Shoolini University is now among the top 3 universities in the country to file patents and number one among all institutions in the country in the field of patents.

The faculty and students of the University have so far filed 303 patent. It involves preliminary investigations by authorised agencies into the exclusivity and viability of the patents filed. Vice Chancellor, Prof. PK Khosla said that during the last financial year, the faculty and students of the University had filed over 187 patents and added that “we are confident that this figure is either the highest or the second best among all the Indian Universities, though official data is not available in this regard”.

Shoolini University: Action Plan to attain global ranking 

A two-day intensive workshop was conducted on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Research & Development (R and D) to formulate a plan to attain global rankings after the remarkable results already achieved in the country. Top luminaries from across the country discussed plans on how to raise the standards of research in the next 3 years to be among the top 200 global universities of the world by 2022.

Workshop - Day 1

The Chief Guest and Guest of Honour for the opening day was Dr. A Mukhopadhyay from Dept. of Science and Technology, Delhi and Mr. D C Rana, Member Secretary, HIMCOSTE. The welcome address was delivered by Dr. Reena V Saini, IPR Cell Coordinator, Shoolini University.

Mr. Shashi Dharan, Incharge, HP Patent Information Center, HIMCOSTE conducted a talk on the topic overview of IPR with special reference to Geographical Indications. Another workshop on Prior art Search and Patent Drafting by Mr. Somitra Kumar, Advocate and Patent Attorney, Delhi, was conducted. 

Prof. Khosla said to increase the number of granted patents, “we should identify 10 patents for examination and for these the codal formalities need to be done on a priority basis”.

Workshop - Day 2

The second session focused on the Research, development and other parameters vis-a-vis the plan to reach global standards in the next three years. Dr. RS Paroda, Former DG of ICAR, Dr. RC Mahajan, Emeritus Prof., PGI, Chandigarh, Dr. A Mukhopadhyay, department of science and technology, Delhi, Dr. Suman Bala Beri of Panjab University were the chairpersons of the event. 

The session was based on the comparison between NIRF rankings and the international rankings and why the Times Higher Education Ranking System suits Shoolini. Also, the detailed methodology of all the three ranking systems was discussed. The chairperson for the session was Dr. RC Mahajan and the Co-chairperson was Dr. Anuradha Sourirajan

Read about Shoolini University

The major highlight of this session for the next three years was - perception, research, and income of the industry. The workshop focused on research publications in SCOPUS listed journals with high impact factors. It set the target of 800 publications in the next three years, to become eligible to compete for Times Higher Education (THE) rankings and to put the focus on research with foreign collaborations, among a host of other resolutions.

Later a panel discussion was carried by Pro-Vice-Chancellor Prof Atul Khosla followed by the action plan for Shoolini on five parameters i.e. teaching, research, citations, international outlook, and industry income. Dr. Saurabh Kulshreshta, Dean Research, and Development, Shoolini University, presented a vote of thanks.

H-Index of Shoolini is 45 in terms of Citation

The H-Index of Shoolini University is now 45 which is second best after IIT Indore and highest among 380 universities established in and after 2009. The H-Index reflects the output based on the total number of publications and the total number of citations to those works, to provide a focused snapshot of an institution’s or individual’s research performance.

Shoolini, which is just 9-years old private university is off to a great start and aims to achieve heights that nobody even imagines!