weightage of Engineering Mathematics and General Aptitude Sections

Topic (General Aptitude) Anticipated weightage in marks Topic (Engineering Mathematics) Expected weightage
Grammar 2 Reasoning Ability 4
Synonyms and Antonyms 3 Data Interpretation 3
Sentence Completion 3 Clock Problems 1
Linear Algebra 3

Weightage of important topics/ sections of the syllabus

Textile Engineering and Fiber Science (TF) Subject Questions 45 72 72% of the total marks.
Engineering Mathematics 10 13 13% of the total marks.
General Aptitude (GA) 10 15 15% of the total marks.

Check GATE Textile Engineering Paper Analysis

What is Textile Engineering and Fibre Science?

Textile engineering is a part of the engineering that deals with the garment, color and fabric line of industries. It is the science that studies the activities and methods used in the process of textile manufacturing. Textile engineering includes the study of law, principles, and scientific techniques that are needed for the development and manufacturing the textile fabrics and all types of yarns.

The candidates securing a good score in their GATE entrance test are eligible to apply for admission in various renowned engineering institutes including IITs, NITs, etc. that can help them in having a great future ahead.  Check GATE COAP Counselling

Also, Textile Engineering and Fibre Science graduates can explore wider scopes in the PSU’s including the prestigious National Textile Corporation Limited (NTCL) among others. DRDO also appoints the candidates who are TF graduated. Another main scope post doing TF is the fashion designing industry where you can find a lot of opportunities and also can go for the startup. Some of the companies that are the main recruiters of textile engineering and fabric science students include:

  • Raymond
  • Bombay Dyeing
  • Mysore Silk
  • JCT Limited
  • Lakshmi Mills
  • Reliance Textiles
  • Fabindia

Check PSU Recruitment through GATE

Important Instructions for candidates

Important Instructions for candidates

  • GATE 2023 will be conducted in online mode (Computer Based Test mode).
  • The entire duration of the test is 3 hours and all the questions that will be asked in the GATE 2023 exam will be as per the latest exam pattern.
  • The candidates are suggested to reach at least 60 minutes before the commencement of the examination.
  • The candidates will be permitted to give the test only if their credentials get verified by center officials.
  • The candidates appearing for the GMAT exam next year need to occupy their allotted seats at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start of the examination. The candidates can log in and start reading the necessary instructions 20 minutes before the commencement of the exam.
  • The candidates will get scribble pads at the test center and the pads must be returned to the invigilator at the end of the examination.
  • No candidate will be allowed to enter insider the examination hall after 09:30 hours for the morning session and for the afternoon sessions, the last deadline to reach is 2:30 pm.
  • Also, they will not be allowed to leave the examination hall before the end of the examination.

Instructions for PwD and Dyslexic Candidates

  • The facility of the scribe is offered only to the PWD Candidates who have difficulty in writing the paper including that of speed.
  • The additional/compensatory time offered only to those candidates who have difficulty in writing.
  • The dyslexic candidates can also get the scribes only in case they can produce the certificate of dyslexia issued by competent authorities.
  • The scribe will be provided at the test center by the examination conducting authorities.
  • There will be a magnified question paper for the candidates who are visually handicapped.

The candidates preparing for the GATE exam must check all the instructions and guidelines before visiting the test center.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques: What are the different types of questions to be asked in GATE Textile Engineering Paper?

Ans: GATE TF paper will have three types of questions. A new type of questions i.e. MSQ has been introduced this year. 

  • MCQs are objective questions that carry 1 or 2 marks in all sections. Every question will have 4 choices out of which only 1 is the correct answer. 
  • NAT questions carry 1 or 2 marks in all sections. The answers to these questions are numerical values that are to be entered using a virtual keypad. No choices are given for these questions.
  • In MSQs, questions will have a choice of four answers. Out of which, one or more than one choice(s) are correct.

Ques: What is the weightage of 3 sections in GATE Textile Engineering Paper? 

Ans: The weightage of section GATE Textile Engineering has been revised this year.

  • GA (General Aptitude) – 15%
  • Engineering Mathematics – 13%
  • The subject of the Paper – 72%

Ques: Are there any changes in the marking scheme of GATE Textile Engineering? 

Ans: No. There are no changes introduced in the marking scheme. It is the same as the previous year. For correct answer 1 or 2 marks will be awarded and for wrong answers, 1/3 or 2/3 marks respectively will be deducted. 

Ques: How many questions will be there in GATE Textile Engineering paper?

Ans: There will be a total of 65 questions. From general aptitude 10 questions, engineering mathematics 10 questions, and the remaining question will be asked from the core subject syllabus. 

Ques: What are the overall changes introduced in GATE Textile Engineering Paper?

Ans: The following changes have been introduced in GATE Textile Engineering:

  • The exam pattern has been revised and the distribution of marks per section has also been revised.
  • The syllabus is revised with the addition of new topics. 
  • A new type of question i.e. MSQ has been added. 

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

GATE 2025 : 3 Answered Questions

Ques. What are the cut off marks in gate for iit indore?

IIT Indore GATE Cutoss 2023 has not been released officially IIT Kanpur will release the GATE 2023 cutoff for IIT Indore Students having valid GATE scores from 2023, 2022, or 2021 will be eligible for admission to MTech courses. Considering the IIT Indore GATE cutoff for 2021, The overall cutoff for GATE is 615 - 740 marks. Here is the branch-wise cutoff M.Tech Material Science and Engineering 615 M.Tech Communication and Signal Processing 657 M.Tech VLSI Design and Nanoelectronics 670 M.Tech Production & Industrial Engineering 740 Please note that the above cutoff is only for the general category....Read More
Answer By Jyoti Chopra 17 Jun 23
1 Answer

Ques. Which one is better for an MSc in Chemistry, Hyderabad School of Chemistry or IIT Bhubaneswar?

MSc in Chemistry at IIT Bhubaneswar is better, keeping in mind the quality of education that you’ll receive, and the reputation of the institute:  You can opt for a joint MSc+PhD in Chemistry if you want to pursue a more research-focused program.  We have regular workshops and conferences at our department, wherein MSc. and PhD scholars can actively collaborate. The Chemistry department of IIT Bhubaneswar is active in research in various areas like- Coordination Chemistry Molecular Recognition for the synthesis of Exotic Organic and Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials Magnetic Materials and Magnetostructural Correlation Catalysis for Fine Chemicals Design and Development of Metal Complexes towards Catalysis and Anti-Cancer Drugs As you can see, all of this is high-impact and extremely significant. Thus, I would recommend you opt for IIT Bhubaneswar over Hyderabad School of Chemistry, for an MSc. in Chemistry. ...Read More
Answer By  11 Jul 24
1 Answer

Ques. Which is better: NIT Surathkal for IT or IIT Bhubaneswar for Mechanical?

I am a second year B.Tech Mechanical student at IIT Bhubaneswar. NIT Surathkal is a top ranked NIT, but joining Mechanical Engineering at IIT Bhubaneswar has its own advantages: One of the best things about BTech in Mechanical Engineering at IIT Bhubaneswar is that it welcomes interdisciplinary studies and extracurricular pursuits like athletics, music, dancing, fine arts, entrepreneurship, social work, projects, and internships.  The faculty and academic atmosphere of the Mechanical Department at IIT Bhubaneswar is very student-friendly. The department has excellent faculty members with expertise in core concepts as well as high-impact research in various specialisations. Here is a comparison between NIT Surathkal IT and IIT Bhubaneswar Mechanical for your reference: Parameters NIT Surathkal B.Tech IT IIT Bhubaneswar B.Tech Mechanical NIRF 2023 Engineering Ranking 12 47 Placement % 100% 94.34% Highest Package INR 54.75 LPA INR 27 LPA Average Package INR 29.23 LPA INR 11.96 LPA Top Recruiters Microsoft, Uber, Amazon Google, Microsoft, Reliance Industries Out of personal experience, I can assure you that B.Tech Mechanical at IIT Bhubaneswar is a good choice in terms of academics and placements. Rest, the choice depends on your personal preference. ...Read More
Answer By  11 Jul 24
1 Answer

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Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


Note: GATE 2025 Application Fee needs to be paid online through net banking or debit card or credit card facilities. Additional charges will be applicable as per the rule of the bank from where the money is being transferred. This charge will be specified on the payment portal.

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