NTA Releases JEE Main 2021 FAQs for the Exam; Check Questions and Answers Here

JEE Main 2021: The National Testing Agency (NTA) has released a set of FAQs related to the JEE Main 2021 examination on December 26, 2020.

The JEE Main 2021 FAQs contain questions regarding the application fees, exam center, number of attempts, and many more. The set of FAQs are available on the official website of NTA JEE: @jeemain.nta.nic.in. 

An important question to which NTA has given a detailed answer is ‘What will be the advantage of Multiple Sessions in JEE Mains (2021)?

NTA answered: 

  1. a) This will provide multiple opportunities to the candidates to improve their scores in the examination in case they fail to give their best in the first attempt.
  2. b) In the first attempt, the students will get a first-hand experience of taking an examination and will also recognize their mistakes which they can correct while attempting next time. 
  3. c) This will reduce the chances of dropping a year and droppers will not have to waste a full year. 
  4. d) If anyone misses the examination because of reasons that are not under control, then he/she will have to wait for one full year. 
  5. e) A candidate does not need to mandatorily participate in all four sessions, and even if the candidate appears for all the sessions, the best score from all of the 2021 NTA sessions will be considered.

Check: JEE Main 2021: Telangana, Andhra Pradesh Students Likely to Skip February Exam

Another question that was asked by the majority of candidates in JEE MAIN 2021 FAQs was: ‘Whether the candidate has to fill up the separate Application Form for each session?

The answer is NO, the candidates will have to apply only one time for all the sessions. If the candidate applies now, there will be only one application form. If the candidate fills the application now for a few sessions and opts to fill for the other sessions later, the same Application Form will be shown to the candidate, later on, once the application process for later sessions (March/ April/ May) is started. 

One more highlighted question in JEE MAIN 2021 FAQs was ‘Whether candidates can change/ correct the particulars including Centre of Examination in the online application?’ 

NTA responded to this saying that YES, the candidates may change/ correct their particulars including City of Exam Centre in the online application when the correction window will be opened under intimation to the candidates through Public Notice for each session.

The registration process for JEE Main 2021 has already begun on December 16, 2020. The last date for online registrations is till January 16, 2021. The JEE Main examination would be conducted in February, March, April, and May. The February session examination would be conducted from February 23 to 26, 2021.

Check: JEE Main 2021 Registration (Apply Here)

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