Mr. Ajay Chaurasia is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Hotel & Tourism Management at Himgiri Zee University. He has 8 years of experience in academics as Assistant Professor in different colleges and 2 years of experience in NGO as a Marketing Consultant. He has also attended national seminars and also worked on research publications in different national and international research journals.
What are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?
“To make them future ready by providing opportunities”
As the tourism management faculty of the Department of Hotel and Tourism Management my accountability towards students is to provide quality education, proper supervision and maintaining discipline.
How do you establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?
“By ensuring healthy communicative environment”
To establish a healthy relationship with my students, I tend to maximize the learning potential of each student, teaching them with enthusiasm and passion. I also try to balance the pressure of teaching and administrative demand by having a positive attitude to make learning fun and treat the students with respect. When coming to fellow faculties, I create a positive atmosphere where everyone can trust each other, be supportive and offer help and respect.
How do you introduce practical and industry oriented approaches towards subjects?
“By organizing various supplementary activities and industrial tours”
To ensure a practical and industry oriented approach in subjects, I keep on assigning hands-on activities such as projects, assignment to students instead of asking them to mug up theory. We organize industrial visits on different aspects of tourism to enhance their knowledge, interest and make them familiar with the industrial environment and needs.
Which best practices are offered by the department to enhance the skills of students?
“We keep on organizing extra study sessions and special courses”
Department regularly provides students special lectures which help them to gain necessary skills by enhancing their grooming and personality, communication, interview preparation and we also provide value added courses such as Basic of baking, PDP, Fundamentals of Yogic Practices, Foreign Language, Skilling for Media and Journalism in Tourism, field tours as per the course curriculum. Department provides internship and specialized training to the students as per the syllabus which is essential to fulfill the gap between curriculum and industrial requirements.
How do you strategize and update the curriculum to make it befitting for the students?
“It is prepared after taking suggestions of Industry giants, faculties and students”
Curriculum is the core of learning establishments. Department re-evaluates goals, takes job trends into consideration. We also use advanced technologies to improve curriculum. Department has revised the course curriculum with the help of industrial experts as per the requirement of industrial needs.
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How does your department prepare students for placement and Higher education?
“We organize personality development activities and consultative sessions for them”
The Placement cell arrange training programs like Mock Interviews, Group Discussions, Communication Skills Workshop for students who are interested to join Government Sectors. And we also invite HR Managers from the tourism industry to conduct training programmers for students.
How do you prepare your students for this competitive world?
“By encouraging them to implement class learnings into real-time projects”
Department helps students to enhance social and emotional learning. By this, students can gain social and emotional skills and this can help students learn how to deal with conflicting opinions and ideas, building mental toughness which also helps them to face the pressure of competition.
What challenges Covid has created in uplifting the quality of education of your department?
“Shifting to online classes from classroom study was a big challenge for us”
For uplifting the quality of education in our department, the initial challenge in the current pandemic was transition from offline to online delivery model. I have quickly adopted and in the process learnt many online tools/techniques, which are helping in efficient delivery even in online mode without any compromise on quality of delivery of content.
What is your vision for this college?
“To increase business value of college and provide best education to students”
My vision as a part of this university is to fulfill students’ needs by creating an educational environment in which students can attain their specific goals. I am also accountable for maintaining a high standard of integrity and performance leading to the achievement of academic and career goals.
How does the department enhance the skills of the faculty as per the industry standards?
“Various programs are organized to upgrade them along with changing needs”
Each faculty is advised to attend the FDP program, workshops, conferences and seminars for broadening their mindset so they can get the idea of what is happening in the industrial scenario and can update themselves appropriately.
What are the approaches you use apart from curriculum to teach the students?
“By conducting industry expert’s events”
Department regularly conducts guest lectures by industrial experts, workshops, visits to tour and travel agencies and tourism related sites.
What do you see as the department’s greatest strengths?
“Our teaching as well non-teaching staff are our pillars of strength”
Department’s strengths can be summarized as the regular work that we do for the enhancement of a student's skill and knowledge. Supportive leadership and staff, who encourages everyone for greater teamwork and problem solving to achieve the vision and mission of university.
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Any valuable advice would you like to give to students for a prosperous life?
“Keep updating yourself and be patient”
Students have to learn from their failures and mistakes, they have to be well prepared to face future challenges by upgrading their knowledge and skills, they have to look for their passion and overall they have to be a good person.