PU Jalandhar

Jalandhar, October 29, 2018: Today, fitness trainer, motivator, model and author from California (USA), Guru Mann reached Lovely Professional University, where he interacted with thousands of LPU students and staff members. Popular fat loss and muscle building expert from San Francisco, Guru Mann is a certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and a certified Nutrition Specialist also. Working actively for his 'Mission India Fit’ and ‘Drug-Free India', he provided LPU students with different nutrition schedules, exercise regimes, workout plans for different body types.


While interacting with LPU students, he informed that when he was too skinny his desire to have a ‘fit body’ motivated him to perceive this field. He guided students to have drug-free fitness and build strength with nutrition.  He also guided them to be ‘’health minister” of their own homes and take care of their parents and relatives. He, time and again, stressed the importance of the nutritional values and asked students to add more almonds and other nuts in their daily diets. He talked about how to control Cholesterol, Diabetes, Arthritis, Blood Pressure, Liver Disease, Thyroid and more on their nutritional front.