GRE verbal section has a score range of 130-170 and most of the test-takers obtain around 150 GRE verbal score. It is definitely rare to find the candidates with GRE verbal score above 150 or 155. But wait! We mentioned GRE verbal score above 155 is rare but it’s not impossible. Some candidates have scored 160 in GRE verbal. If you are also wondering how to score 160 in GRE verbal, you are at the correct place. We will show you how to secure a 160 GRE verbal score – continue reading to know the best GRE verbal tips!
Best GRE Verbal Strategies to Score 160

To obtain a higher score in GRE verbal needs a strategy – a strategy to answer more number of questions correctly. Another important strategy is not to waste much time in the questions, where the candidates are not confident enough. The following strategies can help the candidates to obtain a higher score in GRE verbal and to secure a place in the graduate courses in the world’s top universities.
Prioritize the Questions
As you are preparing for GRE, we believe that you are aware of GRE pattern and question types of GRE. Also, you must have practice with GRE verbal papers. Here the ideal strategy will be to check the questions that take the least time. Generally, the single-blanked questions of GRE reading comprehension take the least time to answer.
Remember, all the questions of GRE verbal carries 1 point – be it a single blanked question or a multi-blanked question. So, you have to beware of spending more than 90 seconds on any. It is because putting more effort and giving more time will not result in more than 1 point here.
We recommend the candidates to opt for the single blanked text completion and sentence equivalence question in the first place.
Yes, the single-blanked questions are less in number in GRE, and right after completing these, the test-takers need to move on to the double-blanked questions. After this, answer the three-blanked questions.
In GRE it is possible to go back to other questions within a section. So, once a question seems difficult or too much complicated, leave it for the last – don’t waste time in it.
Candidates often have the query “how do I manage time with GRE verbal sections?” – With the help of this technique, managing the sections will be even easier.
Manage Time
In GRE verbal, the most time-consuming part is GRE Reading comprehension. Here, the candidates need to read a passage and find out the answers from the passage. We suggest the candidates to use read the question first technique for GRE Reading comprehension. Here, the candidates need to
- Read the questions before reading the passage itself
- Read the first line of each paragraph to understand what the paragraph is about
- Find out the question-related paragraph and answer the question based on that
In case the candidates try to answer the questions after reading the entire passage, it will take even more time.
In each section of GRE verbal section, there are 20 questions to be answered within 30 minutes. Therefore, it is important to segregate these 30 minutes for proper time management.
For time division, it is important to mention that not all the questions will take 90 seconds – it may take less or more. The questions, which take the least time to solve, are the priority here.
- Within the first 5-6 minutes, the priority is single and double blanked text completion and sentence equivalent questions.
- Spend the next 18-20 minutes solely on the reading comprehension questions and critical reasoning questions.
- Last 4-5 minutes should be for the three-blanked text completion questions and the others, which are skipped previously because of complexities.
For the single-blanked text completion questions and sentence equivalence questions, try to limit the duration 30-45 seconds per question. Candidates can follow sentence equivalence tips and text completion tips to answer these questions in the least time. Minimizing the time of these questions is the best way to improve GRE verbal score.
It is an undeniable fact that reading comprehension questions are almost 50% of the GRE verbal paper and in this section, more than 60% of the total duration is needed to answer the questions accurately even after using the “read the question first” technique.
Along with this, to score 160 or up in GRE verbal, the following tips are extremely helpful:
- Review all the answer choices before marking even if the first answer seems the correct
- GRE verbal question paper is set in a way to confuse the candidates, so read
- Read the question from the beginning to the end to understand what is being asked
- Make a habit of seeing unknown words during the exam
- Master the skill of guessing the meaning of an unknown word by reading the sentence
- Take help of excellent GRE verbal materials to learn other tricks
- Pace up reading
- Build an excellent stock of GRE vocabulary
- Practice daily to speed up
These are the best strategies to score 160 in GRE verbal section. Remember, it is not an easy task and it is not just about GRE verbal preparation. Securing a 160 GRE verbal score depends on how the candidate strategizes the verbal paper on the day of the exam too. So plan well and secure the best GRE verbal score.
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.