Shoolini University signs MoU with the Synergy University and University of Hradec Kralove to organize exchange programs; check details here

Shoolini University has joined hands with the University of Hradec Kralove and Synergy by signing Memorandums of Understanding on October 8, 2020. 

The deed will offer Indian students ample opportunities. The exchange program between the Russian based varsities and Shoolini University will provide students with various internships and other opportunities that will be helpful in their future endeavors. 

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Apart from the students, the MOU will also benefit the professors as they are also going to be a part of the exchange program. They will be participating in research works. This opportunity will open millions of doors for students to research and learn from the best faculties around the world.

The Vice-Chancellor of the Shoolini University, PK Khosla signed the MOU with the representatives of both the universities named  Kamil Kuca and Anastasia Shanshina respectively. 

Khosla added to his viewpoints and said that the collaboration will bring more to the table in terms of studies, research, opportunities, and as well as it will help in building the relationship.

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The MOU provides high global exposure through the student exchange program. Through this, students will be able to enroll in various programs, summer internships, and scholarships conducted by the university. 

The collaboration will result in high learnings and joint research for the faculties and students have the golden opportunity to expand their study horizons and be a part of high-quality studies.

About Shoolini University

Shoolini University has retained the first rank among universities in Himachal Pradesh and third rank in the country.  The university has been third in the country for filing patents by academic institutes and universities in India. They have won 185 patents out of 193 in the field of Biotechnology, engineering, science, pharmaceuticals, and more.

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