byRituparna Nath Content Writer at Study Abroad Exams
GRE Analyze an Issue task contains a general interest topic on which the candidates need to write an essay. Every GRE analysis of an issue task requires the candidate to provide their ideas, and pieces of evidence to write a perfect essay. This GRE analyzes an issue sample essay - Undertake risky action focuses on how people should undertake dangerous activity only after they have properly evaluated its ramifications. Candidates can practice from GRE writing practice papers to gain more ideas about writing essays.
Undertake risky action - GRE Sample for Issue Task
People should undertake dangerous activity only after they have properly evaluated its ramifications. By definition, a risky activity is one in which people may not obtain what they expect as a result of their activities. While proponents of the concept that more risk equals higher return feel that danger equals opportunity in the stock market, others argue that consumers must be contemplative anytime they seek to hold a risky position. After weighing the information, it is evident that people must limit the risk via thorough analyses before taking any hasty action.
Considering the case of the Asian stock market speculators thirteen years ago. The economy seemed to be wealthy and adventurous when investors reaped the rewards of the stock market, despite being cautioned of the market's volatility. As a result, many investors took more risky measures than they had previously, without contemplating the potential consequences, exacerbating the crisis that would eventually emerge. As a result, when the Asian economies were hit by the economic downturn, individuals who ignored the consequences of their conduct suffered the most, as did the institutions that had lent them money.
In the same way, in politics, governors must completely assess the risks that may arise from the implementation of a new policy, since haphazard changes contribute to society's instability. Twenty years ago, Japan, as the world's second-largest economy, launched unprecedented financial changes without considering thorough risk assessments or if they were appropriate for the country's economic progress. As a result, the country was afflicted by widespread unemployment, and instead of controlling the risk, Japan took hasty action and, in the lack of risk control, imposed the prior policy back, exacerbating the crisis. The economy crumbled as a result of the planned decisions, and citizens were forced to bear the consequences of those reckless leaders. Nonetheless, it might be argued that excellent chances, particularly those that appear to be out of the ordinary, are transitory. However, it is difficult to increase the chances of achieving the goals without assessing the risk that the activities may cause and devising a strategy to prevent it.
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We engage in a number of dangerous activities while being aware of the negative implications of our actions. Smoking, excessive drinking, and driving without a seatbelt all have negative implications that few people are aware of. This awareness, however, does not keep us in check since we believe they are little dangers, and the temporary joys we gain from them greatly exceed the danger of anything potentially terrible occurring to us. According to research, there is a scientific rationale for such heinous conduct, and dopamine in our brains causes us to engage in behaviors for little or no gain.
In other circumstances, the significance of our acts is not entirely clear. Should we then refrain from trying new things? Columbus set off on his expedition thinking he was going to Asia, but he ended up in America after using the expedition as an expedition. Volkswagen's Beatle transformed the creative business by successfully transitioning advertising from a factual form of communication to sensual advertising, ushering in a new era of creativity. VW's marketing could not have expected this consequence and, more than likely would have been cautioned against making such a decision.
As children, we engaged in a number of potentially dangerous activities, such as handling hot items or approaching a complete stranger. The fact that we didn't know what would happen prompted us to engage in these behaviors to a significant extent. Because we can now theoretically evaluate the consequences of our acts, our appetite for risk decreased as we grew older. This understanding, however, has not always been the case. The effects of this are most noticeable in our job choices, and many students prefer to pursue the road of least resistance since it is the safest option. Few mavericks are willing to follow their hearts and pursue occupations that will allow them to fully utilize their talents while also making them happy. In such circumstances, awareness of the consequences and the danger involved is really harmful to us.
In conclusion, the current financial turbulence throughout the world has made risk synonymous with imprudence. Risk, on the other hand, is both necessary and helpful, because the dynamism of the environment does not always allow us to be aware of the repercussions of all of our activities. The difficulty, therefore, becomes balancing opportunity and risk over time and determining the optimal course of action. In the end, being mindful of the consequences of actions is key to achieving the desired objectives with the least amount of danger. In the absence of proper risk assessments, the outcome will be uncertain and the risks will be increased. To summarise, thinking about the repercussions before performing any rash action is critical since it allows one to be prepared for negative results or come up with alternative activities that may have beneficial outcomes. Such activities, on the other hand, may not have incentive effects since inventiveness is motivated by danger.