Jalandhar, May 18, 2019: Lovely Professional University recently hosted a scientific event called "Sourav Pal Endowment Lecture- Celebrating Science at LPU”. They took a big leap by inviting and honoring leading Indian Scientists, who are globally acclaimed for their pioneering contributions. The Advanced Research Group (CSRG) & LPU School of Chemical Engineering and Physical Sciences organized the event.
During the event, four distinguished scientists of top research institutions shared valuable scientific inputs with researchers and scientists at LPU. With this initiative of celebrating science LPU proved potentially adding to the visibility of research activities being conducted at LPU campus.

The scientists who visited the event included Prof. Sourav Pal, Director, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Kolkata; Prof Amitava Das, Director, CSIR–CSMCRI; Prof Vijayamohanan Pillai, Director (Former), CSIR-CECRI; and Prof Sanjay Batra, Senior Principal Scientist, CSIR-CDRI.
LPU Executive Dean Dr. Lovi Raj Gupta and Prof. Dr. Ramesh Thakur, Dean welcomed the elite scientists at the campus. Mr. Aman Mittal, LPU Director shares that “LPU is ever keen to promote research and dissemination of scientific knowledge, and this event of celebrating science at the campus proves it.”

Professor Sourav Pal, a distinguished Chemist has been accoladed with several awards and honors including the prestigious Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar award in Chemical Sciences and JC Bose Fellowship. While talking on the topic ‘Innovation in Research & Education: Challenges & Opportunities’, Dr Pal emphasized that science is usually curiosity-driven and is interdisciplinary in nature. He also pointed out that the barriers of traditional disciplines are breaking down. He also stressed that problem solving in scientific endeavors needs interdisciplinary expertise.
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Dr. Amitava Das, Director of Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSMCRI) and a constituent laboratory of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) talked about molecular assemblies for predictive responses. He also talked about ‘melatonin’ hormone secreted by ‘Pineal Gland’ in animals, which regulates sleep and wakefulness.
Similarly, Senior Principal Scientist, CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI), Prof Sanjay Batra shared his research interests in the development of compounds for neglected diseases and more.
Outstanding Scientist & Director (Former) CSIR- CERI (Central Electrochemical Research Institute), Tamil Nad u, Dr. Vijayamohanan Pillai shared his expertise in Electrochemistry and talked about Polymer Electrolyte; Fuel Cells; Lithium-Ion Batteries; Transformation of Carbon Nanotubes to Nanoribbons etc. He also enlightened the audience with the story of origin of the periodic table, especially on the eve of the International Year of Periodic Table.