WB JECA 2023: Application Form (OUT), Exam Date (July 8), Eligibility, Admit, Pattern, Syllabus, Result, Cut Off

WB JECA 2023: Before filling out the application form, candidates must go through WB JECA 2023 Eligibility Criteria. The application process comprises steps of registration, filling in details, documents uploading, fee payment, and printing the confirmation page. The question paper of WB JECA 2023 will have 100 questions to solve within 2 hours. Check WB JECA 2023 Exam Pattern  

  • WB JECA 2023 Admit Card is going to be released on June 28, 2023. Registered candidates will be able to download the admit card at wbjeeb.nic.in.

What is WB JECA? West Bengal Joint Examination for Masters in Computer Applications is commonly known as WB JECA. It is a common entrance test conducted for admission to MCA courses offered at universities in West Bengal. WB JECA is conducted by WBJEEB or West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board every year. Check WB JECA 2023 Colleges

WB JECA Exam Dates

WB JECA 2023 Exam Dates

Events Dates (Out)
Availability of online application form January 27, 2023
Last date to submit the application form February 8, 2023
Form Correction Window Last week of February 2023
Release of Admit card June 28, 2023
WBJEE JECA 2023 exam date July 8, 2023
Result announcement August 2023

WB JECA 2023 Highlights

  • Exam Name- West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination MCA
  • Conducting Body- West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board
  • Exam Level- State Level
  • Mode of Registration- Online
  • Mode of Exam – Offline (OMR based)
  • Duration of Exam – 2 hours
  • Medium of Exam – English
  • Papers – 1

WB JECA Eligibility

WB JECA 2023 Eligibility

Aspirants must ensure that they meet the WB JECA 2023 Eligibility before applying for the exam. The criterion for each institute is different. The various criteria accepted by different institutes are stated below:

WB JECA 2023 Common Eligibility Criteria:

  • The applicant should be an Indian national.
  • There is no age limit to appear for the exam.
  • There no stated limit on the number of times a candidate can appear for the exam.

WB JECA Eligibility: Criteria 1

  • The aspirant must have a Bachelor’s (UGC/AICTE recognized) degree of minimum 3 years duration except BBA with Mathematics at graduate or 10+2 level.
  • Minimum qualifying marks for the general category is 50% and 45% for reserved category candidates.

WB JECA Eligibility: Criteria 2

  • A Bachelor’s degree (UGC recognized) with an aggregate of 60% for general category (45% for SC/ST) or BCA-AICTE recognized with an aggregate of 60% for general and 45% for SC/ST category in Mathematics.
  • Aspirants must also secure 60% aggregate in 10, 10+2 level, and Mathematics, 45% each for SC/ST category.

WB JECA Eligibility: Criteria 3

  • UGC recognized any Graduate degree or AICTE recognized B.E/ B.Tech/ BCA degree.
  • In addition to this, aspirants must have Mathematics at each level with 60% aggregate (45% for SC/ST/OBC).

WB JECA Eligibility: Criteria 4

  • UGC recognized B.Sc degree in any discipline with 60% aggregate (45% for reserved category) and 55% aggregate in Mathematics.
  • Aspirants must also secure 60% marks in 10, 10+2 level, and Mathematics at each level.

WB JECA Registration

WB JECA 2023 Application Form

WB JECA 2023 Application Form will be released on January 27, 2023. Candidates can follow the steps mentioned below to register for WB JECA 2023-

Step 1: Registration for WB JECA 2023

  1. Visit the official website wbjeeb.in
  2. Click on “JECA
  3. Click on “Online Application Form JECA 2023”
  4. Click on “New Candidate Registration
  5. Click on “I agree and Proceed” on the instructions page
  6. Register by filling in your Name, Father’s Name, Mother’s Name, Date of Birth, Mobile Number, Email, Password, and Security question
  7. Click on Submit.
  8. An application number will be generated.

Step 2: Application Form filling

  1. After registering, click on Fill in Application Form
  2. Fill in the following details asked in the application form:
    • Personal Details- Gender, Category, Religion, Nationality, etc.
    • Communication Details-Address, State, City, etc.
    • Academic Details- Year of Passing, Name of University, Marks scored, etc.
  3. Click on Save & Next

Step 3: Uploading the Documents

Candidates are required to upload the scanned images of the documents mentioned in the table below:

Documents File Size Dimension Format
Photograph of the candidate 10 - 100kb 4x3cm .jpg or JPEG
Signature of the candidate 3 - 30kb 4x1.5cm .jpg or JPEG
Left Hand Thumb  3 – 30 kb 3.5x 1.5cm .jpg or JPEG

Step 4: Payment of Application fee

  • WB JECA 2023 Application fee is of INR 500/- for general category candidates and 400 for SC/ST/OBC candidates.
  • The application fee can only be paid online using Netbanking/ Debit card/ Credit card.

Read More WB JECA 2023 Registration

WB JECA Exam Pattern

WB JECA 2023 Exam Pattern

  • WB JECA 2023 Exam Pattern was changed. Instead of Mathematics and Aptitude, the paper will now be conducted as a single paper based on basic Computer Applications. 
  • WB JECA is a two-hour OMR-based test in only English language.
  • There are 100 MCQs for total 120 marks.
  • WB JECA 2023 question paper is based on basic computer application syllabus.
  • There are two category of questions in WB JECA-
    • Category 1
      • Category 1 consists of 1 mark MCQs
      • There are total of 80 questions from this category.
      • This category of questions also has negative marking. Each incorrect MCQ leads to a deduction of -14 mark.
    • Category 2
      • Category 2 consists of 2 marks MCQs
      • There are total 20 questions from this category
      • There is no negative marking for Category 2 questions
Category of Questions Total Questions Total Marks Negative Marking
Category 1 80 80 x 1 = 80 -¼ marks
Category 2 20 20 x 2 = 40 No negative marking

WB JECA Syllabus

WB JECA 2023 Syllabus

WB JECA 2023 Syllabus consists of topics from Undergraduate Computer Application and equivalent courses followed at various universities in India. The topics included have been listed in the table below-

  • C Programming
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Unix
  • Data Structure
  • Introduction of Computers
  • Operating System
  • Computer Network
  • Database Management System
  • Software Engineering
  • Machine Learning

WBJEE 2023 Preparation Tips

Students can follow given below WB JECA 2023 preparation tips to do well in the exam:

  • Before starting any preparation of the exam, students must make choice of good study materials available online or offline.
  • Know the details of the syllabus and exam pattern of the entrance test.
  • Solve sample papers and past papers to know the nature of the exam, difficulty level and other trends.
  • Prepare and understand the strategy that is to be followed for the exam.
  • Get short notes from your friends / teachers / internet or prepare it yourself for the exam.
  • Prepare well for the exam by regular practice.

Important Books for WB JECA 2023

Since the paper pattern and syllabus has been revised this year for WB JECA, candidates can check some of the best books for the exam preparation from the table below-

  • MCA Entrances Solved Papers 2023
  • MCA Entrance Exam Guide
  • A Complete Study Package for MCA Entrances
  • A Comprehensive Guide For MCA Entrance Examination By R.S. Aggarwal

WB JECA 2023 Exam Centers

Candidates appearing in WB JECA can select any three zones in order of their preference:

WB JECA  Exam Cities
Bankura Kolkata-Central
Asansol Kolkata-North
Durgapur Kolkata-South
Burdwan Malda
Coochbihar Kharagpur
Siliguri Haldia
Srirampur Berhampur
Howrah Kalyani

WB JECA Admit Card

WB JECA 2023 Admit Card

  • WB JECA 2023 Admit Card will be made available to download from June 28, 2023 on the official website.
  • Applicants with such admission cards would not be eligible to participate in the JECA test. Duplicate admission cards can not be produced after the examination has been completed
  • Applicants are also advised to keep their Admit Cards carefully in place. In the event of any inconsistency in the details on the admission card, applicants must immediately contact the admissions office and correct the mistake before the test.
  • Call letters will not be sent to any student by post
Details mentioned on the admit card
Name of candidate Address of examination center
Candidate’s father and mother name Date of examination
Candidate’s date of birth Timing of examination
Photograph of candidate Roll number
Signature of candidate Registration number

Read More about WB JECA 2023 Admit Card

Documents Required along with Admit Card

  • A valid original photo ID proof such as Aadhar card, Driving license, ID card from school or college, Passport, Voter ID, 10th class admit card
  • A colored recent passport size photograph (same as uploaded in the WB JECA 2023 application form).

WB JECA Answer Key

WB JECA 2023 Answer Key

Candidates can check the Answer key details of WB Joint entrance exam 2023 through below given details:

  • The answer key will be disclosed online at the official website.
  • The candidates have to visit the website to download the answer key for WBJECA 2023.
  • With the help of answer key, the applicants can notice the errors made by them in the examination.
  • The answer key will be uploaded in the form of PDF file on the website.
  • The applicants can take the print out of the answer key to take the reference of it.

WB JECA 2023 Result

WB JECA 2023 Result will be declared tentatively in August 2023 on the official website.The result of WB JECA 2023 will be available in the form of scorecards. Candidates can download the result from the official website from wbjeeb.nic.in.

 Steps to download WB JECA 2023 Score Card:

  1. Go to the official website of WB JECA 2023
  2. Login using username and password
  3. View/download scorecard
  4. Print scorecard

The scorecards will be available online only and no hard copy will be sent to the applicants. Scorecards of candidates who appear in WB JECA 2023 will specify the marks of candidates in both the papers as well as their ranks. A general merit list will also be published by WBJEEB after declaration of result.A separate merit list for the reserved category will also be published but only the general merit list will be considered for counseling and admission.

WB JECA Rank Card 2023

Candidates can download their rank cards from the official website by logging into their accounts. The following steps are to be followed to download rank cards

  • Visit the official website and open WB JECA portal
  • Login in to your account by entering the application number and password.
  • Enter the security PIN provided and click on Sign in 
  • The rank card for WB JECA result 2023 will be available for download

Candidates must note that the rank card contains score and rank obtained in the exam. Candidates will not be able to download duplicate rank cards of WB JECA 2023 result after completion of e-counseling and admission.

WB JECA Merit List 2023

The merit list containing WB JECA 2023 results are expected to be released in the name and style of the General Merit Rank (GMR) and there will be a separate reserved category. This list comprises rankings in the descending order of the marks earned by the candidate. It should be noted that guidance, allocation of seats, and admission will take place on the basis of this GMR only and not on the category list shared by WB JECA.

WB JECA Result Tie Breaker

There are chances when two or more candidates score equal marks and thus, equal ranks in WB JECA 2023 result. In this case, WB JECA applies a methodology to deal with such ties as follows

  • A candidate who received less negative marks in Mathematics and Aptitude test taken combined will be preferred.
  • If they are on the same footing, the candidate with more positive marks in Mathematics is preferred.
  • A candidate with more positive scores in the Aptitude test is taken if the tie remains the same.
  • If the score is still the same, a candidate having less negative marks in Mathematics is preferred.

In case the tie remains the same and the candidate still stands on equal footing, the older candidate will be given preference over the younger candidate.

WB JECA 2023 Counselling

  • After the declaration of the merit list, qualified candidates must appear for the JECA 2023 Counselling.
  • A notification with details of counseling, seat allotment, and admission will be published on the official website.
  • Aspirants must attend the counseling session in order of merit and rank.
  • If the aspirant remains absent, their seat will be offered to the next eligible candidate.
  • Candidates should be present in person and no representative on their behalf will be entertained.
  • Applicants should also bring the necessary documents for verification.
  • Candidates will be offered seats based on merit and choice of college after scrutiny of their certificates.


WB JECA 2023 Frequently Asked Questions

Ques. When will the WB JECA 2023 Application form release?

Ans. WB JECA 2023 Application form will be released on January 27, 2023. Candidates will be able to apply for WB JECA till February 8, 2023.

Ques. When will WB JECA 2023 be held?

Ans. WB JECA 2023 is scheduled to be held on July 8, 2023. However, all the dates are tentative in nature and might change under extraordinary circustances.

Ques. Has there been any changes in WB JECA 2023 Exam Pattern?

Ans. Yes. WBJEEB has changed WB JECA 2023 Exam Pattern. As per the revised exam pattern, WB JECA will now be conducted as a single paper instead of two.

  • The paper will now be based solely on basic computer applications.
  • The syllabus will be based on UG Computer Application and equivalent courses followed at universities in India.
  • The exam will now be conducted for a 2-hour duration.
  • There will be 100 questions carrying a total 120 marks.

Ques. When can I make corrections in my WB JECA 2023 application form?

Ans. Candidates will be able to make online corrections in WB JECA 2023 application form when correction window will open.

Ques. Will there be negative marking in WB JECA 2023?

Ans. There is negative marking in WB JECA 2023 in case of wrong attempts i.e. a candidate will get +1 for the correct answer 0.25 will be deducted for an incorrect answer.

Ques. Who will conduct WB JECA 2023?

Ans. West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (WBJEEB) conducts WB JECA 2023.

Ques. Will WB JECA 2023 be conducted offline or online?

Ans. The entrance test for WB JECA 2023 will be held in Offline mode as an OMR based test.

Ques. How can I apply for WB JECA 2023?

Ans. WB JECA 2023 application forms are available online on the official website of the exam from January 25, 2023. Candidates can visit the official website at wbjeeb.nic.in to apply for WB JECA 2023.

Ques. What are the courses for which WB JECA 2023 is the entrance test for?

Ans. Students who are aspiring to pursue a full-time MCA degree course can appear for WB JECA 2023 entrance examination.

Ques. What is the total number of seats offered for WB JECA 2023?

Ans. The number of seats offered for WB JECA 2023 is based on the institutes' intake policy amendment.

Ques, Does WB JECA 2023 provide scholarships?

Ans. No, WB JECA 2023 does not provide scholarship, admissions are based on exam merit.

Ques. What is the difficulty level of WB JECA 2023?

Ans. The difficulty level of WB JECA 2023 is likely to range from easy to moderate levels of difficulty.

Ques. Is it necessary to take coaching to crack WB JECA 2023?

Ans. Although it is not mandatory to take coaching for cracking WB JECA 2023, if a student has the convenience of opting for coaching, s/he may opt for the same to ensure that the preparation is done under proper guidance and strategic way.

Ques. Is there any offline mode available to fill the WB JECA 2023 application form?

Ans. No, there is provision of online mode to fill WB JECA 2023 application form.

Ques. Where I have to send hardcopy of WB JECA 2023 application form?

Ans. There will be no need to send any hardcopy of WB JECA 2023 Application form by post.

Ques. What will be upper age limit criteria to apply for WB JECA 2023?

Ans. There is no upper age limit for other courses in WB JECA 2023. However for marine engineering, the upper age limit is 25 years as on 31st December 2023.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

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