Dr Achal Sahare is the Registrar at G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering & Technology. He has been a motivation to all his students and holds a rich experience in this industry. Bringing such a vast experience, he emphasises on building a strong foundation through various sources of knowledge. Read here what he has to say in his interview.

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“The continuous evolution towards technology keeps me connected to the education sector”

The education sector, unlike other sectors, needs to be updated with knowledge as per the latest changes in trends as well as technology happening across the world. It has attracted me a lot towards this sector. The syllabus, demands of the society, students, parents expectation, and behaviour everything changes with the changing time. To understand these concepts, mould oneself as per the market, and work for the satisfaction of these demands has woven me to this field. It doesn’t seem to be moving away from it.

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“I emphasise on teamwork to build amicable relations”

Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart and Sam’s Club, has said “Outstanding leaders go out of the way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.” I too believe in the same philosophy. One single individual cannot achieve anything. Gone are the days where you were expected to do things single handedly. Today to get the best results, you need to work in unison. I give much importance to teamwork, where suggestions are invited from all. I believe in boosting the morale of my faculty members and make them work with optimism.

How do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your Institute?

“Any institution can flourish and diminish if it doesn’t satisfy its stakeholders”

Our first stakeholders are our students. They are our spokespersons, our ambassadors. They can best convey the efforts implemented by us than any other medium. That is why, while planning any program, we bother for their betterment. We wish them to extract as much from the programs as they can. To elaborate more, I would like to inform you that we conduct various skill training programs based on the latest trends and technology adopted by Industries regularly for our students. Students from the same branch and section had opted for different subjects as per their liking. The only compulsion we made was to make it mandatory for the students to attend any skill training programs of their choice. When you give your best to the students, you don’t need any other marketing strategy. Your work speaks for you.

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How does the curriculum G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering & Technology - [GHRIET], ensure the best practice of industry?

“We make sure to provide relevant industrial knowledge to the students”

India is developing rapidly in the field of technology. But many more miles are yet to achieve. Still, we lag far behind the developed nations. Steps to be at par with the developed nations must be adopted. The development of any nation mostly depends on the youth of that country, and as I said, we need to adopt steps for technical development. Being an autonomous institute, we can design the syllabus that satisfies the needs of the industry—the syllabus designed at our institute focuses more on practical and hands-on knowledge. During framing and finalization of the syllabus expert opinions from academia as well as industry, people have been considered. 

Any insights into how your Institute could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

“We believe in the development of all”

Efforts to give education opportunities to students from low economic backgrounds are continually being taken. Due consideration is given while framing policies. Some such policies are SGR scholarship, Covid Warriors scholarship, etc. SGR scholarship is given to students of lower economic backgrounds. Due to the recent pandemic of Covid-19 people suffered in a variety of ways, especially those who worked as front-line warriors. Raisoni group offered a scholarship to the wards of front-line warriors irrespective of the caste category they belong to. 

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What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the Institute and the students are?

“We ensure our students become capable of handling challenges in the future”

The primary responsibility of any educational institute towards students is to give them the best education facilities & to motivate them towards studies. GHRIET, during, and post lockdown took the utmost care to provide unhindered education to the students. The study is never compromised. The institution provided an online education facility to the students. Considering the network issues of the students, free wi-fi dongles were distributed to the students so that they can attend online classes without hassle.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Nothing comes free of cost” 

As is said, “No lunches are free lunches” students need to understand the hard efforts taken by their parents in raising them and in educating them. They also need to understand the endeavours one has to take if one wishes to be in the topmost position. It is knowledge & efforts, not money, which can take one to the pinnacle position.