SRM University Delhi NCR, Sonepat - Scholarship Details

Sonepat, HaryanaPrivate UniversityEstd 2013
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SRM University, Sonepat provides various scholarships to encourage and support meritorious candidates. A scholarship program “SRMH Scholar Search Program” has been implemented by SRM Sonepat that offers 100% scholarship on the university’s tuition fees. All scholarships offered at SRM Sonepat are subject to availability and are granted on a first-come-first-served basis. The scholarship offered is applicable for the duration of the program, subject to maintaining the required CGPA.

A list of SRM Sonepat Scholarships are mentioned below: 

  • SRMHCAT Scholarship based on rank
  • Chancellor’s Scholarship
  • Scholarship based on CUET Percentile
  • Haryana Domicile Scholarship
  • Student Scholarship for SRMJEEE Aspirants
  • Student Scholarship for B.Sc. Hospitality and Hotel Administration Programme
  • Student Scholarship on the basis of CLAT Ranking
  • Scholarship for Diploma holders (Lateral entry) only
  • SRM Group Alumni Scholarship (For Students continuing their study at SRM)
  • Merit-Based Scholarship* For PG Programs
  • Financial Aid for Serving/ Retired Defense/ CAPF/ Para- Military Personnel and their Dependents

SRM Sonepat Scholarship on SRMHCAT Rank

SRM Sonepat Scholarship on SRMHCAT Rank is mentioned below. 

95 & Above 100%
92-94 75%
90-91 50%
88-89 25%
85-87 10%

SRM Sonepat Chancellor’s Scholarship

SRM Sonepat Chancellor’s scholarship is granted to students who have good academic records and are achievers in sports based on economic background. Before applying for this scholarship, the candidate must qualify national-level entrance examination SRMHCAT. The meritorious students can also avail School Toppers’ Scholarship on the basis of their merit in XII examination. Here are some details for the same. 

Merit in XII examination Scholarship
≥ 95 % 100% scholarship in tuition fees
92% – 94.9 % 75% scholarship in tuition fees
89% – 91.9% 50% scholarship in tuition fees
80% – 88.9 % 25% scholarship in tuition fees
75% – 79.9% 10% scholarship in tuition fees

Note: Scholarship from 10-100% is subject to the valid score of SRMHCAT.

The State Topper from each board is eligible for 100% scholarship in Tution Fee.

% of Scholarship JEE Main percentile SAT Score 
100% of First-Year Tuition Fee 98-100 1550 +
75% of First-Year Tuition Fee 96-97.99 1500-1549
50% of First-Year Tuition Fee 90-95.99 1400-1499
25 % of First-Year Tuition Fee 85-89.99 1300-1399
10 % of First-Year Tuition Fee 75-84.99 1200-1299

Note: All scholarships will be awarded on first cum first-served basis, as limited scholarships are available. 

SRM Sonepat Scholarship on CUET Percentile 

SRM Sonepat offers up to 100% fee waivers to students based on their CUET percentile. This scholarship is introduced to award students with good academic records and to provide support to financially backward students. Here are some of the details of the SRM Sonepat scholarship based on the CUET percentile:

95 & Above 100%
90-94.99 75%
85-89.99 50%
80-84.99 25%
70-79.99 10%
SRM Sonepat Haryana Domicile Scholarship
  • SRM Sonepat grants 25% of total seats for Haryana Domicile Candidates as per the provisions of the Haryana State Private Universities Act, 2006 clause 35 & 36.
  • It is mandatory for candidates applying under the category of Haryana Domicile to submit a Domicile certificate at the time of counseling/ admission. 
  • Rank/Performance in SRMHCAT, fulfilling the minimum eligibility criteria is mandatory to avail of this scholarship. 
  • Continuation of the scholarship in the subsequent years will be on the basis of minimal academic performance.

Eligibility Criteria for Haryana Domicile Scholarship

For the continuation of the scholarship in the consecutive years, the students need to all the subjects in the respective semester and secure a minimum CGPA as mentined below:

% of Scholarship CGPA
100% & 75% Scholarship 9
50% Scholarship 8
25% Scholarship 7
10% Scholarship 6

Chancellor Sports Scholarship

SRM University has implemented new scholarship to encourage the meritorious students who are excelling in the field of sports. Steps to avail the Sports Scholarship are detailed below: 

  • Step 1: Fill out the application form online.
  • Step 2: A date will be fixed in consultation with the Directorate of Physical Education & Sports, for the Sports Trial.
  • Step 3: Next, the documents of the students will be verified and also required to attend the “Physical & Skill Test”. The date for the test will be communicated to the students. 
  • Step 4: The list of selected candidates will be announced based on the credential and fitness test. 

SRM Sonepat Scholarship for SRMJEEE Aspirants

Given below is the information on SRM Sonepat Student Scholarship for SRMJEEE Aspirants. 

SRMJEEE Scholarship Percentage of Scholarship Phase 1 Rank Range Phase 2 Rank Range
Founder’s Scholarship 100% 01 – 15 01 – 15
Merit Scholarship 100%* 16 – 45 16 – 45
Rank Based 100%** 46 to 100 46 to 100
Rank Based 75%* 101 to 500 101 to 500
Rank Based 50%* 501 to 1000 501 to 1000
Rank Based 25%* 1001 to 3000 1001 to 5000
Rank Based 10%* 3001 to 5000 5001 to 10,000

* All scholarships are valid only on academic tuition fees except Founder’s Sch. Transport/ Hostel/ Other charges are payable. 
** Not applicable for industry partnered programs.

SRM Sonepat Scholarship for B.Sc. Hospitality and Hotel Administration Programme

Here is some information on SRM Sonepat Student Scholarship for B.Sc. Hospitality and Hotel Administration Programme.

Rank in any Entrance Exam Scholarship % Remarks
1-500 100% First 03 students
501-1000 75% First 05 students
1001-2000 50% First 10 students
2001-3000 25% First 15 students
3001-5000 15% First 15 students

SRM Sonepat Scholarship on the basis of CLAT Ranking

Here are some details on SRM Sonepat Scholarship on the basis of CLAT Ranking. 

Percentage of Scholarship CLAT Rank
50% scholarship on tuition fee 1300-3000
25% scholarship on tuition fee 3001-5000
10% scholarship on tuition fee 5001-7000

SRM Sonepat Scholarship for Diploma holders (Lateral entry) only

SRM Sonepat grants 25% scholarship on the second-year tuition fee to candidates holding 60 % or more in a 3-year Diploma. For continuation of Scholarship for the Third & subsequent years will be subject to securing a minimum CGPA of 7 and above. In case of CGPA less than 7, the scholarship will be discontinued. Students should have cleared all the subjects of their respective semesters.

SRM Sonepat SRM Group Alumni Scholarship

Students who are graduating from SRMUH or any of SRM group of institutes and wish to continue their journey of study at SRM University Delhi NCR, Sonepat –

  • Will be benefited with the same scholarship they were availing at their final year of U.G.
  • In case of no scholarship was availed during study of U.G. programme then a Flat 25% scholarship on tuition fees can be granted.

SRM Sonepat Merit-Based Scholarship for PG Programs

Here is some information on SRM Sonepat Merit-Based Scholarship for PG Programs. 

Programme Scholarship (50% on the tuition fees) Scholarship (25% on the tuition fees) Scholarship (10% on the tuition fees)
MBA 90% in XII + 80% or above marks in UG + Valid Score of CAT/MAT/GMAT/NMAT 85% -89.99% in XII + 75-79.9% marks in UG + Valid Score of CAT/MAT/GMAT/NMAT 80-84.9% in XII + 70-74.9% marks in UG + Valid Score of CAT/MAT/GMAT/NMAT
M.TECH 90% in XII + 80% or above marks in UG + Valid Score in GATE 85% -89.99% in XII + 75-79.9% marks in UG +Valid Score in GATE 80-84.9% in XII + 70-74.9% marks in UG +Valid Score in GATE
M.Sc. / M.Com/ M.A./ LLM. 90% in XII + 80% or above marks in UG 85% -89.99% in XII + 75-79.9% marks in UG 80-84.9% in XII + 70-74.9% marks in UG

SRM Sonepat Financial Aid for Serving/ Retired Defense/ CAPF/ Para- Military Personnel and their Dependents

SRM Sonepat offers Financial Aid for Serving/ Retired Defense/ CAPF/ Para- Military Personnel and their Dependents. Here is some information about the same. 

Categories Classification Financial Aid
Category – A Recipients of Gallantry awards- (ParamVir Chakra, Ashok Chakra, Mahavir Chakra, Kirti Chakra, Veer Chakra & Shaurya Chakra, President’s Tatrakshak Medal and Tatrakshak Medal, President’s Police medal for Gallantry, President’s Police Medal for Meritorious Service, President’s Police Medal for Distinguish Service, President’s Police medal, Sena medal,
disabled in action & boarded out)

50% on tuition Fee

Category – B Serving Officers (Other than above) nominated through study leave    25% on tuition Fee

Financial aid to dependents of recipients of various awards and Ex-Servicemen/ Retired Defense Personnel: Categorization of dependents of recipients of various awards and Ex-servicemen for eligibility relaxation and financial aid to dependents the details are mentioned below:

Categories Classification Financial Aid
Category – C All the dependents of Recipients of Gallantry awards- (ParamVir Chakra, Ashok Chakra, Mahavir Chakra, Kirti Chakra, Veer Chakra & Shaurya Chakra, President’s Tatrakshak Medal and Tatrakshak Medal, President’s Police medal for Gallantry, President’s Police Medal for Meritorious Service, President’s Police Medal for Distinguish Service, President’s Police medal, Sena medal, and Killed in action, disabled in action & boarded out)

25% on Tuition Fee

Category – D Serving personnel/ ex-servicemen/ retired personnel (from all defence forces mentioned above)    10% on Tuition Fee

SRM Sonepat Scholarship FAQs

Ques. Does SRM provide scholarship?

Ans. Yes, SRM provides a variety of scholarships. Some of the major scholarships offered by SRM Sonepat are mentioned below:

  • SRMHCAT Scholarship based on score
  • Chancellor’s Scholarship
  • Scholarship based on CUET Percentile
  • Haryana Domicile Scholarship
  • Student Scholarship for SRMJEEE Aspirants
  • Student Scholarship for B.Sc. Hospitality and Hotel Administration Programme
  • Student Scholarship on the basis of CLAT Ranking
  • Scholarship for Diploma holders (Lateral entry) only
  • SRM Group Alumni Scholarship (For Students continuing their study at SRM)
  • Merit-Based Scholarship* For PG Programs
  • Financial Aid for Serving/ Retired Defense/ CAPF/ Para- Military Personnel and their Dependents

Ques. Can I get 100% Scholarship at SRM Sonepat?

Ans. Yes, SRM Sonepat guarantees 100% scholarship to meritorious and deserving students. SRM Sonepat offers 100% scholarship to the top rankers in SRMHCAT Score, Merit in XII examination, JEE Main percentile, SAT Score, CUET Score ​and SRMJEEE Aspirants. 

Ques. What are the different scholarships and financial aid options available at SRM University Sonepat?

Ans. SRM University, Sonepat provides various scholarships to encourage and support meritorious candidates. A scholarship program “SRMH Scholar Search Program” has been implemented by SRM Sonepat that offers 100% scholarship on the university’s tuition fees. All scholarships offered at SRM Sonepat are subject to availability and are granted on a first-come-first-served basis. The scholarship offered is applicable for the duration of the program, subject to maintaining the required CGPA.

A list of SRM Sonepat Scholarships are mentioned below: 

  • SRMHCAT Scholarship based on score
  • Chancellor’s Scholarship
  • Scholarship based on CUET Percentile
  • Haryana Domicile Scholarship
  • Student Scholarship for SRMJEEE Aspirants
  • Student Scholarship for B.Sc. Hospitality and Hotel Administration Programme
  • Student Scholarship on the basis of CLAT Ranking
  • Scholarship for Diploma holders (Lateral entry) only
  • SRM Group Alumni Scholarship (For Students continuing their study at SRM)
  • Merit-Based Scholarship* For PG Programs
  • Financial Aid for Serving/ Retired Defense/ CAPF/ Para- Military Personnel and their Dependents

Ques. Does SRM Sonepat offers scholarships on the basis of CLAT Ranking?

Ans. Yes, SRM Sonepat offers scholarships on the basis of CLAT Ranking. 

Ques. How are scholarships awarded under the SRMH Scholar Search Program?

Ans. Scholarships under the SRMH Scholar Search Program are awarded based on various criteria such as academic performance, sports achievements, domicile, entrance exam ranks, and other factors.

Ques. What are the different scholarships available at SRM University, Sonepat?

Ans. SRM University, Sonepat offers scholarships such as SRMHCAT Scholarship, Chancellor’s Scholarship, Scholarship based on CUET percentile, Haryana Domicile Scholarship, Student Scholarship for SRMJEEE Aspirants, Scholarship for B.Sc. Hospitality and Hotel Administration Programme, Scholarship based on CLAT Ranking, etc.

Ques. How does the SRMHCAT Scholarship at SRM University, Sonepat, work?

Ans. The SRMHCAT Scholarship at SRM University, Sonepat, offers varying percentages of scholarship based on the candidate's rank in the SRMHCAT exam, ranging from 10% to 100%.

Ques. What are the eligibility criteria for the Chancellor’s Scholarship at SRM University, Sonepat?

Ans. The Chancellor’s Scholarship is granted based on academic records and sports achievements, and candidates must qualify the national-level entrance examination SRMHCAT. Eligibility criteria also include performance in XII examinations.

Ques. How does the Haryana Domicile Scholarship work at SRM University, Sonepat?

Ans. The Haryana Domicile Scholarship reserves 25% of total seats for Haryana Domicile Candidates, as per the provisions of the Haryana State Private Universities Act, 2006. Continuation of the scholarship depends on academic performance.

Ques. What is the process for availing the Sports Scholarship at SRM University, Sonepat?

Ans. The Sports Scholarship at SRM University, Sonepat, requires candidates to fill out an online application form, undergo sports trials, document verification, and attend physical and skill tests.

SRM University Sonepat Latest News

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