Master of Public Policy [MPP] From IIT Delhi, New Delhi

Naraina Village, New DelhiAutonomous UniversityEstd 1961
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Master of Public Policy [MPP] 
first year fees:  ₹1,90,300
2 YearsFull Time
Yearsyear 1year 2
Total Year Wise fees1.90 Lakhs1.90 Lakhs
Total Fees₹95150₹95150₹95150₹95150
Tuition fees₹75000₹75000₹75000₹75000
other fee₹20150₹20150₹20150₹20150

Eligibility Criteria

Five -year Bachelor’s degree such as M.B.B.S., B.A., L.L.B. (Hon.), B.Arch. or equivalent; four year Bachelor’s Degree such as B.Tech., B.Sc. (Ag), BVSc, B.Plan or equivalent; and post-graduate degrees such as M.A., M.Sc., M.Phil., Integrated M.Sc./M.A., M.Tech. or equivalent

Course Details

IIT Delhi MPP admissions 2024 will start on March 20, 2024 and the last date to apply for MPP courses is April 04, 2024. Master in Public Policy at IIT Delhi focuses on Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) and Development. The admission is done in two phases. Firstly, candidates have to give written or oral tests. Secondly, aspirants should qualify for the interview round. The written exam consists of Objective-type questions in analytical reasoning, reading comprehension, data interpretation, and basic quantitative ability. Candidates qualifying the entrance exam will be called for final admissions. Adding to that, there are reservations for SC, ST, OBC, EWB, and PwD students.

IIT Delhi MPP Course Highlights

  • This course has a total of 4 semesters in 24 months.
    • The written test or oral test for admission will judge candidates’ analytical skills, quantitative skills, comprehension skills, and reasoning skills.
  • The total fee charged for IIT Delhi Master in Public Policy is INR 53,400 inclusive of hostel rent, tuition fees.
  • After completing this course, you may get placed in Private Sector (corporations, consultancies, research, journalism), Multilateral Agencies and Intergovernmental Organisations, International/National Non-Governmental Organizations.
  • SC/ST, PWD, EWS Category students get grants in admission, total fees, and as well in semester fees.

Check IIT Delhi Placement

IIT Delhi MPP Eligibility

Applicants who fulfil any of the following criteria are eligible to apply:

  • MBBS, BA, LLB (Hon), B.Arch., or equivalent five-year bachelor's degree with least 60 per cent or 6.0 CGPA on a 10-point scale from a recognized board or institution.


  • B.Tech., BSc (Ag), BVSc, or equivalent four-year bachelor's degree with least 60 per cent or 6.0 CGPA on a 10-point scale from a recognized board or institution.


  • MA, MSc, MPhil, Integrated MSc/MA, MTech, or equivalent postgraduate degrees with a least 60 per cent or 6.0 CGPA on a 10-point scale from a recognized board or institution

Important Note:

  • SC/ST category students, the minimum eligible percentage has been cut down from 60% to 55% (CGPA 6.0 to 5.50).
  • Apparently, if your B.Tech, MA, BSc (AG), BVSc, MBBS, or any other equivalent program will get finish before the third week of July, you can apply for IIT Delhi’s Master in Public Policy.
  • Your performance up to the previous semester (or prior year, if the programs are year-based) would be evaluated for short-listing criteria, but your admission would be dependent on your passing the minimum eligibility requirements when their final examination results will be out.

In light of the current COVID situation in the country, the Institute's Senate may modify the selection criteria/method. If there is a change, it will be updated in the Institute's Information Brochure and/or announced on the Institute's website.

Check IIT Delhi Courses and Fees

IIT Delhi MPP Admission 2024

  • Candidates have to pass the written or oral test rounds and interview round to get selected for IIT Delhi Master in Public Policy.
  • Part-time admission is based on the availability of seats at that time, and the decision of the appropriate DRC/CRC/SRC/PEC.
  • To get selected for this course you must have a score minimum of 60% in the equivalent degree.
  • The performance of a qualifying degree is calculated by averaging performance overall semesters/years of the qualifying degree. This includes all the subjects, language, and other subsidiaries' performance in the program.
  • Sponsored (full-time) candidates seeking admission for this course on the basis of study leave must present a "Sponsorship certificate" from the relevant authority in the organization.

How to Apply?

All the application processes will be done via online mode only.

  • Step 1- Candidates go to the IIT Delhi official admission site to fill the application form.
  • Step 2- Enter a valid email address and your name as it will appear on your MPP Degree.
  • Step 3- After completing the registration process, log in to the portal using the User ID and Password you received through email.
  • Step 4- Once you've logged in, go to the left-hand side and select the "Apply Now" button.
  • Step 5- Fill in all of the required information and then click “Save and Next” to go to the next page.
  • Step 6- Choose the program and department to which you are applying on this page.
  • Step 7- To go to the second page, click Save and Next.
  • Step 8- Fill in the details of your qualifying test and qualifying degree, as well as your previous education.
  • Step 9- Fill up the blanks with information about your previous education and click Save and Next.
  • Step 10- Enter the year of experience. If you have no experience, put 0 Year, 0 Month, and 0 Days(part-time or sponsored candidate must provide experience details).
  • Step 11- Upload a photo of yourself and any other relevant documents. Then click again Save and Next. Accept the Declaration and click the Submit button at the bottom.
  • Step 12- Make a payment with a credit card, a debit card, or a net banking account.

Check IIT Delhi Admission

IIT Delhi MPP Course Details

Master in Public Policy is a two years post-graduate program. The programs focus on three spheres; Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI). Moreover, topics like Principles of Economics for Public Policy, Research Methods for Public Policy, Statistics for Public Policy are taught to the aspirants. 

  • The course has a total of 4 semesters in two years (24 months). 
  • In IIT Delhi candidates who will study Master in Public Policy will develop overall skill. As the Delhi IIT emphasizes theoretical lessons with classroom debates, group discussion, and more.
  • Delhi IIT encourages and offers internship opportunities in policy agencies to Master in Public Policy students.
  • For the academic year 2021-22 the session will be begun from August 2021.

IIT Delhi MPP Syllabus

Semester Syllabus Credits
  • Introduction to Public Policy
  • STI and Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development
  • Statistic for Public Policy 
  • Principles of Economy for Public Policy 
  • Public Institutions in India: theory and practice
  • Tools for Policy Analysis
  • Program Elective 1
  • Program Elective 2
  • Research Methods for Public Policy
  • Program Elective 3
  • Open Elective 1
  • Policy Exercise/Thesis
  • Open Elective 2
  • Thesis
Total Credits: 54

Note Detailed Syllabus: Master in Public Policy, IIT Delhi Syllabus

IIT Delhi MPP Seats 2024

IIT Delhi offers 25 seats in its Master of Public Policy program. 20 out of total seats are for regular students and 5 seats are reserved for Sponsored students.

IIT Delhi MPP Fees 2024

Category Tuition Fee Other Charges Hostel Seat Rent Total Amount
For Students receiving Institute/ Project Assistantship or Teaching Position Holders
General/OBC/EWS INR 25000 INR 28100 INR 13250 INR 66350
SC/ST/PWD 0 INR 28100 INR 13250 INR 41350
For Students (Sponsored Full-time, Part-time and Non-teaching Position Holders)
General/OBC/EWS INR 100000 INR 25100 0 INR 125100
SC/ST/PWD 0 INR 25100 0 INR 25100

Check IIT Delhi Fees for other courses.

Program Structure

Duration: It is a two-year-long master’s program offered by IIT Delhi.

Course Schedule: The session will start from August 2021 and have a total of four semesters, with each semester carrying equal weightage for the final percentage.

Attendance Requirements: It is necessary for candidates to maintain 75 % attendance. Upon making 75% above you will get extra benefits. And if the attendance of an applicant is less than 75%, he or she will face consequences like, Candidate’s grade will be affected, they will not get hostel allotment for next semester, they will not get NP of an audit course, etc.

Elective Courses: The elective courses in IIT Delhi Master in Public Policy are Modelling Complex Adaptive Systems for Policy Analysis, Comparative Industrial Policy, Energy and Infrastructure Finance: A Public Policy Lens, Governance Challenges in Energy Systems in Transition, Socia Economic Data Analysis, Casual inference, and Impact Assessment, etc. 

Financial Assistance

The IIT Delhi offers financial assistance in many forms to Master in Public Policy aspirants. The details regarding scholarships, financial assistance, and their eligibility criteria are given below.

  • Merit-cum-Means (MCM) Scholarship: Students whose family income is above INR 4.5 LPA from all categories are eligible. They will get scholarships of INR 1000 per month along with a tuition fee waiver.
  • Freeship - Students whose family’s annual income will be up to INR 4.5 LPA will get this financial assistance
  • Free Messing-SC/ST Free-Messing will be offered to students whose family income is up to INR 4.5 LPA.

Reservation Criteria

 IIT Delhi has reservations for many categories of students. Here are the details regarding reservation criteria for Master in Public Policy in IIT Delhi:

  • SC/ST: Around 15% of seats are reserved for the Schedule Category (SC) students who want to take admission in the IIT MPP program. Adding to that, 7.5% of seats are reserved for Schedule Tribe (ST) students.
  • Economically Weaker Section (EWS): Around 10% of seats are reserved for EWC students, who wish to take admission in IIT Delhi MPP.
  • Persons with Disability (PwD): There are 5% seats reserved for the PwD category applicants, irrespective of their caste category.
  • Other Backward Category (Non-creamy layer): A total of 27% of seats are reserved for the OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) applicants who want to take admission in IIT Delhi. Applicants who belong to this category should show the OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) certificate when they will sit for the interview.

Internship Program and Training

  • When students will be in their final year of the Master in Public Policy program, they will be given project experience.
  • If candidates participate well in these sponsored projects, they will get higher assistantship amounts. It will be depending upon candidates' performance in these sponsored projects offered by the IIT Delhi.
  • Adding to that, these projects will enhance candidate's resumes and will give better career opportunities in the future.
  • As per the new IIT Delhi policy, the candidate will get the opportunity to present their work at another conference if they perform well in the first rounds to projects experience.


Ques. Can a commerce graduate apply for IIT Delhi Master in Public Policy Program?

Ans. No, commerce graduates (B.Com) can’t apply for the Master in Public Policy Program, IIT Delhi. This course is applicable to graduates of BA LLB(Hons), B.Sc(Ag), B. Arch, B.Tech, MBBS, and BVSc or postgraduate degrees such as M.Sc., MA, MPhil, MTech, Integrated MSc/MA.

Ques. What are the documents that SC/ST/ have to show to take admission in IIT Delhi Master in Public Policy course?

Ans. Students who are taking admission via SC/ST quota have to show a validity certificate as well as a Schedule Tribe certificate. Besides, if any students are taking admission via any quota like OBC, EWC has to show a caste certificate at the time of admission interview.

Ques. If any candidate fails to have a mark sheet, birth certificate, will they are applicable to take admission in IIT Delhi Master in Public Policy?

Ans. Yes, if any candidate doesn’t have mark sheets or birth certificate currently, they can still take admission in IIT Delhi Master in public policy. However, they have to upload an undertaking, which states that, “You will provide the required document at the time of test/interview/registration if shortlisted/selected at IIT Delhi”.

Ques. What are the documents required to take admission in IIT Delhi, Master in Public Policy?

Ans. The documents that candidate must hold while taking admission in IIT Delhi, Master in Public Policy are:

  • Date of Birth (DOB) Certificate
  • Educational Degree certificates (10+2 Mark sheet, Graduated or post graduated Mark sheets)
  • Latest Photograph
  • A person with Disability (PwD) Certificate, if applicable
  • Caste Certificate, if applicable

Ques. Is it necessary for a candidate to have work experience for taking admission in IIT Delhi Master in Public Policy Program?

Ans. No, it’s not necessary for a candidate to have work experience. You must have an eligible percentage in a degree program and perform well in qualifying rounds. You can put 0 Year, 0 Month, and 0 Days in work experience. However, sponsored and part-time candidates must have work experience to take admission in IIT Delhi Master in Public Policy.

Ques. Can we choose the elective subject of our choice in IIT Delhi Master in Public Policy?

Ans. Yes, the students can choose the Open Elective 2 subject of theirs choice in the third semester. There are eight elective subjects available in Master in Public Policy and they are given below.

  •  Modelling Complex Adaptive Systems for Policy Analysis
  • Comparative Industrial Policy
  • Energy and Infrastructure Finance: A Public Policy Lens
  • Governance Challenges in Energy Systems in Transition
  • Perspective on Climate Change: Implications for Policy
  • Causal Inference and Impact Assessment
  • Socio-Economic Data Analysis
  • Science, Technology & Innovation Policy and Agriculture

MPP (Receiving Institute / Project Assistantship or Teaching position holders):– 

Tuition Fees (per Semester) – Rs 17,500/- Other Charges – Rs 22,400/-

MPP (Sponsored Full-time, Part-time, and Non-teaching Position Holders):- 

General/OBC/EWS – Rs 75,000 /-, Other fees – Rs 20,150/-

All SC, ST & PwD students will get a 100 % tuition fee exemption.

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Master of Public Policy [MPP] Comparison

IIT DelhiIIT Bombay
Reviews Rating
Cost To Study
Total Fees
380600 (2 Years )
Hostel Fees
Total Fees
117400 (2 Years )
Highest Salary₹20000000₹36700000
Average Salary₹2582000₹2182000
General Course Details
Duration - 2 Years
Course Offered - Full Time
Mode - Full Time
Degree Type - On Campus
Course Level - Post Graduation
Course Credential - Degree
Duration - 2 Years
Course Offered - Full Time
Total Seats - 12
Mode - Full Time
Degree Type - On Campus
Course Level - Post Graduation
Course Credential - Degree
EligibilityGraduation with 60%Master with 55% + GATE

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