Shoolini University signs MoU with Taiwanese University for Student’s Exchange Program

Shoolini University, Solan has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Chang Gung University, Taiwan for a student’s exchange program for UG, PG and PhD levels. 

PK Khosla, Vice-Chancellor, Shoolini University, Solan signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with TL Hwang from Taiwan University for organizing undergraduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. level student exchange programs.

Under the signed MoU, both universities are bound to offer initial support to eligible students by providing research and residential facilities, fellowship, and various opportunities for future research funding. Moreover, both the universities have been assigned with research related goals.

Check: Shoolini University Admission 2020

Key areas on which both the universities have set certain goals is to discover drugs for diseases like osteoporosis, microbial infection, asthma, and CNS disorders. Along with that, they aim to implement an interdisciplinary approach to various biological disciplines.

Read: Shoolini University signs MoU with the Synergy University and University of Hradec Kralove to organize exchange programs

PK Khosla, at the virtual meeting among two universities, emphasized Shoolini University’s research achievements and its ranking across the world.

He further mentioned that according to reports by Stanford University, about seven faculty members of the varsity are under 2% of the scientists list globally. TL Hwang and Sunil Kumar mentioned the achievements of Chang Gung University at the virtual meeting.

At the virtual meeting, Saurabh Kulshreshtha, Dean Research, and Deepak Kapoor, Dean Pharmacy presented academic and research profiles of the Shoolini University.

Additionally, the Controller of Examination (COE) of Shoolini University, Rohit Goyal discussed the possibilities of natural products-based research. He stated that the varsity is also aiming to harness the Himalayan biodiversity.

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