simran dhillon Review at Fanshawe College, London | Collegedunia

i would say Fanshawe college is one of the best colleges in canada. the campus is beautiful and the infrastructure is beautiful. i got to learn many new and amazing things here and the programs the college offer are great.

fanshawe college is a public college in ontario, canada. it is one of the largest colleges in canada. this college also has a diverse range of programs(over 200). overall, this college is a well renouned college.

Course Curriculum :

this program enhances my skills in management, leadership, human resources and sales and marketing. this program also provides experiential learning experiences through various case studies.

Exams :

a degree or a postsecondary diploma is required as well as an English proficiency test.

Placement :

according to your previous diploma or degree the college prepares students for the entry level roles in canada.

Events :

Everything is there, from clothing store, book store, electronics shop, A huge library, Group study rooms(24/7), 3 big indoor gym like a big ground , Coffee shop and Cafeteria, Restaurant, Food court, 24/7 Computer library, 24/7 security ,A pub and club for students, inside college, Bus stops just out of main building, Great college staff and most important, The international student office, they will help you a lot.

Scholarship :

no, i have not received any scholarship

Faculty :

the college has every equipment for the students. the infrastructure is also beautiful . the people are also very nice and everyone is really helpful.

Hostel :

no, i live off campus.

7.3 out of 10