GRE verbal section comes with 3 types of question and to solve these GRE verbal tricks are mandatory. Among the questions verbal section, sentence equivalence questions are much challenging. In this article, we will discuss the GRE sentence equivalence tips to answer these questions easily and quickly. Before knowing the tips, let’s have brief look in the doables of GRE sentence equivalence questions.
GRE sentence equivalence: Doables

In each section of GRE verbal reasoning, there will be 4 questions of sentence equivalence. It means in total, there will be 8 questions of GRE sentence equivalence in GRE verbal reasoning.
The questions of sentence equivalence come with a sentence with a blank and the question is followed by 6 answer options. Among the answer options, there will be 2 correct options.
Why is it important to use tips for GRE sentence equivalence?
For the GRE sentence equivalence questions, the test-takers need to pick two correct answers from the given answer options. It is because there is no partial credit for partially correct answers. To answer the sentence equivalence correctly and to obtain the credit for these questions, here are some tips for GRE Sentence Equivalence. Check the next section for that:
Check the question and fill the blank with own words
The answer options of GRE sentence equivalence questions can be a bit difficult to understand at a glance. These may appear confusing as well, that’s why it is better for the candidates to fill up the blank with own words.
We recommend the candidates to read the answer before checking the answer options. Otherwise, an answer option may just strike as correct without any reason. So, don’t go to the answer options without reading the en tire thing.
Beware of the synonyms
Two words providing similar meaning may not necessarily be the correct answer of the question. On the other side, the two answer choices having nearly same meaning can both be incorrect. GRE test takers often selects the synonyms for the sentence equivalence questions and they loss the credit. So check the word, which perfectly go with the sentence itself.
Remember, for the sentence equivalent questions, the same types of answer options are common. So, don’t get stuck in these. Rather, check the answer options in terms of the given sentence. Or find out the synonyms of the answer you have guessed in own words, after reading the question.
Sense the tone of the missing part
Candidates need to pay attention while reading. Only then, they will be able to understand the tine of the missing part of the question. Check the signal words to understand whether the tone of the missing part will be positive or negative. Take close look at the adverbs and connecting words like “and”, “but”, “similarly”, “additionally”, “yet”, “but”, “however”, “on the other side”, in addition to that”, “though”, “despite” and others.
Be logical while guessing the meaning of the words
The answer options can be completely unknown to the candidates. The test-takers often select the answer that looks befitting in the blank or the word is an obscure one, but that’s not the way to deal with these questions.
At the time of guessing the answer choice from unknown words, check the root word and guess its meaning. Mark the answer after understanding it. It is alright to guess the unknown word, but guessing the word in the correct way is also necessary.
Have an excellent command over English vocabulary
Guessing the meaning of an unknown word will be a little bit easy with a good knowledge of English vocabulary. Focus on learning new words every single day by taking help from a dictionary.
Consider all the answer options
The first answer choice often looks like the most accurate one. The question paper of all the exams are intentionally set like this – these are like the traps in the question paper.
A number of candidates don’t even check the rest of the answers when they found a befitting answer option at the beginning, this cost the entire credit of the question. There is a possibility of the best and the most accurate answer in the 5th or 6th position among the answer options.
So, it becomes necessary for the candidates to check all the answer option before marking. Do not hurry while eliminating the answer options because often the correct answer options of GRE sentence equivalence are overlooked. Be clear and logical while eliminating an answer option.
Read after marking
Once you have picked the answer choices, read the whole sentence. This a way to find out whether the answer options are making sense or not.
GRE sentence equivalence questions often look like the simple fill I the blank questions but it is not that simple. Proper practice of GRE verbal will enhance the clarity of sentence equivalence questions to the candidates. The aforementioned tricks are a great way to answer these questions correctly and obtain a good GRE score.
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.