HPCET 2023 Application Form (Out), Exam Date, Admit Card, Syllabus, Pattern, Cut off

As per HPCET 2023 Eligibility Criteria, interested candidates must have passed 10+2 or equivalent exams with at least 45% aggregate marks. The question papers for HPCET 2023 will have a total number of 150 questions with 300 total marks. Check HPCET 2023 Exam Pattern 

  • HPCET 2023 Admit Card will tentatively be released in the last week of April 2023. Candidates will be able to download the admit card from the official website – himtu.ac.in by entering the required credentials. 

What is HPCET? Himachal Pradesh Common Entrance Test (HPCET) is a state-level exam conducted for admission of candidates to undergraduate and postgraduate courses offered at various colleges of Himachal Pradesh. Check HPCET 2023 Participating Colleges 

HPCET 2023 Exam Highlights

Conducting Body Himachal Pradesh Technical University (HPTU)
Mode of Exam Offline (Pen-Paper Based)
Medium of Exam English
Duration of Exam 3 Hours
Type and Number of Questions 150 MCQs
Sections 3 (Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics)
Courses Offered B.Tech, B.Pharmacy, MCA, MBA – Tourism and Hospitality Management
HPCET 2023 Application Dates March 21, 2023

HPCET Exam Dates

HPCET 2023 Course-wise Exam Dates

HPCET 2023 Course – wise exam dates are tabulated below:

Event Dates
BHMCT & B.Sc (HM & CT) To be announced
BBA (Morning session) To be announced
B.Tech/B.Pharmacy/B.Pharmacy (Ayur.) May 14, 2023
BCA To be announced
MBA & MBA (T & HM), M.Tech May 14, 2023
M.Pharmacy/M.Sc (Environmental Science) Diploma in Yoga, M.Sc (Physics & MCA) May 14, 2023

HPCET Eligibility

HPCET 2023 Eligibility

All candidates must fulfill the eligibility criteria as per the norms of AICTE for appearing in HPCET 2023 before they start filling out the online application form for the entrance exam.

  • Candidates must have passed a 10+2 or equivalent exam from a recognized board/university with at least 45% aggregate marks for general category candidates and at least 40% marks for reserved category candidates.
  • Candidates need to have studied Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects in class 12th along with one of the Chemistry/Biotechnology/Biology/Technical Vocational subjects.

HPCET 2023 Application Form

HPCET 2023 Application Form has been released on March 21, 2023. All candidates, applying for the exam must ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria of HPCET. Candidates are advised to read all the instructions in the information brochure before filling HPCET application form. The stepwise procedure to fill out the online application form is given below:

Step 1: Create Account/Registration: Fill in the following registration details in the “Account Registration Form” that will open on your system:

  • Name
  • Username
  • Password
  • Confirm password
  • Date of Birth
  • Email address
  • Mobile number

A system-generated Application Form Number will appear on the computer screen. The User Name and Application Number will also be sent to the given email ID. All applicants must note or keep a safe user name and password for future reference.

Step 2: Fill the Application Form: Click on the “Login” button and enter your username, password, and application number. Now enter the following details to fill application form:

  • Name of the Candidate
  • Father’s & Mother’s Name
  • Nationality
  • Aadhaar Card Number
  • Programme Applied For
  • Examination Centre
  • Category & Sub-Category 
  • Qualifying Exam Details
  • Permanent Address
  • Correspondence Address

Now, click on “Save & Continue”

Step 3: Upload Photograph and Signature: During this step, candidates have to upload the scanned images of their photograph and signature. Click on browse and select your photograph and signature in the required dimension/size and format mentioned in the brochure. After you have attached the images, click on the “Upload” button.

Step 4: Confirmation: The next stage of HPCET 2023 application form is confirmation. The filled-in application form appears and the candidate has two options – Edit or Submit & Go for Payment. If you want to make any change in the application details, click on edit, otherwise go for a payment.

Step 5: Make Fee Payment: After confirmation of the details filled in the application form, the applicants will be automatically redirected to the page for fee payment.  Two modes of payment will be available and the following links will appear:

  • Offline link to generate PNB Challan” or,
  • “Online Fee Payment Link”

Select the mode of payment as per your convenience and make the payment to complete HPCET 2023 Application.

HPCET 2023 Application Fee

HPCET 2023 Application Fee payment mode is either through E-challan or through Net Banking/Credit Card/Debit Card. The following table shows the application fee for all the categories:

S.No. Category Application Fee
1 SC/ST/BPL Rs. 1,400
2 Others Rs. 1,550

HPCET Admit Card

HPCET 2023 Admit Card

HPCET 2023 Admit card will only be available for the successfully registered candidates. The admit card will release tentatively in the last week of April in online mode only.  HPCET 2023 Admit Card is an important document that candidates must download and take a printout to carry to the exam center. No candidate is permitted to enter the examination hall without the possession of a valid hall ticket. Check HPCET 2023 Exam Date

Details on HPCET 2023 Admit Card:

  • Name of the applicant
  • Roll Number
  • Father’s name
  • Photograph of the candidate
  • Address of the test center
  • Test date

How to Download HPCET Admit Card?

  • Visit the official website of HPTU
  • Enter HPCET application No and program you have applied for
  • Or Enter your name and program name
  • Click on “Submit”. 
  • Admit card for HPCET 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
  • Candidates must check the same and download it.

In case of any discrepancies, candidates must contact the HPTU. If the photograph or signature is not displayed, candidates must affix their photograph put their signature in the space provided on the admit card, and get it attested by a gazetted officer.

HPCET Exam Centre

HPCET 2023 Exam Center

HPCET 2023 Exam Centers are the venues where the state-level entrance test is conducted. HPCET is conducted across 16 cities and towns of Himachal Pradesh. Exam Centres are allotted on the basis of choices filled by candidates in HPCET 2023 application form.

HPCET 2023 Exam Center Code
Bilaspur 01
Hamirpur 04
Mandi 07
Solan 10
Paonta Sahib 13
Chamba 02
Kullu 05
Shimla 08
Una 11
Nalagarh 14
Dharamshala 03
Nurpur 06
Nahan 09
Palampur 12
Chandigarh 15

HPCET Exam Pattern

HPCET 2023 Exam Pattern

HPCET 2023 Exam Pattern provides details like what kind of questions are asked in the test, the marking scheme, total number of questions, sectional marks negative marking, etc. Candidates must have knowledge about the exam pattern of the entrance exam well in advance, which helps in attempting and solving the question paper easily.

The following table shows section-wise marks distribution in HPCET 2023 for the engineering program. 

S.No.  Subjects Total Questions  Maximum Marks
1 Physics 50 100
2 Chemistry 50 100
3 Mathematics /Biology 50 100
Total 150 300

HPCET Syllabus

HPCET 2023 Syllabus

The syllabus of HPCET 2023 gives candidates clarity on the topics and units from where questions were asked in the question paper. HPCET 2023 Syllabus includes units and topics from Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.

Physics: The Laws of Motion Physics and Measurement, Motions Rotation Work, Energy, and Power, Theory of Gases, Dynamics Properties of Solids and Liquids, Oscillations and Waves, Current, Power, The Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation, Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current The Current and the Magnetic Effects of Magnetism, Electronic Equipment, Electromagnetic Waves, Communication Systems, Atoms and Nuclei

Chemistry: Matters, States, Atomic Structure, Redox reactions and electricity Chemical kinetics, Chemical Thermodynamics, Chemical bonding and molecular structure, Surface Chemistry, Periods of properties and classification of the elements, Isolation of principles and methodology, metals, S, p, d & f – Block Elements, Co-Ordination compounds, Refined and depiction of organic compounds, Environmental Chemistry, Some of the basic principle of organic chemistry, Oxygen-containing organic compounds, Chemistry of Everyday Life, Nitrogen-rich organic compounds, Practical chemistry-related principles

Mathematics: Complex Numbers and quadratic equations, Set, Relations and Functions, Sequences & Series, Determinants of matrices, Permutations and Combinations, Mathematical induction, Binomial theorem, and its common applications, Differential equations, Integral Calculus, Limit, continuity, and Differentiability, Three-dimensional geometry, Statistics and probability, Mathematical reasoning, Coordinate geometry, Vector algebra, Vector Calculus, Numerical Methods, Linear algebra, Partial differential equations, Complex variables, Ordinary differential equations, Probability and Statistics


HPCET 2023 Preparation Books

Following are some books that will be helpful in preparing for HPCET 2023:

Name of the Book Publisher/Author ISBN
A Master Resource Book in MATHEMATICS Prafull K Agarwal 978-9350948156
A Master Resource Book in PHYSICS D B Singh 978-9350948064
A Master Resource Book in CHEMISTRY Sanjay Sharma 978-9350948095

HPCET 2023 Result

The result of HPCET 2023 will be declared on the official website. Candidates can check HPCET 2023 Results by logging in on the official website. The result will be displayed with details of candidates along with the marks they have scored in each subject. Candidates are advised to download and print their HPCET 2023 Result or scorecard after checking it.

Steps to download/view the scorecard:

  1. Click on HPCET 2023 Result link provided on the official website
  2. Enter HPCET Roll No or Name of the candidate
  3. The result of HPCET 2023 will be displayed.

Candidates must take the print and keep it safe for counseling and for future reference. HPTU will prepare a rank list for candidates who successfully qualify HPCET 2023. The merit list will be prepared on the basis of marks secured by the test takers. HPCET 2023 merit list will be available online as well as on the notice board of the university.  

HPCET Answer Key

HPCET 2023 Answer Key

Final Answer Key of HPCET 2023 is now available. With the help of HPCET 2023 answer key, candidates can cross-check the responses they have marked against the questions in the test and figure out their score. Earlier, the proviional answer key was released. Test-takers could challenge the discrepancy in the official answer key of HPCET 2023 to the university at the following address along with the supporting documents/solution pertaining to question papers/answer keys:

Controller of Examination,
H. P. Technical University,
Gandhi Chowk,
Hamirpur-177001 (H.P.)

HPCET 2023 Cut Off

HPCET 2023 cut-off is the minimum qualifying score that candidates need to secure in the test to get qualified for the counseling process and seat allotment. HPTU will declare a cut-off of HPCET 2023 after the declaration of the result. Only the successful candidates whose score is more than or equal to HPCET 2023 cut-off will be given admission as per their rank obtained in HPCET 2023 exam.

Factors affecting HPCET 2023 Cut Off:

Some of the factors that would be considered in deciding the cut off are:

  • Number of candidates,
  • Number of seats,
  • Exam difficulty level,
  • Candidate to seat ration,
  • Reservation policies set by Government
  • Last year’s admission trends. 

HPCET Counselling

HPCET 2023 Counselling

The online registration process for the counseling of HPCET will start after the declaration of result. Candidates qualifying HPCET will be eligible to appear in counseling sessions after completing the registration process. Candidates will be shortlisted for counseling based on the merit list prepared on the basis of scores obtained in HPCET or JEE Main depending upon the test they are applying through for seeking admission. 

  • The First 50% seats in all the participating colleges will be allotted to JEE Main 2023 qualified candidates through counseling, while the remaining seats will be offered to candidates who qualify HPCET 2023
  • In case vacant seats are left even after the counseling for JEE Main 2023 and HPCET 2023, then the seats will be allotted to candidates on the basis of their merit in 10+2.

During the counseling, seats in the engineering colleges of the states will be allotted to participating candidates as per their preference. To confirm their seats, candidates have to pay HPCET admission fee. Candidates have to pay the registration fee online via debit card/credit card/net banking. After completing the counseling process candidates have to appear for their allotted institutes for document verification.

Documents Required for HPCET Counselling:

Candidate must produce the following documents, in original, along with one set of photocopies duly attested at the time of HPCET Counselling 2023.

  • Certificates of class XII and class X.
  • Class XII and X mark sheets are issued by the board/university.
  • Date of birth certificate or matriculation/higher secondary/Indian school certificates showing the date of birth.
  • JEE Main/HPCET scorecard.
  • Character certificate from the head of the institution last attended.
  • Bonafide/domicile certificate issued by the concerned authority.
  • Reserved category certificate issued by the competent authority, if applicable.
  • Physically challenged certificate issued by the competent authority, if applicable.
  • Income certificate issued by the competent authority, if applied under the tuition fee waiver scheme.
  • An affidavit attested by the Executive Magistrate if applied under Beti Hai Anmol Scheme.
  • Kashmiri migrants and domicile certificate issued by the competent authority, if applied under supernumerary Kashmiri migrant quota.


HPCET 2023 Frequently Asked Questions

Ques. Which courses are offered through HPCET 2023?

Ans. HPCET 2023 is conducted for offering admission in various UG and PG courses from technical and professional colleges of Himachal Pradesh. The courses in which the candidates may take admission through the exam are BHMCT, BBA, B.Tech, B.Pharma, BCA, M.Tech, M.Pharmacy, M.Sc., MBA, MCA. 

Ques. What is the exam mode of HPCET 2023?

Ans. HPCET 2023 will be held in pen-paper-based format. The exam will be held on May 14, 2023. The application process for HPCET 2023 has started on March 21, 2023.

Ques. Is HPCET 2023 exam pattern the same for the paper of all the courses?

Ans. No, as per the courses, the exam conducting authority has laid down the different paper patterns. 

(i) Bachelor of Technology, Bachelor of Pharmacy (Allopathy)



Number of Question

Maximum Marks

















(ii) Master of Computer Applications (MCA) and Master of Business Administration (MBA/{MBA T&HM})



Number of Question

Maximum Marks


Verbal Ability




Quantitative Ability




Data Interpretation and Reasoning




Business awareness (MBA & MBA(T&H))/Computer Awareness(MCA)







Ques. When will I receive HPCET 2023 Admit card?

Ans. HPCET 2023 Admit Card will be available only for the successfully registered candidates. 

Ques. What is the last date for filling HPCET 2023 Application form?

Ans.  Candidates will be able to fill out the application form till April 23, 2023.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

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