Umang Gupta Review at Clemson University [CLEM], Clemson | Collegedunia

The Specialized Course for Automotive Engineers at Clemson University

7.3 /10

I chose this college because it was one of the only colleges providing a specialized course for automotive engineers.

Course Curriculum :

Everything is Brilliant. Be ready for 2 years of sleepless nights but it is worth it if you are ready to work hard.

Exams :

GRE and TOEFL are required for this program. I don't remember my scores but for the GRE 300-310 is considered good but above 320 is great.

Placement :

Everyone gets placed normally. If you are good enough, you will find something. There are career fairs but you have to take care of the placement thing yourself, colleges don't usually help with that in the US.

Internship :

Yes, I did opt for internships. I am not comfortable discussing the details and stipend here.

Events :

My campus is away from the main campus. There is a separate campus in Greenville for automotive engineering. So there is no campus life apart from whatever friends you make here.

Fees :

Around 16000 dollars per semester.

Scholarship :

No, but it is possible to get scholarships.

Faculty :

The faculty is very friendly and helpful. They always take time out to help students whenever they can.

Hostel :

For my specific course, you have to take care of your own accommodation. Clemson's main campus has on-campus housing.

7.3 out of 10