Chirag Gupta an ex-student of VIT University and converted IIM Bodhgaya with a CAT score of 91.35 percentile. Chirag was previously working for Maths Work and had previous work expertise of 23 Months as a software developer. He shared his IIM Bodh Gaya selection process & experience in details, keep reading.
- Current institute: IIM Bodh Gaya
- Graduation College: VIT University
- CAT score: 91.35
- 10th Percentage / GPA: 9.8
- 12th Percentage / GPA: 85
- Graduation Percentage/GPA: 7.89
- Work Experience: MathWorks, 23 months, Software Development
Check IIM Bodh Gaya Courses & Fees
IIM Bodh Gaya Admission Experience
Did you avail of the benefit of any reservation?
Chirag Gupta: “General (No reservation)”
Describe the general setting of WAT / GD (if any)?
Chirag Gupta: “There was no GD. I gave my WAT round in offline mode. This is prior to my interview. In WAT, 10-20 minutes were provided. The space provided to write was more than enough. I would suggest aspirants keep a tab on current affairs.”
What was the WAT / GD Topic?
Chirag Gupta: ” The WAT topic was related to recent news”.
What were your answer/points put forward for the WAT or GD respectively?
Chirag Gupta: “I wrote every aspect related to the current affairs of the recent news item topic”.
Describe the general setting of your personal Interview.
Chirag Gupta: “The PI round had 2 panelists who were faculties of IIM Bodh Gaya. The interview was taken offline in Mumbai. The duration was around 15-20 minutes. It was a very smooth interview and was not a stress-inducing one”. Check IIM Bodh Gaya Admission Process
Mention at least 5 interview questions that were asked to you and your responses to each of them.
Chirag Gupta: “The questions asked to me are:
- Question 1. Tell us more about yourself.
- Question 2. Solve this puzzle.
- Question 3. Why are you interested in research work?
- Question 4. What past research work were you involved in?
- Question 5: Solve this puzzle.”
Mention 3 reasons why you chose this college over other colleges which you converted (OR if you did not join this college after converting it, mention 3 reasons for not joining it).
Chirag Gupta: “One reason was the IIM Brand tag. Another reason was the campus life. The placements were good too. ROI was a very important factor for me too”.
What was the reason for you not converting to other colleges?
Chirag Gupta: “I converted many other colleges, but chose IIM Bodh Gaya.”