Anirudh Sundar Review at Clemson University [CLEM], Clemson | Collegedunia

CLEMSON UNIVERSITY, CLEMSON, SOUTH CAROL...A very brief view into my time at CUICAR...

A very brief view into my time at CUICAR - one of a kind learning environment

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Social Life

I opted here to join the Deep Orange program. It is one-of-a-kind. The admission process is standard: GRE and TOEFL with your latest Curriculum Vitae, transcripts, letters of recommendation (4, min 3) and statement of purpose.

Course Curriculum


There are 33 credits currently for the MS program. The Deep Orange project focuses on work with sponsors and industry to address a vehicle prototype and its requirements that the sponsor of the projects sets up. This program focuses on end-to-end implementation and development of a prototype vehicle from the ground up. Refer to the Deep Orange website for more details. The faculty to student ratio is approximately 1:4 to 1:7, due to Covid.



Dont know a lot here, alumni work in research, industry and motorsports. Companies are Tesla, Lucid, Ford, FCA, GM, FEV etc....


The Deep Orange program spans our internship too, we work on the project as a part of our internship requirements.


Fees: (without funding or scholarship) 18k/semester. Online mode of payment, bank transfer, e-checks. Funding opportunities: Tata Fellowship (no more exists), JTEKT fellowship, ACS fellowship, Ford fellowship, BMW fellowship, Graduate teaching and research assistanship.


The criteria for the fellowships I have received during my Master's course in ICAR were based on academic and cocurricular merit, leadership initiatives and contribution to the state-of-the-art research currently in the university. The awards/fellowships I have received are: 1. Tata Fellowship (2020) 2. Research Assistanship [ARMLAB] (2021 Jan to May; 16 USD/hr, 20hrs/week) 3. Deep Orange stipend (2000 USD for 3 months - May to July 2021) 4. Deep Orange Fellowship (5000 USD) 5. Graduate research hourly stipend [VIPR-GS] (2021 Aug to 2022 Aug, 20 USD/hr, 10hr/week) 6. Graduate teaching assistanship [Engine Combustions course] (20 USD/hr, 10 hr/week, waiver on in-state tuition - 9k USD) Other awards: 1. Outstanding MS student award (2022)



There are 33 credits currently for the MS program. The Deep Orange project focuses on work with sponsors and industry to address a vehicle prototype and its requirements that the sponsor of the projects sets up. This program focuses on end-to-end implementation and development of a prototype vehicle from the ground up. Refer to the Deep Orange website for more details. The faculty to student ratio is approximately 1:4 to 1:7, due to Covid.

Campus Life

It is like you are in India, there are indians everywhere. We have football, soccer, basketball, badminton courts etc.... Karting is common too.



I share an apartment home with two other friends. I found the apartment online and through student contacts. It is off-campus. I use a car to commute daily. We make food at home regularly/ almost everyday and eat outside on social occassions.

Other Applied Colleges

Chalmers University | Automotive engineering

I got an admit here with a scholarship, but I chose CUICAR for the Deep Orange program.

Anirudh Sundar (Enrolled 2020) M.S Automotive EngineeringClemson University| Reviewed on Mar 17, 2022