BTech Mathematics and Computing, College, Scope,Syllabus, 2023

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Sounak Banerjee

Associate Content Manager | Updated on - Feb 27, 2025

BTech Mathematics and Computing is a 4 year UG program providing a formidable combination of Mathematics and Computer Science. It concentrates on areas where mathematics and computing are most relevant to each other.The basic eligibility criteria for enrolling in BTech Mathematics and Computing is to qualify 10+2 with a minimum of 60%. Candidates can also appear for various entrance tests to get admission in this course. The average fees ranges from INR 50,000 to 5Lacs per annum.

BTech Mathematics and Computing curriculum is well designed to make sure it qualifies the advanced mathematics and modern science inventions, technology, and innovations. This program is divided into 2 sub contents. It deals with mathematics, computing, and financial engineering which are perfectly combined.

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Graduates of BTech Mathematics and Computing can work as Data Analyst, Business Data Analyst, Computer Programmer, Computational Engineer, Internet Commerce Worker, etc. The starting salary of such graduates is INR 4Lacs to 14 Lacs per annum.

See also: Top BTech Mathematics and Computing Colleges in India

Degree BTech Mathematics and Computing
Full-Form Bachelor of Mathematics and Computing
Duration Course Duration is 4 Years And Lateral Entry for diploma candidates is 3years.
Maximum age limit 23 Years
Minimum Percentage (10+2) 60% AND ABOVE for B.Tech and Lateral Entry diploma with 50% in all semesters.
Subjects Required Physics, Chemistry, Maths
Average Fees Incurred INR 50,000 - 5 LPA
Similar Options BE or BSc
Average Salary Offered INR 4 LPA- 14 LPA

BTech Mathematics and Computing: What is it About?

  • BTech Mathematics and Computing is a 4 year UG course is designed to meet the needs of mathematics in scientific investigations
  • The curriculum of this course is designed in such a way that this programme provides a perfect platform for those who seek strong mathematical and analytical components with a specialization in artificial intelligence.
  • Throughout the course students get to choose elective courses from a broad spectrum of courses depending on their interests.
  • The average fee structure for the course ranges between 50 KPA to 5 LPA. This fee structure solely depends upon the type of institute the candidate is applying to.
  • Government colleges/ universities have less fee structure but more competition than private colleges/ universities.
  • The average starting salary of a Mathematics and Computing engineer ranges from 4LPA to 14 LPA.

Why BTech Mathematics and Computing?

  • On completion of this course, students can easily get jobs as a Software Engineer, Testing Engineer, Technical Support in various IT firms.
  • If you have an interest in grasping all the aspects of Computer Technology then you should definitely look forward to pursuing this course.
  • The students will learn skills like software development, programming languages, building websites, etc.
  • Students can opt for jobs in numerous sectors such as MNCs, Software Firms, Banking sector, etc.
  • Handsome salary packages are offered to BTech Computer Science graduates with an average salary of INR 3-20 Lakhs Per Annum.

What is the BTech Mathematics and Computing Admission Process?

For candidates seeking admission to BTech Mathematics and Computing, eligible students need to clear the entrance exam, group discussion and personal interview round.

  • The registration forms for the exam are available in the months of November and December.
  • The combination of marks scored at the Intermediate level examination and in the JEE Advanced is considered for admission in this course.
  • The selection process is carried out once the student clears the entrance test which is then followed by a GD round and PI round.
  • For Lateral Entry admission, candidates holding a diploma in the field of Engineering are also eligible for BTech Mathematics and Computing program.

BTech Mathematics and Computing: Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for the Bachelor of Technology or BTech Mathematics and Computing program are suggested under:

  • To be eligible, a candidate requires to qualify in the entrance exam required by the college/ university.
  • The minimum percentage required to be eligible is 60% with qualified entrance examination
  • Admissions can also be made through the management quota at the institutional level but either entrance or merit has to be in eligibility criteria.

BTech Mathematics and Computing Entrance Exams

Below is the detailed information provided for the entrance examinations held for admissions for BTech Mathematics and Computing program. The admission is based upon qualifying these entrance exams from BTech Mathematics and Computing.

Entrance Exams Exam Dates
JEE Mains Check Here
JEE Advanced Check Here
WBJEE Check Here
VITEEE Check Here
SRMJEE Check Here
KEAM Check Here

BTech Mathematics and Computing: Tips to Prepare the Entrance Exams

A Candidate needs to have unprecedented cutoff points and informational assortments to meet all necessities for the position test for Bachelor of Technology or BTech Carpet and Textile Technology. A couple of hints to help you with making mind-blowing execution in the test are given under:

  • Getting a few answers concerning the timetable for the situation test: irrefutably the essential advancement is to download a copy of the game plan from the individual school/choice test site page open. It is difficult to have to raise genuine factors of the structure that can help one with knowing the significance of the subject which is related to the course.
  • Examining and altering past points: Do investigate and attempt to rethink subjects that can be staggeringly fundamental for the assessment as it can help with having an ideal use of the time and score remarkable inscriptions. Reevaluating old books or subjects furthermore helps with getting theoretical finding that makes it a lot less difficult for the contender at the test time.
  • The Golden guideline of "Attentive solicitation achieves promising outcomes": A Candidate should practice and rethink all the contemplations before the test the events possible with the objective that the late weight can be covered away

Checkout: JEE Main 2023 Application and Registration Process

BTech Mathematics and Computing College: Tips to get the Best College

To get an admission to a fair quality Bachelor of Technology or BTech Mathematics and Computing College, a couple of components come into advancement. A bit of the going with rules will be huge in that watch.

  • Continually get a note of the top schools in the area that you wish to dismember.
  • Select express schools as appeared by models like costs, clear territory, zone, and so forward of your choice.
  • Check the school regions and handle the limit and approval measures.
  • Endeavor to search for the bearings given by the schools.
  • Reliably stay engaged in the schools that you need to apply and if there ought to be an event of shortcoming to get related with a call or mail to the affiliation.
  • As mindful control achieves promising outcomes as such attempting to manage prior year's inquiry papers the best number of you can relax up.

Checkout: Top Ranked Engineering Colleges in India

The syllabus for Mathematics and Computing Engineering differs from college to college. Below is the detailed info of the common syllabus under colleges.

Semester I Semester II
Engineering Mathematics-1 Engineering Mathematics-2
Engineering Physics-1 Engineering Physics-2
Basic Mechanical Engg Basic Electrical Engineering
Professional Communication Computer System and Programming
Basic Electronics Engineering Engineering Chemistry
Laboratory ( Physics/ Chemistry) Lab (Electrical / Electronics/ Computer programming)
Workshop / CAD Workshop/ CAD
- Introduction to Computing Engineering
Semester III Semester IV
Engineering Mathematics-3 Engineering Analysis of mathematics
Basics of Discrete Mathematics Data Structures and Algorithms
Probability theory Financial Engineering-1
Engineering Digital Design Engineering Architecture and Computer organizations
Engineering Algebra Introduction to Monte Carlo Simulation
Electives Lab ( Data Structure with OOP )
Practicals/ Design/ Drawing Electives
- Practicals/ Design/ Drawing
Semester V Semester VI
Basics of Scientific Computing Engineering Optimization
Stochastic Calculus for finance Engineering Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata Theory
Introduction to Operating Systems Engineering Financial-2
Data Communication Engineering Database engineering
Elective-3 Computer programming
Lab (Operating Systems) Lab (Database/ Networks)
Practicals/ Design/ Drawing Practicals/ Design/ Drawing
Semester VII Semester VIII
Matrix Computing Advanced Computational Finance
Theory for Engineering Computing Dept. Electives-4
Statistical Analysis of data Dept. Electives- 3
Dept. Electives-1 Electives-4
Project work-1 Project work-2
- Practicals/ Design/ Drawing

BTech Mathematics and Computing: Top Colleges

Name of College/University Average Fees Average Salary
National Institute of Technology (NIT), Raipur INR 56,738 INR 10 LPA
Amity University INR 2,27,000 INR 9 LPA
Manipal Institute of Technology INR 3,52,750 INR 11 LPA
Pillai College of Engineering INR 1,05,530 INR 8 LPA
Finolex Academy of Management and Technology INR 62,245 INR 7 LPA
A. G. Patil Institute of Technology INR 60,000 INR 5 LPA
Ajay Binay Institute of Technology INR 76,600 INR 6 LPA
Institute of Aeronautical Engineering INR 67,000 INR 5.68 LPA
College of Engineering, Pune INR 60,694 INR 8.73 LPA
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology INR 48,813 INR 10 LPA

BTech Mathematics and Computing Engineering College Comparison

Parameters National Institute of Technology (NIT), Raipur College of Engineering, Pune
Overview National Institute of Technology (NIT), Raipur is a government university. It is well known and recognized by UGC. This university holds a good reputation in India for Mathematics and Computing. College of Engineering, Pune in Government college, situated in Maharashtra. It is one of the consistently top-ranked universities of India.
Location Raipur Pune
Course Level Graduation Graduation
Course Duration 4-years 4-years
Admission Process Merit List + Entrance exam (IIT-JEE) Merit List + Entrance Exam (MHT-CET)
Average Annual Fees INR 56,738 INR 60,694
Average Placement Salary INR 10 LPA INR 8.73 LPA

BTech Mathematics and Computing Course Comparison

Below given is a course comparison between BTech Mathematics and Computing and BTech Computer Science. This comparison will help students to choose the best subject for them.

Checkout: Top Colleges offering BTech Computer Science courses in India

Parameters BTech Mathematics and Computing BTech Computer Science
Full Name Bachelor of Technology in Mathematics and Computing Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science
Overview It is a full-time course that enables candidates to pursue a career in the field of Mathematics and Computing It is a full time course dealing with the study of Calculus, Algorithms, Computer Architecture, Database learning, etc, and provides a basic knowledge related to Computer Science
Duration 4-year 4-years
Degree Type Graduation Level Graduation Level
Admission Process Entrance Based/ Merit Based Entrance Based/ Merit Based
Average Fees INR 60,000 to INR 2,00,000 INR 60,000 to INR 2,50,000
Average Salary Package INR 3.5 LPA to INR 5 LPA INR 4 LPA to INR 5 LPA

Read More: Jobs after BTech Computer Sciences

BTech Mathematics and Computing: Job Prospects

Mathematics and Computing Engineers study both actual and theoretical solutions for the problems to provide the best output. They are required in numerous organizations based upon the type of intellectuals they perform.

  • B.Tech. in Mathematics and Computing program is diversified with theoretical knowledge and practical training in various fields like Computer Science, Numerical Computing and Mathematical Finance.
  • Companies when hiring candidates require them to have a solid underrating of statistics, mathematics, machine learning, machine translation, CAD, etc.
  • Various sectors for employment in this program include Banking, Analytic field, Marketing section, research, etc.
  • Government and non-government job opportunities are always available for this field and will be growing in the upcoming future.

Below is the detailed information of the job type and starting salary for graduates for BTech Mathematics and Computing:

Job/ Profession Description of role Average Salary
Statistical Engineer They are responsible for work related to theoretical or applied stats. INR 3.4 to 4.5 LPA
Banking These candidates are responsible to work with large statistical work in banks using standard software and theoretical methods. INR 3 to 8 LPA
Quantitative Engineer Quantitative engineers work with a team of researchers, engineers, etc to develop strategies required for trading purposes. INR 6 to 8 LPA
Economic Research Engineer Economic Research Engineers are responsible to research, analyze and control economic issues by conducting surveys and collecting data based upon them. INR 5 to 7 LPA
BTech Mathematics and Computing - Minimum and Maximum Salary

BTech Mathematics and Computing: Future Scope

BTech Mathematics and Computing is a particularly new field for study, examination and study are a significant piece of the course just as work openings. Below given are the future options for such graduates:

  • An applicant after productive completion of a degree in BTech Mathematics and Computing can take occupations in various organizations.
  • BTech Mathematics and Computing graduates can also opt for MTech courses in the same or different specialization to seek a higher position and education.
  • Graduates who want to get into the field of business and administration can also opt for MBA courses as having a BTech and MBA degree will provide them a decent salary package.

BTech Mathematics and Computing FAQs

Ques. What is the eligibility for taking admission in the Bachelor of Technology or BTech Mathematics and Computing program?

Ans. The Admissions to the Bachelor of Technology or BTech Mathematics and Computing program rely upon both Entrance Examination and Merit-Based depending on the University or college. A candidate.

Ques. What documents are required for the Bachelor of Technology or BTech Mathematics and Computing?

Ans. The documents required for admission in the program are 10th Marksheet, 12th Marksheet, Transfer Certificate, Migration Certificate, aadhar card, Anti-Ragging undertaking (as indicated by association requirements, etc Essentially, The college or school you searching for a passageway into will reference it either on the test structure or on the specific site.

Ques. What is the entry-level starting we get from a Bachelor of Technology or BTech Mathematics and Computing course?

Ans. The starting salary after completing the program at the fresher level is INR 3,00,000 -/per annum and the expert level is 20,00,000 -/per annum or higher.

Ques. What is a Bachelor of Technology or BTech Mathematics and Computing?

Ans. BTech Mathematics and Computing is a 4-Year Under Graduation course. The Course is generally having 8 semesters yet it can change upon Institutions Rules and Regulations. For a likelihood to be equipped for this course graduation degree is required. BTech Mathematics and Computing course is open in both the college and distance learning.

Ques. Am I qualified for work in an organization after completing a Bachelor of Technology or BTech Mathematics and Computing from distance learning?

Ans. Yes, you are qualified to work in an organization. Distance learning is treated the same as a conventional program.

Ques. What is the minimum attendance required in the Bachelor of Technology or BTech Mathematics and Computing program?

Ans. A minimum of maintaining 66.67% of attendance is required.

Ques. Is distance learning open for the Bachelor of Technology or BTech Mathematics and Computing program?

Ans. Indeed, for this course distance taking is available from open schools like IGNOU, Annamalai University, Lovely Professional University, Andhra University, etc

Ques. What is the fee range for the course of Bachelor of Technology or BTech Mathematics and Computing?

Ans. The fee goes from as low as 5k to 5 LPA. The charge structure solely depends on such a foundation/University. If The College is Government, by then, the cost is low, and on the off chance that it is a tuition-based school, by then the charge structure is high.

Ques. Is there any scholarship available for the Bachelor of Technology or BTech Mathematics and Computing?

Ans. Yes, there are scholarships available for worthy candidates. To get more information, it is recommended to visit the campus office or college website. The college office staff informs about the latest rules and documents requirements for the scholarship program.

Ques. How are the tests conducted for Bachelor of Technology or BTech Mathematics and Computing?

Ans. The technique for Entrance Examination is both Offline and on the web. This depends on the arrangement test. Generally, the destinations of determination tests or school locales prompt candidates

Bachelor of Technology [B.Tech] (Mathematics and Computing) : 1137 answered questions


Ques. My JEE main rank is 10000. Can I get computer science in NIT Trichy?

● Top Answer By Admin on 31 May 24

Ans. No, you will not get CSE in NIT Trichy with a 10000 JEE main rank. But you will get to pursue CSE from NIT Jalandhar, NIT Hamirpur, etc. Your rank is quite good but it will not be enough to get admitted to NIT Trichy. However, you might get admitted to other branches in NIT Trichy such as Production, ICE, MME, etc. You can also prepare for JEE Advanced and try your luck with the IITs. Do not lose hope because NIT Tricbhy is not the only best institute in the country to pursue CSE. Also, CSE is not the only course that will lead you to a successful path. There are many other colleges and many other courses that are equally good. Research and take your time. You will surely do great. All the best!Read more
4 Answer

Ques. Is it worth it to join SRM University for a BTech in Computer Sciences. How is the scope at SRM?

● Top Answer By Kritika Guha on 27 Sept 23

Ans. Yes, it is worth joining SRM University for a B.Tech in Computer Science. The perks of joining SRM University for a BTech in Computer sciences are mentioned below: Academic Excellence: SRM University offers a BTech in Computer Science, which can provide you with a strong foundation in computer science and related fields. The university has ranked 28 among all top engineering colleges in India according to NIRF report 2023. It reflects its academic excellence, faculty strength as well as infrastructural abilities Quality Faculty: SRM attracts experienced and qualified faculty members who are experts in their respective fields of Computer science. They play a crucial role in imparting knowledge and mentoring students. State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: The university boasts modern and well-equipped classrooms, laboratories, libraries, and research facilities, providing students with a conducive learning environment. Industry Connections: SRM has strong ties with various industries, facilitating internships, industrial visits, and placement opportunities for students. International Collaborations: The university has partnerships with several international institutions, offering opportunities for student exchange programs and international exposure. Placement Track Record: SRM has a history of successful placements in reputable companies. The placement cell provides career guidance, training, and placement assistance to students. The recent placement statistics in mentioned below in tabular form. Particular Placement Stats of 2023 Highest package INR 57 LPA Average package INR 7-8 LPA Top recruiters  Infosys, ICICI Bank, IBM, Axis Bank, Berger, etc. Scholarship and Financial Aid: SRM provides scholarships like Merit Scholarship, Founder’s Scholarships, and Rank-based Scholarship to meritorious students, making quality education more accessible. Strong Alumni Network: Graduates of SRM have gone on to achieve success in various fields and can offer valuable networking opportunities. Ravi Kundru (Founder & CEO, QurHealth), Ashok Ramachandran (President, Schindler India), and many more established professionals are notable alumni of this organization. So, it is safe to conclude that SRM University is considered one of the best institutions, offering a wide range of academic programs, modern infrastructure, and a strong faculty. Its emphasis on research, industry connections, and vibrant campus life make it a compelling choice for many students seeking quality education and career opportunities.Read more
3 Answer

Ques. I'm going to join ITM University, Gwalior in BTech (CSE). Should I buy a Windows laptop or Apple Macbook Air?

● Top Answer By Tridha Gupta on 28 Feb 22

Ans. If you are interested in programming and coding, then you can buy a windows laptop with decent specifications. It doesn’t have to be high-end. You can make it dual boot to get Linux as well. For development, Linux is widely used and compilers are available too. Some software work well in windows and Linux will be great for development.Read more
2 Answer

Ques. How does CS at IIIT Hyderabad compare to BITS Pilani?

● Top Answer By Maulik Raichura on 27 Feb 23

Ans. Comparing IIIT Hyderabad and BITS Pilani cannot be done in terms of with as both are reputed institutes. However, they can be compared on the basis of individual parameters. For instance  Campus: BITS Placements: IIIT Hyderabad  Coding: IIIT Hyderabad Now it’s up to you to decide which factor will affect you the most. In my opinion choosing IIIT Hyderabad over BITS Pilani is a no-brainer as IIIT Delhi is the best when it comes to CSE. Its curriculum is designed exceptionally well. Apart from this, it fairs well in terms of modern technology, infrastructure, faculties, placements, and greater opportunities for higher studies and research. The only institutes that give IIIT Hyderabad an edge are IIT Bombay and IISc Bangalore. You are bound to gain a lot of fun experience and knowledge at IIIT Hyderabad and won’t regret joining it ever. However, this definitely does not mean BITS Pilani is not any good. It’s just that the outcomes offered by both institutes are different. If you want to go for MBA or Government Services in the future, BITS Pilani is a good choice as it offers a wider range of opportunities in contrast to CSE at IIIT Hyderabad which is suitable only if you want to stay in this field till the end.Read more
3 Answer

Ques. Is Haldia Institute of Technology good for CSE in comparison with VIT Vellore or other colleges?

● Top Answer By Suraj Upadhay on 22 Mar 22

Ans. CSE from VIT Vellore is the better option. In fact, after IIITs and BITS, it is considered best for the CS domain. The video below will give you an honest review of VIT Vellore If you have a good command over Data Structure, Algorithm Design, and a bit of competitive coding, you can easily bag lucrative salary packages from reputed companies like Cisco, Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, etc. According to the placement highlights of recent years, VIT Vellore CSE average CTC stays around INR 7 LPA.Read more
2 Answer

Ques. How is IIIT Vadodara for a Btech in CSE/IT?

● Top Answer By Priyansh Kumar on 16 Mar 23

Ans. If you have a choice between IIIT Vadodara and any other well-established NIT or IIIT for a Btech in CSE/IT, you should go for the latter as IIIT Vadodara lacks proper infrastructure and resources. However, studying in CSE at IIIT Vadodara is a rigorous course that offers different course content from other colleges, making students good engineers. The professors put in equal amounts of hard work to deliver their content in a professional manner, and there are ample resources available online for students.  IIIT Vadodara is a good option as it provides exposure to both theory and industrial practice, and the institute has improved immensely. The placements are also getting better, with tech giants recognizing IIIT Vadodara and aiding in projects through developer student clubs and Mozilla student clubRead more
2 Answer

Ques. Is MAIT Delhi a good college to study CS? What are the placement stats? How good is the crowd there?

● Top Answer By Nimrit Kapoor on 16 Mar 23

Ans. When it comes to MAIT, it may not have the same coding environment as other colleges like MSIT or BVP. However, it is important to note that things are changing at MAIT, and there are opportunities for students to participate in coding competitions, Hackathons, Competitive Programming, Open Source, and more.  The availability of professors with research backgrounds is limited, and more could be done to expand opportunities for serious project work. The course curriculum at MAIT and IPU is outdated and may include subjects that are not directly relevant to CSE students. Placements at MAIT are strong, with companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Infosys, TCS, Wipro, and Accenture visiting the campus. More than 80% of students get placed, with some students receiving offers as high as 42 LPA from Microsoft. It's important to note that many placements listed by others also include off-campus opportunities obtained through individual skills and efforts. CS and IT students shouldn't have to worry about the crowd, especially if in the first shift, as the current boys-to-girl ratio in IT are approximately 2:1. You will get an overview of the college from the video belowRead more
2 Answer

Ques. How are the CSE placements at UIET Chandigarh?

● Top Answer By Amulya Bhalla on 16 Mar 23

Ans. Media reports indicate that the placements for Panjab University UIET (BTech and MTech) Chandigarh in 2023 saw the highest and average package offered at INR 45 LPA and INR 8.89 LPA, respectively. It is worth noting that a total of 383 offers were made during the PU UIET placements 2023, and the top recruiters were renowned companies like Amazon, Dabur, and American Express. It's noteworthy that there was a notable rise of over 9% in the average package offered during PU UIET placements 2022 in comparison to 2021. Furthermore, the number of offers made in 2022 increased by over 43% as compared to the previous year, which is certainly impressive.Read more
2 Answer

Ques. Which college should I go SRM or NMIMS for CSE?

● Top Answer By Shruti Dasgupta on 09 Aug 22

Ans. For CSE, SRM is the better option. The academics, campus life, and facilities offered are good. Major recruiting companies such as Amazon, Honda, Cognizant, etc. recruit through the campus drive. SRM placements in 2022 witnessed the highest CTC of INR 1 CPA. The institute offers decent exposure. The networking opportunities are ample. Here is an honest review of the SRM UniversityRead more
2 Answer

Ques. I got NIT Surathkal ECE and IIIT Bangalore CSE. I am joining IIIT Bangalore CSE, is it a good decision?

● Top Answer By Aditi Banerjee on 14 Sept 23

Ans. This is a very subjective question. However, as a student of ECE at NIT Surathkal, I am writing down a few points in defense of my degree- First of all, NIT Surathkal offers a much more complete and diversified engineering education. This is because you will get to interact with the students of various disciplines from around the institution. This will offer a good exposure in contrast to the IIITs which are entirely focused on CSE and ECE branches. ECE is the branch of the future. CSE is turning more and more into a commodity. This is due to the dilution of its educational standards, and the increasing volume of students in this branch.  As an ECE student, you can always learn programming (it is in fact a part of the curriculum in a limited manner). However, it is much more difficult to learn the concepts of ECE as a CSE student.  As an ECE student you can be placed in a software company, but as a CSE student you can’t work in the E&C field.  Both the colleges are good, but NITK holds more prestige because it is much older. Its campus is very impressive as well. But even IIIT Bangalore CSE is a great option. Once you’ve made a decision, stop seeking others’ opinions. Instead, work on your skill enhancement. Considering the sheer lack of core jobs in the electronics sector in India and the huge placement opportunities in the IT sector, your choice is good from a placement point of view. Read more
1 Answer


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2.29 L first year fees
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NIT Warangal
Warangal, Telangana
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