IIT Madras 2023 Cutoff for MTech - Check Previous Year Opening and Closing marks [2023]

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Updated on, Mar 18, 2025

byNishit Kumar Content Curator

IIT Madras cutoff and admission criteria 2023 is presented in the article below. Earlier, IIT Madras Cutoff 2023 was released by CCMT Counselling 2024 for admission to MTech,

  • M.Tech Computer Science And Engineering is the most difficult to get into, as it has the highest cutoff marks across all rounds i.e. 787
  • The lowest cutoff in Round 1 was for MTech Metallurgical & Materials Engineering 92.

Candidates can check the detailed MTech 2023 Cutoff for all rounds and categories in the tables below, which include marks , Category-wise Cutoffs, and College-wise Comparisons.

IIT Madras 2023 Course-wise Cutoff marks

IIT Madras 2023 General Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1
M.Tech Computer Science And Engineering 787
M.Tech Integrated Circuit Technology 766
M.Tech Building Technology And Construction Management 756
M.Tech Microelectronics And Vlsi Design 754
M.Tech Petroleum Engineering 724
M.Tech Electronic System Design and Instrumentation 716
M.Tech Structural Engineering 713
M.Tech Mechanical Design 680
M.Tech Communication And Signal Processing 658
M.Tech Industrial Mathematics & Scientific Computing 635
M.Tech Power Systems And Power Electronics 629
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 615
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 601
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 595
M.Tech Manufacturing Engineering 592
M.Tech Aerospace Engineering 589
M.Tech Control & Optimization 589
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 587
M.Tech Computational and Experimental Mechanics 580
M.Tech Ocean Structures 572
M.Tech Bioprocess 552
M.Tech Hydraulics & Water Resource Engineering 546
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 542
M.Tech Ocean Technology And Management 516
M.Tech Biomedical Engineering 501
M.Tech Industrial Catalysis 494
M.Tech Nanotechnology 465
M.Tech RF and Photonics 454
M.Tech Clinical Engineering 430
M.Tech Metallurgical & Materials Engineering 423

IIT Madras 2023 SC Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1
M.Tech Building Technology And Construction Management 603
M.Tech Microelectronics And Vlsi Design 571
M.Tech Computer Science And Engineering 540
M.Tech Electronic System Design and Instrumentation 501
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 478
M.Tech Structural Engineering 470
M.Tech Mechanical Design 463
M.Tech Integrated Circuit Technology 438
M.Tech Communication And Signal Processing 436
M.Tech Ocean Structures 423
M.Tech Bioprocess 408
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 407
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 399
M.Tech Hydraulics & Water Resource Engineering 395
M.Tech RF and Photonics 370
M.Tech Control & Optimization 360
M.Tech Ocean Technology And Management 357
M.Tech Power Systems And Power Electronics 353
M.Tech Petroleum Engineering 347
M.Tech Manufacturing Engineering 342
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 338
M.Tech Industrial Mathematics & Scientific Computing 327
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 321
M.Tech Computational and Experimental Mechanics 319
M.Tech Industrial Catalysis 317
M.Tech Aerospace Engineering 295
M.Tech Nanotechnology 275
M.Tech Clinical Engineering 226
M.Tech Metallurgical & Materials Engineering 217
M.Tech Biomedical Engineering 183

IIT Madras 2023 ST Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1
M.Tech Microelectronics And Vlsi Design 559
M.Tech Structural Engineering 550
M.Tech Computer Science And Engineering 468
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 464
M.Tech Building Technology And Construction Management 456
M.Tech Integrated Circuit Technology 447
M.Tech Hydraulics & Water Resource Engineering 423
M.Tech Petroleum Engineering 410
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 402
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 382
M.Tech Electronic System Design and Instrumentation 368
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 345
M.Tech Ocean Technology And Management 321
M.Tech Computational and Experimental Mechanics 308
M.Tech Ocean Structures 300
M.Tech Biomedical Engineering 277
M.Tech Mechanical Design 266
M.Tech Communication And Signal Processing 260
M.Tech Aerospace Engineering 254
M.Tech Power Systems And Power Electronics 253
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 247
M.Tech Manufacturing Engineering 247
M.Tech Industrial Catalysis 246
M.Tech RF and Photonics 243
M.Tech Control & Optimization 239
M.Tech Bioprocess 210
M.Tech Clinical Engineering 200
M.Tech Nanotechnology 200
M.Tech Industrial Mathematics & Scientific Computing 179
M.Tech Metallurgical & Materials Engineering 92

IIT Madras 2023 OBC Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1
M.Tech Microelectronics And Vlsi Design 687
M.Tech Integrated Circuit Technology 665
M.Tech Electronic System Design and Instrumentation 660
M.Tech Computer Science And Engineering 641
M.Tech Structural Engineering 595
M.Tech Mechanical Design 592
M.Tech Building Technology And Construction Management 591
M.Tech Communication And Signal Processing 554
M.Tech Control & Optimization 547
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 542
M.Tech Hydraulics & Water Resource Engineering 522
M.Tech Ocean Structures 513
M.Tech Power Systems And Power Electronics 509
M.Tech Petroleum Engineering 505
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 501
M.Tech Manufacturing Engineering 493
M.Tech Computational and Experimental Mechanics 492
M.Tech Ocean Technology And Management 480
M.Tech Industrial Mathematics & Scientific Computing 476
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 451
M.Tech Aerospace Engineering 446
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 442
M.Tech Bioprocess 434
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 418
M.Tech RF and Photonics 355
M.Tech Industrial Catalysis 348
M.Tech Nanotechnology 333
M.Tech Biomedical Engineering 326
M.Tech Clinical Engineering 309
M.Tech Metallurgical & Materials Engineering 277

IIT Madras 2023 GeneralPwD Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1
M.Tech Industrial Catalysis 721
M.Tech Microelectronics And Vlsi Design 542
M.Tech Computer Science And Engineering 465
M.Tech Power Systems And Power Electronics 447
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 399
M.Tech Metallurgical & Materials Engineering 382
M.Tech Integrated Circuit Technology 350
M.Tech Aerospace Engineering 340
M.Tech Manufacturing Engineering 330
M.Tech Industrial Mathematics & Scientific Computing 322
M.Tech Communication And Signal Processing 310
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 279
M.Tech Building Technology And Construction Management 278
M.Tech Petroleum Engineering 277
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 267
M.Tech Mechanical Design 266

IIT Madras 2023 EWS Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1
M.Tech Integrated Circuit Technology 771
M.Tech Electronic System Design and Instrumentation 725
M.Tech Petroleum Engineering 709
M.Tech Computer Science And Engineering 701
M.Tech Building Technology And Construction Management 676
M.Tech Mechanical Design 676
M.Tech Microelectronics And Vlsi Design 629
M.Tech Structural Engineering 621
M.Tech Communication And Signal Processing 588
M.Tech Industrial Mathematics & Scientific Computing 586
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 557
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 554
M.Tech Bioprocess 544
M.Tech Power Systems And Power Electronics 539
M.Tech Control & Optimization 538
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 501
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 501
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 490
M.Tech Computational and Experimental Mechanics 490
M.Tech Hydraulics & Water Resource Engineering 476
M.Tech Manufacturing Engineering 467
M.Tech Industrial Catalysis 439
M.Tech RF and Photonics 438
M.Tech Metallurgical & Materials Engineering 437
M.Tech Biomedical Engineering 408
M.Tech Ocean Technology And Management 402
M.Tech Clinical Engineering 350
M.Tech Ocean Structures 339
M.Tech Nanotechnology 333
M.Tech Aerospace Engineering 322

IIT Madras 2023 OBCPwD Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1
M.Tech Manufacturing Engineering 318
M.Tech Building Technology And Construction Management 307
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 255
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 254
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 251
M.Tech Power Systems And Power Electronics 248
M.Tech Biomedical Engineering 235
M.Tech Ocean Structures 205
M.Tech Industrial Mathematics & Scientific Computing 187

IIT Madras 2023 EWSPwD Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1
M.Tech Clinical Engineering 378
M.Tech Electronic System Design and Instrumentation 267

IIT Madras 2023 SCPwD Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1
M.Tech Power Systems And Power Electronics 219
M.Tech Manufacturing Engineering 202

IIT Madras 2023 STPwD Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1
M.Tech Hydraulics & Water Resource Engineering 374
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 361

IIT Madras Last 2 years Cutoff

You can check the detailed IIT Madras Cutoff for all rounds and categories for last 2 years, which include Opening & Closing markss, Category-wise Cutoffs, and College-wise Comparisons.

IIT Madras 2022 Course-wise Cutoff marks

IIT Madras 2022 General Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1
M.Tech Integrated Circuit Technology 877
M.Tech Electronic System Design and Instrumentation 832
M.Tech Microelectronics And Vlsi Design 831
M.Tech Computer Science And Engineering 820
M.Tech Mechanical Design 795
M.Tech Structural Engineering 789
M.Tech Power Systems And Power Electronics 782
M.Tech Control & Optimization 770
M.Tech Bioprocess 765
M.Tech Building Technology And Construction Management 755
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 755
M.Tech Petroleum Engineering 753
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 747
M.Tech Computational and Experimental Mechanics 732
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 731
M.Tech Manufacturing Engineering 717
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 698
M.Tech Hydraulics & Water Resource Engineering 691
M.Tech RF and Photonics 669
M.Tech Industrial Mathematics & Scientific Computing 659
M.Tech Aerospace Engineering 647
M.Tech Ocean Structures 646
M.Tech Ocean Technology And Management 626
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 603
M.Tech Biomedical Engineering 598
M.Tech Industrial Catalysis 598
M.Tech Material Science & Nanotechnology 529
M.Tech Metallurgical & Materials Engineering 492
M.Tech Clinical Engineering 432

IIT Madras 2022 SC Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1
M.Tech Integrated Circuit Technology 637
M.Tech Electronic System Design and Instrumentation 630
M.Tech Microelectronics And Vlsi Design 624
M.Tech Building Technology And Construction Management 604
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 604
M.Tech Power Systems And Power Electronics 596
M.Tech Computer Science And Engineering 571
M.Tech Mechanical Design 563
M.Tech Structural Engineering 562
M.Tech Control & Optimization 558
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 545
M.Tech Hydraulics & Water Resource Engineering 535
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 522
M.Tech Petroleum Engineering 462
M.Tech Industrial Mathematics & Scientific Computing 429
M.Tech Manufacturing Engineering 429
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 427
M.Tech Ocean Technology And Management 414
M.Tech Computational and Experimental Mechanics 408
M.Tech Industrial Catalysis 398
M.Tech Ocean Structures 389
M.Tech Bioprocess 358
M.Tech Aerospace Engineering 348
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 329
M.Tech Material Science & Nanotechnology 304
M.Tech Clinical Engineering 296
M.Tech Metallurgical & Materials Engineering 242
M.Tech Biomedical Engineering 214

IIT Madras 2022 ST Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1
M.Tech Power Systems And Power Electronics 543
M.Tech Integrated Circuit Technology 535
M.Tech Aerospace Engineering 534
M.Tech Structural Engineering 515
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 489
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 487
M.Tech Electronic System Design and Instrumentation 478
M.Tech Microelectronics And Vlsi Design 462
M.Tech Building Technology And Construction Management 460
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 447
M.Tech Mechanical Design 427
M.Tech Computer Science And Engineering 416
M.Tech Hydraulics & Water Resource Engineering 416
M.Tech Petroleum Engineering 410
M.Tech Computational and Experimental Mechanics 402
M.Tech Ocean Structures 366
M.Tech Industrial Catalysis 345
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 344
M.Tech Material Science & Nanotechnology 335
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 324
M.Tech Metallurgical & Materials Engineering 323
M.Tech Manufacturing Engineering 305
M.Tech Bioprocess 266
M.Tech Ocean Technology And Management 259
M.Tech Industrial Mathematics & Scientific Computing 249

IIT Madras 2022 OBC Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1
M.Tech Integrated Circuit Technology 810
M.Tech Electronic System Design and Instrumentation 785
M.Tech Power Systems And Power Electronics 757
M.Tech Microelectronics And Vlsi Design 741
M.Tech Mechanical Design 737
M.Tech Control & Optimization 734
M.Tech Computer Science And Engineering 722
M.Tech Structural Engineering 719
M.Tech Building Technology And Construction Management 715
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 711
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 673
M.Tech Computational and Experimental Mechanics 673
M.Tech Hydraulics & Water Resource Engineering 668
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 649
M.Tech Manufacturing Engineering 643
M.Tech Bioprocess 641
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 608
M.Tech Petroleum Engineering 605
M.Tech Ocean Technology And Management 598
M.Tech Aerospace Engineering 554
M.Tech Ocean Structures 542
M.Tech Industrial Mathematics & Scientific Computing 536
M.Tech RF and Photonics 487
M.Tech Biomedical Engineering 486
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 477
M.Tech Industrial Catalysis 456
M.Tech Material Science & Nanotechnology 426
M.Tech Metallurgical & Materials Engineering 347
M.Tech Clinical Engineering 337

IIT Madras 2022 EWS Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1
M.Tech Integrated Circuit Technology 871
M.Tech Microelectronics And Vlsi Design 808
M.Tech Electronic System Design and Instrumentation 803
M.Tech Structural Engineering 781
M.Tech Mechanical Design 760
M.Tech Computer Science And Engineering 757
M.Tech Power Systems And Power Electronics 753
M.Tech Petroleum Engineering 728
M.Tech Building Technology And Construction Management 718
M.Tech Computational and Experimental Mechanics 708
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 681
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 644
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 639
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 634
M.Tech Hydraulics & Water Resource Engineering 604
M.Tech Manufacturing Engineering 600
M.Tech Ocean Technology And Management 594
M.Tech Industrial Mathematics & Scientific Computing 586
M.Tech Bioprocess 578
M.Tech Ocean Structures 539
M.Tech Industrial Catalysis 535
M.Tech Aerospace Engineering 456
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 426
M.Tech Biomedical Engineering 370
M.Tech Metallurgical & Materials Engineering 282

IIT Madras 2022 GeneralPwD Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1
M.Tech Hydraulics & Water Resource Engineering 559
M.Tech Integrated Circuit Technology 557
M.Tech Microelectronics And Vlsi Design 500
M.Tech Computer Science And Engineering 476
M.Tech Power Systems And Power Electronics 471
M.Tech Mechanical Design 471
M.Tech Electronic System Design and Instrumentation 458
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 434
M.Tech Industrial Mathematics & Scientific Computing 429
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 420
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 416
M.Tech Structural Engineering 392
M.Tech Manufacturing Engineering 382
M.Tech Computational and Experimental Mechanics 382

IIT Madras 2021 Course-wise Cutoff marks

IIT Madras 2021 General Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1
M.Tech Integrated Circuit Technology 880
M.Tech Microelectronics And Vlsi Design 860
M.Tech Design Engineering 857
M.Tech Petroleum Engineering 827
M.Tech Power Systems And Power Electronics 827
M.Tech Computer Science And Engineering 816
M.Tech Structural Engineering 813
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 813
M.Tech Building Technology And Construction Management 789
M.Tech Control Systems And Instrumentation 788
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 772
M.Tech Aerospace Engineering 757
M.Tech Biomedical Engineering 752
M.Tech Engineering Mechanics 751
M.Tech Manufacturing Engineering 751
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 741
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 737
M.Tech Communication Engineering 731
M.Tech Hydraulics & Water Resource Engineering 718
M.Tech Biotechnology 717
M.Tech Ocean Technology And Management 673
M.Tech Industrial Mathematics & Scientific Computing 657
M.Tech Clinical Engineering 654
M.Tech Photonic 651
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 637
M.Tech Ocean Engineering 598
M.Tech Metallurgical & Materials Engineering 582
M.Tech Nanotechnology 530

IIT Madras 2021 SC Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1
M.Tech Integrated Circuit Technology 707
M.Tech Structural Engineering 655
M.Tech Petroleum Engineering 649
M.Tech Design Engineering 648
M.Tech Control Systems And Instrumentation 645
M.Tech Microelectronics And Vlsi Design 612
M.Tech Power Systems And Power Electronics 600
M.Tech Computer Science And Engineering 596
M.Tech Aerospace Engineering 572
M.Tech Building Technology And Construction Management 551
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 542
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 522
M.Tech Communication Engineering 512
M.Tech Manufacturing Engineering 491
M.Tech Ocean Technology And Management 480
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 477
M.Tech Clinical Engineering 463
M.Tech Engineering Mechanics 453
M.Tech Biotechnology 433
M.Tech Hydraulics & Water Resource Engineering 432
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 424
M.Tech Ocean Engineering 382
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 369
M.Tech Metallurgical & Materials Engineering 309
M.Tech Industrial Mathematics & Scientific Computing 289
M.Tech Nanotechnology 203

IIT Madras 2021 ST Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 644
M.Tech Design Engineering 564
M.Tech Integrated Circuit Technology 560
M.Tech Structural Engineering 540
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 526
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 513
M.Tech Power Systems And Power Electronics 509
M.Tech Building Technology And Construction Management 508
M.Tech Control Systems And Instrumentation 483
M.Tech Hydraulics & Water Resource Engineering 483
M.Tech Petroleum Engineering 475
M.Tech Aerospace Engineering 450
M.Tech Manufacturing Engineering 444
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 440
M.Tech Computer Science And Engineering 430
M.Tech Microelectronics And Vlsi Design 421
M.Tech Engineering Mechanics 410
M.Tech Ocean Engineering 353
M.Tech Biotechnology 350
M.Tech Industrial Mathematics & Scientific Computing 332
M.Tech Ocean Technology And Management 332
M.Tech Clinical Engineering 321
M.Tech Communication Engineering 321
M.Tech Nanotechnology 293
M.Tech Metallurgical & Materials Engineering 284
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 280

IIT Madras 2021 OBC Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1
M.Tech Integrated Circuit Technology 822
M.Tech Design Engineering 799
M.Tech Microelectronics And Vlsi Design 769
M.Tech Power Systems And Power Electronics 763
M.Tech Structural Engineering 747
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 743
M.Tech Control Systems And Instrumentation 732
M.Tech Building Technology And Construction Management 729
M.Tech Computer Science And Engineering 723
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 704
M.Tech Manufacturing Engineering 697
M.Tech Petroleum Engineering 696
M.Tech Engineering Mechanics 694
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 687
M.Tech Aerospace Engineering 662
M.Tech Ocean Technology And Management 659
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 644
M.Tech Communication Engineering 631
M.Tech Biotechnology 624
M.Tech Hydraulics & Water Resource Engineering 619
M.Tech Clinical Engineering 614
M.Tech Industrial Mathematics & Scientific Computing 526
M.Tech Ocean Engineering 524
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 515
M.Tech Biomedical Engineering 417
M.Tech Nanotechnology 411
M.Tech Photonic 408
M.Tech Metallurgical & Materials Engineering 367

IIT Madras 2021 GeneralPwD Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1
M.Tech Microelectronics And Vlsi Design 688
M.Tech Aerospace Engineering 590
M.Tech Engineering Mechanics 536
M.Tech Computer Science And Engineering 527
M.Tech Power Systems And Power Electronics 471
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 443
M.Tech Communication Engineering 436
M.Tech Manufacturing Engineering 432
M.Tech Building Technology And Construction Management 400
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 389
M.Tech Metallurgical & Materials Engineering 387
M.Tech Design Engineering 380
M.Tech Integrated Circuit Technology 336

IIT Madras 2021 EWS Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1
M.Tech Integrated Circuit Technology 864
M.Tech Design Engineering 823
M.Tech Microelectronics And Vlsi Design 803
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 775
M.Tech Power Systems And Power Electronics 771
M.Tech Computer Science And Engineering 761
M.Tech Structural Engineering 754
M.Tech Control Systems And Instrumentation 739
M.Tech Engineering Mechanics 727
M.Tech Manufacturing Engineering 724
M.Tech Building Technology And Construction Management 716
M.Tech Communication Engineering 693
M.Tech Aerospace Engineering 690
M.Tech Petroleum Engineering 680
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 678
M.Tech Ocean Technology And Management 669
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 666
M.Tech Environmental Engineering 648
M.Tech Hydraulics & Water Resource Engineering 641
M.Tech Clinical Engineering 630
M.Tech Biomedical Engineering 591
M.Tech Biotechnology 569
M.Tech Industrial Mathematics & Scientific Computing 550
M.Tech Chemical Engineering 487
M.Tech Ocean Engineering 468
M.Tech Nanotechnology 445
M.Tech Metallurgical & Materials Engineering 338

IIT Madras 2021 OBCPwD Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1
M.Tech Transportation Engineering 375
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 354
M.Tech Integrated Circuit Technology 354
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering 350
M.Tech Communication Engineering 350
M.Tech Manufacturing Engineering 327

IIT Madras 2021 EWSPwD Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1
M.Tech Structural Engineering 407

IIT Madras 2021 SCPwD Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 312

IIT Madras 2021 STPwD Course-wise Cutoff marks

Category Round 1
M.Tech Thermal Engineering 312

Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


Note: GATE 2025 Application Fee needs to be paid online through net banking or debit card or credit card facilities. Additional charges will be applicable as per the rule of the bank from where the money is being transferred. This charge will be specified on the payment portal.

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