Anukalpa Roy is a MBA student at IIM Bodhgaya. He completed his graduation with an 8.31 CGPA from Techno India Salt Lake, Kolkata. Anukalpa got admission into IIM Bodh Gaya with a CAT score of 96.8%. He worked in TCS for a year in which for 7 months, he worked as a project engineer and was involved in UI/UX Development. For the next 3 months, he worked in the Talent Acquisition Group in recruitment and background verification-related work.
Anukalpa Roy Profile
- Current institute: IIM Bodhgaya
- Graduation College: Techno India Salt Lake, Kolkata
- CAT score: 96.8
- 10th Percentage / GPA: 91.14%
- 12th Percentage / GPA: 84.43%
- Graduation Percentage/GPA: 8.31
- Work Experience: TCS, 1 year.
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Anukalpa Roy Admission Experience
Did you avail of the benefit of any reservation?
Anukalpa Roy: “General (No reservation).”
Describe the general setting of WAT / GD (if any)?
Anukalpa Roy: “I attended CAP round which is a common round held for 9 IIMs. WAT is a pen-paper-based round where a total of 20 minutes is given to think and write on the topic given. Candidates are expected to write one full page of the A4 size sheet. The only tip would be to make sure you're not committing any grammatical mistakes and always keep the time in mind while writing. 20 minutes might seem a lot but in reality, it is very less”.
What was the WAT / GD Topic?
Anukalpa Roy: “The WAT topic was: Statue of Unity: a symbol of historic significance or waste of money?”
What were your answer/points put forward for the WAT or GD respectively?
Anukalpa Roy: “I wrote my answers in lines of how it was a wastage of money especially when India was facing a major economic crisis. At the same time, I made sure that I didn't sound too biased with my points.“
Describe the general setting of your personal Interview.
Anukalpa Roy: “I had my interview in the 4th panel. The panel consisted of 2 members, both from IIM Raipur. The mode was offline. It lasted for around 30 minutes. It was not a stressful interview, rather it was pretty chilled. Tips: be well prepared with all basics about your work experience, UG Domain, and specially hobbies.”
Check IIM Bodhgaya Admission
Mention at least 5 interview questions that were asked to you and your responses to each of them.
Anukalpa Roy: “1. Why do you want to leave your job? How much are you earning there?
A: Spoke about how the growth is limited in IT Industry as a fresh engineer. Gave the example of my brother who is working for 9 years with TCS and still, the growth hasn't been as much as expected. Mentioned the salary to be 3.36lpa
2: What are your hobbies?
A: Singing, watching football. Sang a song too (Rabindra Sangeet)
3: Why MBA?
A: Spoke about the leadership qualities I have and cited several examples where I have displayed managerial capabilities. Spoke in length about my work as the vice president of Arsenal Bengal Fans Club where I manage membership campaigns and organized match screenings and intra club charity football tournaments. Also spoke about my work in my UG College fests.
4: Should all national level exams be taken only in English or in regional languages too?
A: All exams should be taken in English. This will add as an incentive for the people who are not so fluent in English to learn and practice reading and writing in English well before they join colleges. This will help everyone in the long run because as we all know, currently everything is done in English in the corporate world.
5: What are the topics you know in statistics?
A: Mentioned about standard deviation, correlation, measures of central tendencies and the distributions like a normal distribution, etc. Was asked to write down the formula of standard deviation for sample and population.”
Mention 3 reasons why you chose this college over other colleges which you converted.
Anukalpa Roy: “1. Near to home. This is a very important factor and the overall location of the college played a big role too. Bodh Gaya is a tourist city which gets a footfall of more than 2 lakh tourists every year. Hence the city is very much developed and is well connected with flights and trains from all throughout the country.
- International Relations: Bodhgaya at that time was one of the very few IIMs which offered a student exchange program instead of a 2-week International immersion program.
- Placements: comparatively, the placement statistics of IIMBG was much better than that of its peers
- Mentored by IIM Calcutta for 3 years and still used to get a lot of visiting faculties from IIM Calcutta.”
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