Abhinav Anand an ex-student UPES student and converted IIM Bodhgaya despite being severly sick. His CAT score was 93.86 percentile  and he also holds a 21 Month work experience at Denso Haryana Private Limited and Pramanik Aviyantran Private Limited. Apart from IIM Bodgaya, he also converted NMIMS Mumbai, IIM Jammu, IIT K, R, Dhanbad and few other private colleges. In this article,  Abhinaw also shared some interesting  tips for GDPI and his hands-on experience, keep reading for more details.

Abhinaw Anand Profile

  • Current institute: IIM Bodhgaya
  • Graduation College: UPES Dehradun
  • CAT score: 93.86 
  • 10th Percentage / GPA: 10 
  • 12th Percentage / GPA: 82.4
  • Graduation Percentage/GPA: 82.6 
  • Work Experience: Denso Haryana Pvt. Ltd. & Pramanik Aviyantran Pvt. Ltd. ( Total 21 months)

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Admission Experience 

Did you avail of the benefit of any reservation?

Abhinaw Anand: “General (No reservation)”

Describe the general setting of WAT / GD (if any)?

Abhinaw Anand: “The college opt for WAT and not for GD. The WAT was conducted in offline format  and the topic was revealed just 2 minutes before the timing. IIM Bodhgaya gave two minutes to read the question paper and then at that time we were not allowed to use the pen and after 2 minutes we were given to an A4 set and on that, we were supposed to write about the given topic in 500 words.”

What was the WAT / GD Topic?

Abhinaw Anand: “My Topic for WAT was "Is ISRO doing enough to attract the young mind across the country".

What were your answer/points put forward for the WAT or GD respectively? 

Abhinaw Anand: “So while attempting it first of all I mentioned what ISRO is and since I had an interest in ISRO I was knowing about when it started and how it used to work so I mentioned that and I related it to doctor kalam's story. I made sure that while I am answering I am including both data and examples I mentioned the initial stories of ISRO especially of our President Dr Kalam and his inspiring story and then I mentioned what is row each currently doing to attract the youth and what it needs to do from my perspective. Also, it is very important to have a clear vision while answering such questions you can't play on both fields and you need to be very specific and clear in your thought process.”

Describe the general setting of your personal Interview.

Abhinaw Anand: “There were 2 panalists in my intervieew, which lasted for around 45 minutes. During the interview, they grilled me on my work experience, they also are several current affair topics and it right to know what I am thinking about them and what would have been my decision if I would have in such scenarios. One common question which was asked to almost all of us why do you want to do an MBA and where we see ourselves after completing our MBA they are also trying to know if you were job-oriented or entrepreneurship oriented. also, I remember many of the question asked were practical industry questions, I guess it was asked to me because I was having industry experience apart from this they also ask a question on budget. Overall it was a very good experience and they were very nice to me.”

Check IIM Bodh Gaya Admission Process

Mention at least 5 interview questions that were asked to you and your responses to each of them. 

Abhinaw Anand: 

  • Question 1- Hello Abhinaw, How are you?

Anwer 1- “Hello sir, I am fine, it has been a great day till now and I am looking forward to interviewing.”

  • Question 2: You mentioned that you had a great day till now? What happened today?

Answer2- “Sir, I met my close friend after a very long time and I am happy about it.”

  • Question 3: Tell me something more about yourself?

Answer 3: “I talked about mupy journey from school to engineering to work experience and various skills I gathered during this period. I also mentioned my strengths and achievements.”

  • Question 4: Why do you want to do an MBA?

Answer 4: “I mentioned how doing MBA will help me to be in the planning department of the organisation.”

  • Question 5: which Newspaper do you read?

Answer 5: “I mentioned the name of the newspaper and talked about why I prefer this.”

Mention 3 reasons why you chose this college over other colleges which you converted.

Abhinaw Anand: “I choose to join IIM Bodh Gaya because of course. When I was preparing for the CAT, I always wished to join an IIM. Apart from this I had converted NMIMS Mumbai, IIM Jammu, IIT K, R, Dhanbad and few other private colleges. I left NMIMS Mumbai because I found campus life in IIM Bodh Gaya to be better than it. I preferred IIM over IIT because for MBA, a MBA culture is more prevalent in IIM's. overall I can say that studying in a I am give you a bit of more confidence in you that you are among the top students those who have competed for exam and got selected in it.”

What was the reason for you not converting to other colleges?

Abhinaw Anand: “There can't be any specific reason and there is always a chance to improve and have something much better but at times there are several circumstances which is not in your control and also at the top level it just about one or two questions and that can make a huge difference in your percentiles. Talking specifically about myself I left few chapters that out be doing in the last month but sadly I suffered from dengue and it hampered my prospects as I was hospitalized.”

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Placement Report of IIM Bodhgaya

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