Basil Paul K Review at Fanshawe College, London | Collegedunia

A few hiccups due to covid but its been a great journey so far!

Its really flexible and it suited my needs.

Course Curriculum :

Its pretty good , can't complain. They do offer an internship as part of the course.

Exams :

I didn't submit any special documents other than academic documents.

Placement :

Placements are rare. But college does offer career services. That's extremely useful for finding a job.

Internship :

My internship is yet to start

Fees :

35000 CAD for 2 years. Fees is subject to change every year.

Scholarship :

yes, a Special scholarship of around 1000 CAD if the students study in the college for 1 whole year.

Faculty :

The classes are online, so it's hard to say about the ratio. They are very experienced and knowledgeable faculty. Few of them have doctorates from reputed global universities as well.

Hostel :

Off-campus we get apartments or houses for rent. Some house owners let you stay with them. They offer meals for the entire day. Basements are also available at really affordable rates.

7.2 out of 10