byRituparna Nath Content Writer at Study Abroad Exams
GRE Preparation Tips are required attain candidates’ intended aim of performing well on the GRE. To prepare for the GRE exam, individuals can study independently or join a tutoring centre. The decision is completely theirs, since they must choose if they have enough time and finances to do both. Newer study methods, such as GRE preparation online, are gaining popularity. It incorporates self-study as well as coaching class approaches. Candidates participate in a virtual classroom, and you study from the convenience of your own home. To select the finest approach for GRE preparation, you must first consider your requirements and make an informed decision.
How to Start Preparing for GRE?
Knowing the correct exam pattern of GRE and time span will make the plan easy for the candidates. GRE course a candidate’s ability to rigorously solve problems, think critically, and be smart enough to get through competitive graduate schools. As the saying goes, “starting is the hardest part,” many aspirants of the GRE struggle with the initial plan. Students often wonder where and when to begin preparation. Few steps before GRE preparation –
- Make decisions when to take admission
- Take an exam in advance that will allow you enough time to check with scores whether to be sent
- Get knowledge about computer adaptiveness of GRE
What is the Right Time for GRE Preparation?
Considering the facts for those who are still in college, GRE preparation for beginners must be a difficult nut to crack. In the last semester of college, students are always overburdened with projects, placements, and others. So the best season is the Spring semester (between January and May) or the Fall semester ( between late August to late December). While starting GRE prep course online first thought that strike in our minds was, can I prepare for GRE in 1 month? No, GRE exam preparation requires utter dedication and commitment. With regular GRE test prep courses, candidates can grasp the format of the exam.
Is the GRE Test Hard?
As compared to other exams, GRE is considered difficult due to its approach. GRE Verbal is quite difficult as compared to GRE quant. Challenging verbal and reading comprehension passages measure the aptitude and analytical skills of the candidates. Within a week, you can make a bulletproof GRE preparation plan for yourself with focused topics. If you are quite good in quant, then the best part is to focus completely on GRE verbal. Candidates can enroll in GRE Prep Coaching Classes in India.
Few Effective GRE Preparation Tips
With nearly 800,000 people taking the GRE every year, it is necessary to make the best GRE Prep plan. Unless you’re taking the test just to get a feel of the exam and do not target any graduate schools for admission, studying and practicing for GRE is your best hope. Given below are some GRE tips to GRE study.
1. Establish a Baseline
Your baseline score is the result you'd get on the GRE if you took it right now. Take a full-length GRE practise test in the same testing environment as the real test before creating a GRE test prep online. The outcomes will direct your preparation by highlighting the topic areas you should pay the greatest attention to.
2. Select Desired GRE score
Most likely, you've begun compiling a list of the graduate programmes that appeal to you. Compare the results of your GRE preparation online free to the typical GRE scores of the most recent cohort of applicants to each school. Your goal score should be at or higher than the average for the colleges on your list.
3. Create a Strategy to Narrow the Deficit
You need a wise preparation strategy that will hold you accountable and produce the outcomes you need, regardless of whether you select a prep course, online programme, or test preparation book. You can locate the ideal atmosphere for you with a little bit of investigation. GRE self-preparation helps doing own research, gather GRE prep material by yourself, create a study routine, and keep at it until the target has been achieved.
4. Technique Practise
When taking practise exams and drills, concentrate on your approach to each question. You do nothing more than reinforcing your current approach to the exam if you only think about the outcomes. Your ability to take the GRE will improve as a result of the strategies you employ and the way you approach problems. Candiadtes can get into best GRE coaching online free for better learning.
5. Recreate Actual GRE Circumstances
You can practise ideas and test-taking techniques using paper and pencil examinations, but they do not adjust to your performance like the real GRE. Make sure to include online practise in your study plan to assist you get ready for the experience of a computer-based test.
6. Examine Test Outcomes
After taking mock GRE examinations, always evaluate your results. When it comes to this, having access to a GRE instructor may really help you out. It's not only about knowing the material; test preparation also involves developing your pace and exam-taking abilities. To be fully prepared, sit down with a coach to discuss how you did on practise examinations and create a clever strategy for achieving your GRE score target.
7. GRE Vocabulary Preparation
Still a significant component of the GRE Verbal portions is vocabulary. Reading reputable sources like academic journals or some of the more esoteric newspapers and periodicals can help you become familiar with many of the vocabulary that may appear on the GRE. Add additional terms to your collection as you come across them on practise exams or practise tasks. They have already been utilised on the GRE online preparation, and they very possibly may be employed once again. Check out the lists and exercises in our GRE Power Vocab book.
8. Practice without a Calculator
You have access to a calculator on the GRE as part of the on-screen presentation, and it may be quite helpful if utilised properly! However, the calculator may also be dangerous. Determine when using a calculator improves accuracy and when mastering the fundamentals of a difficult arithmetic issue is preferable.
GRE Prep Tips Section Wise

GRE Verbal Preparation Tips
To attempt GRE general test, candidates must focus on GRE verbal reasoning tips including analyzing and evaluating written material and synthesizing it further. It assesses the candidate’s ability to analyze relationships among component parts of sentences and recognize relationships among words and concepts. Check GRE Verbal Practice Test for sample papers that helps to know the question types.
There are three types of questions in the GRE verbal reasoning section:
- Reading Comprehension- The GRE Reading Comprehension section includes paragraphs and larger bodies of text. It also comprises distinguishing major and minor points, summarizing passages, inferring conclusions, reading between the lines, and analyzing the text as a whole. There will be 10 passages to perform all the given tasks. Passages can be based on various fields such as physical sciences, biological sciences, business, humanities, social sciences, and everyday topics related to both academic and nonacademic. The passages can be as short as a single paragraph and some can also include multiple paragraphs.
- Text Completion- A good reader must absorb the given information and acquire the ability to comprehend, analyze and interpret the given information with good reasoning skills. Similarly, a candidate must perform these functions when a particular GRE text completion passage is provided to him/her and answer the questions or fill in the blanks accordingly.
The questions will be from a passage of one to five sentences out of which three or more blanks will be given to fill. Partially correct answers will not be marked. The candidate must get a sense of the passage before answering the questions and he/she must first attempt the questions that seem easy. The candidate must try to get a sense of the words or phrases that seem to complete the sentence and then act accordingly while choosing the correct answer.
- Sentence Equivalence- This part of the test analyzes the candidate’s ability to complete the given passage with the help of partial information. GRE Sentence Equivalence questions consist of a single sentence with just one blank, and they ask you to find two choices that lead to a complete, coherent sentence while producing sentences that mean the same thing. There will be six answer choices for one blank in a single sentence. The candidate will need to wisely choose two from the six given choices.
GRE Quant Preparation Tips
GRE Quantitative reasoning helps to assess the candidate’s ability to perform basic mathematical functions, understand elementary mathematical concepts, and solve problems using quantitative mathematics. It is assessed on the basis of four criteria:
- Arithmetic
- Algebra
- Geometry
- Data Analysis
GRE quant tips include only rigorous practice and hardworking. Without continuous practice and hard work, one can’t excel in this section. Candiadtes can check GRE Quant Practice Paper for further practice.
GRE Analytical Writing Preparation Tips
Analytical writing includes two separately timed analytical writing sections- Analyze an Issue and Analyze an Argument. The candidate shall exercise his / her comprehension and analytical skills in this section of the test. In the first section, the candidate will have to read and analyze the passage to prepare his / her own arguments on the basis of the articulation of the facts. However, in the second section, the candidate shall check the soundness of the facts put forward by the author in the passage. Here are the details to both the sections of GRE AWA preparation test:
- Analyze an Issue- In this section, the candidate is required to think and analyze various topics. The candidate exercises his / her abilities to comprehend, write and present the topic and various perspectives through which it can be analyzed. The candidate should be precise in his / her presentation of arguments and must avoid the presentation of vague ideas in his / her writing script. It is important to state the position of your standing point on the basis of the passage and write your agreements and disagreements accordingly. The task should be performed within the time span of 30 minutes.
- Analyze an Argument- In this task, the candidate is required to logically analyze the soundness of the arguments put forward by the author of the essay and their implications and assumptions in it. The candidate in this section is not required to either agree or disagree with the arguments. Also, a presentation of the candidate’s opinion is not required for this section. The candidate must look for specific quotes or arguments put in by the author. This will enhance the quality of the answer provided by the candidate.
When to Start GRE Prep?
GRE prep is no cakewalk, and the more time you dedicate to the preparation, the better your chances of scoring higher get. An ideal preparation starts 2-4 months before you plan to write GRE. Few points before GRE prep have to keep in mind
- First target your score
- Take a diagnostic GRE test to get an overview of your
- Keep consistency in your study plan
Another factor that plays a role in deciding when to start GRE preparation is how much time you have on your hands. If you have a job and work 6-8 hours a day, it’s better to start preparing earlier. If you’re a student on a summer break, you could start preparing four weeks before the test and still get a decent score.
How Can I Study at Home for the GRE?
Candidates shouldn't mix up their GRE preparation at the exam centre with their GRE preparation done at home. Only the test environment differs between the two tests, which are identical. Test takers may frequently feel overwhelmed. Candidates should be aware that ETS, the organisation in charge of administering the GRE exam, has begun offering the opportunity to take the exam from the comfort of home. If the COVID-19 local constraints permit, candidates who do not have a suitable environment at home or the required system requirements may take the exam at the GRE test centre.
Tips for GRE Prep in 30 days
If you have the necessary time and are committed to your GRE preparation, a 30-day study schedule will be ideal for you. You'll need to set aside at least 2-3 hours every day, and only if you have a firm grasp of the fundamentals of math. You will require additional hours every day if they are not. Additionally, if you are strong in a few areas, you can skip the material you don't need to study. In other words, you may adapt this approach to your strengths and weaknesses.
GRE Prep Books
The makers of the General GRE Test have come up with the official test GRE prep book. The book includes a copy of the POWER PREP II, Version 2.2 Software CD — includes four complete practice tests (two in the book and two on CD), hundreds of authentic test questions, explanations for many answers, test-taking strategies, sample essay responses with reader commentary, etc. Here is the GRE Manhattan prep, Magoosh GRE prep for GRE test prep.
GRE Coaching Centers in India
GRE coaching online helps candidates to prepare for the exam from their home comfort. GRE classes online are provided both online and classroom mode. Candidates will find details about the best GRE coaching in India in the table below. Candidates can look for GRE classes near me for the one suitable for them.
GRE Practice Test
GRE Sample Test papers and GRE Practice Test free are made available for candidates to view general advice, sample questions with rationales, scoring guides and tips for answering the questions. For the computer-delivered general test, you can use the POWER PREP practice test facility. It is free and available at the official website. Free Practice books for subject tests are also available at www.ets.org/gre
The GRE classes online free simulate the test-taking experience, including the test-taker-friendly design features like moving back and forth and changing answers within a section, as well as the on-screen calculator. The sample General GRE Test will include: one full-length paper-delivered test, test-taking strategies, sample Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning questions with explanations, sample Analytical Writing topics, scored Analytical Writing responses and reader commentary and information on how the test is scored.
GRE Verbal Practice Test
GRE Quant Practice Tests
GRE AWA Samples
GRE Prep Tools for Differently abled persons
Preparation material for differently-abled persons is equally available. Many materials are accessible easily, and others can be ordered from ETS Disability Services. Some preparation material cannot be downloaded such as Braille, recorded audio or hard copy large print, if the candidate needs any of these or any other material in a format not listed here, he/she should contact Disability Services Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Contact details are as follows:
Phone: 1-609-771-7780 or 1-866-387-8602 (toll-free for test-takers in the United States, U.S. Territories and Canada)
Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. ET (except for U.S. holidays)
Email: stassd@ets.org
Fax: 1-609-771-7165
Attn: GRE — Mail Stop 05Q
Mail: ETS Disability Services
P.O. Box 6054
Princeton, NJ 08541-6054 USA
Ques. How to best prepare for GRE?
Ans. Preparing for GRE in the best possible manner involves making a study plan, attempting practice papers while focusing on time management, working on your weak and strong areas, enhancing GRE vocabulary by reading more, and staying consistent. Signing up for an online GRE preparation program or an offline coaching center may assist with the preparation, but is never a necessity.
Ques. How long does it take to prepare for the GRE?
Ans. It usually takes 6-12 weeks for candidates to prepare for the GRE. The preparation time also varies from person to person. People with less free time should always start preparing for the test at least 2 months before the paper.
Ques. What are some good books for GRE preparation?
Ans. There are several books and guides to prepare for the GRE. Some of the most popular ones with the best reviews and recommendations are mentioned below.
- The Official Guide to the GRE General Test (ETS)
- Barron’s GRE 22nd edition
- Manhattan Prep GRE Set of 8 Strategy Guides (4th edition)
- Cracking the GRE With 4 Practice Tests (The Princeton Review)
- Kaplan’s GRE Prep Plus 2019
- GRE for Dummies
Ques. Is preparing for GRE hard?
Ans. The GRE test can be a really tough nut to crack for those who have been out of school for a while. The math section of the GRE may be easier than the SAT, ACT, and GMAT, however, it is very tricky and requires practice. Verbal section of the GRE is one of the biggest reasons for dread, especially for non-native English speakers. However, with enough time and dedication, anyone can score decently on the GRE.
Ques. What is the syllabus for the GRE test?
Ans. The GRE General Test has three sections: Analytical Writing, Verbal Reasoning, and Quantitative Reasoning. Question types for each section are mentioned below.
Analytical Writing
- Analyze an issue
- Analyse an argument
Verbal Reasoning
- Reading Comprehension
- Critical Reasoning
- Sentence Equivalence
- Text Completion
Quantitative Reasoning
- Arithmetic
- Algebra
- Geometry
- Data Interpretation
To browse the syllabus of GRE Subject Tests, click here.
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.