IIM Udaipur Parikshit Mishra Profile

Parikshit Mishra graduated from VIT Vellore with 84.3%. He also has 32 months of work experience as a Technology Consultant at Deloitte. Parikshit is currently enrolled in the MBA course at IIM Udaipur. He cleared the CAT exam with a 95.54 percentile.

Parikshit Mishra Profile

  • Current institute: IIM Udaipur
  • Graduation College: VIT Vellore 
  • CAT score: 95.54
  • 10th Percentage / GPA: 9.6
  • 12th Percentage / GPA: 73.4
  • Graduation Percentage/GPA: 84.3
  • Work Experience: Deloitte Consulting India Pvt Ltd: 32 months as Technology Consultant

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Parikshit Mishra Admission Experience

Did you avail of the benefit of any reservation?

Parikshit Mishra: “General (No reservation)”

Describe the general setting of WAT / GD (if any)?

Parikshit Mishra: “WAT and GD process had been scrapped owing to covid.”

Describe the general setting of your personal Interview.

Parikshit Mishra: “There were multiple panels for the interview. My panel had two members. It was an online interview. I think all the questions asked to me were based on my general awareness about the things around me like my work, place of residence and college, future plans, etc.”

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Mention at least 5 interview questions that were asked to you and your responses to each of them. 

Parikshit Mishra: “Introduce yourself. Tell me something famous about Bihar ( I am from Bihar). How many states are there in South India (I have lived in South India for about 10 years)? Tell us about the nature of your work. What is big data and how is it different from normal data (I worked on big data)”

Mention 3 reasons why you chose this college over other colleges which you converted.

Parikshit Mishra: “Faculty, consulting placements, and campus life”

What was the reason for you not converting other colleges? (if any)

Parikshit Mishra: “I could not convert Sibm Pune even after scoring 99.732 in the SNAP exam. I think it was because I could not perform well on the GD. Currently, I am on wl 1.”

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