Anik Mitra is a student of S.P Jain Institute of Management and Research and is studying MBA. He has scored 76% in his graduation and has completed his graduation from the Institute of Hotel Management Pusa New Delhi

Anik Mitra Profile

  • Current institute: SPJIMR
  • Graduation College: Institute of Hotel Management Pusa New Delhi
  • CAT score: 96.76
  • 10th Percentage / GPA: 9.8 CGPA ( CBSE )
  • 12th Percentage / GPA: 84.4% ( CBSE)
  • Graduation Percentage/GPA: 76%
  • Work Experience: Hilton Worldwide, 2.5 years, Hospitality management.

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Admission Experience

Did you avail of the benefit of any reservation?

ANIK MITRA: “General (No reservation)”

Describe the general setting of WAT / GD (if any)?

ANIK MITRA: “The SPJIMR interview process consists of WAT which was conducted online on the college's portal. We were provided with a choice of three topics and a total time of fifteen minutes to write on the topic. The word limit was 500. All the topics were non-technical in nature and intended to test the communication skills and clarity of thought of the candidate.

G.I ( Group Introduction ) where applicants are divided into groups of four and are then assigned to a specific panel. Owing to the pandemic the entire PI process was online. The panel consisted of two college professors who asked us to briefly introduce ourselves one by one. The introduction was followed by basic HR questions ( why MBA? why should we select you)etc. We were given sufficient time to present our cases and all this while the panel was very accommodating. There were moments when candidates would be cross-questioned on the content spoken by the candidate before, majorly to check the listening skills. Overall the G.I was a fulfilling one.”

What was the WAT / GD Topic?

ANIK MITRA: "Recollected from memory " Describe a vacation/ holiday trip taken by you that is memorable. Why was it memorable?"

What were your answer/points put forward for the WAT or GD respectively? 

ANIK MITRA: “For the WAT I narrated my college trip to Mussourie with my batch-mates. Mentioned why it was memorable. I tried my best to be true to my emotions, in this case, to make the content as candid as possible.

During my G.I I kept the focus of the conversation revolving mostly around my work experience. The panel members were equally receptive towards my response and it was evident that they were interested to know my story.”

Describe the general setting of your personal Interview.

ANIK MITRA: “Post WAT we were divided into groups of four and assigned to a panel which consisted of two faculty members. The interview was conducted on the Zoom platform. The entire G. I lasted for roughly about 40 minutes. It was a very smooth and free-flowing interview with absolutely zero stress component.”

Check S.P Jain Institute of Management and Research Admission Process

Mention at least 5 interview questions that were asked to you and your responses to each of them. 

ANIK MITRA: “Q1. Why MBA? Ans. I mentioned that coming from a background of guest service management, I felt I needed to understand the other facets of a business ( marketing, finance, HR etc) in order to be able to contribute in a more holistic manner in my organisation.

Q2. Why should we select you? Ans. I mentioned that I have been managing a large team of individuals coming from diverse background to help them align to the goals of the organisation. I also mentioned that my emphasis on quality and excellence in my work creates a brand image for myself which ultimately culminates into a reputation factor for my alma matter.”

Mention 3 reasons why you chose this college over other colleges which you converted (OR if you did not join this college after converting it, mention 3 reasons for not joining it).

ANIK MITRA: “I had converted all the CAP IIMs, MDI Gurgoan, SIBM Pune to name a few. I chose SP Jain over the other colleges because of its brand reputation, extensive alumni network, prime location in the heart of the financial capital and its emphasis on core human values and ethos which ensures that a student is holistically groomed.”

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What was the reason for you not converting to other colleges?


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