bySonam Rana updated Content Curator updated
MHT CET Exam Pattern 2023 has been released on the official website of Maharashtra State CET Cell. As per the official notification, there are no changes in MHT CET 2023 Exam Pattern. The question paper will consist of Class XI and Class XII Syllabus. 80% weightage will be given to Class 12th syllabus while 20% weightage will be given to Class 11th syllabus. Check MHT CET Syllabus 2023
- MHT CET is conducted as per the subject group opted by the students- PCM or PCB for B.Tech/ B.E/B.Pharma/Pharma D courses.
- Students aspiring for admission in engineering and technology degree courses are required to appear in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
- Students aspiring for admission in Pharmacy/Pharmacy D courses are required to opt for Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics/Biology in MHT CET 2023.
- As per MHT CET Exam pattern, each paper- PCM/PCB will be conducted for a duration of 3 hours.
- Candidates opting for PCM will be required to attempt 150 questions. 1 mark will be awarded for each correct answer. For Mathematics, 2 marks will be awarded. There is no negative marking.
MHT CET Exam Pattern Highlights
Particulars | Details |
Mode of Examination | Online Mode (Computer Based Test) |
Medium of Examination | English/Urdu/Marathi |
Number of Papers | 3 (PCM/PCB) |
Duration of the exam | 3 hours |
Type of Questions | Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) |
Number of Questions for PCM | 150 |
Number of Questions in OCB | 200 |
Marking Scheme | Physics, Chemistry and Biology- 1 mark wil be awarded for each correct answer Mathematics- 2 marks for each correct answer |
Negative Marking | Nil |
Must Read:
MHT CET 2023 Exam Pattern for PCM
- Subjects- Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics
- Medium of Examination- English/Urdu/ Marathi, However Mathematics can only be attempted in English
- Number of Questions- There will be a total of 15p questions. 50 each from Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics
- Marking Scheme- 1 mark for each correct answer will be awarded for Physics and Chemistry, 2 marks for each question will be awarded for Mathematics
- Negative Marking- No negative marking
- Time duration for Physics and Chemistry- The first 90 minutes will be provided for Physics and Chemistry
- Time duration of Mathematics- 90 minutes after completion of Physics and Chemistry
MHT CET 2023 Exam Pattern for PCB
- Subjects- Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology
- Medium of Examination- English/Urdu/Marathi
- Number of Questions- There will be a total of 200 questions, 50 questions from ecah section
- Marking Scheme- 1 mark will be awarded for each correct answer
- Negative marking- No negative marking
- Time duration for PCB Group- The total time duration of the exam is 3 hours. While the first 90 minutes will be provided for Physics and Chemistry, latter 90 minutes will be given for Biology.
MHT CET 2023 Syllabus
MHT CET 2023 Syllabus is divided into two parts- topics from Class XI and XII. As per the official notification, the entire syllabus of Class XII and a few topics from Class XI syllabus. Check MHT CET 2023 Syllabus
Since 10% of the questions will be asked from Class XI Syllabus. The subject wise topics are:
Subject | Groups |
Physics | Motion in a Plane, Laws of Motion, Thermal properties of matter, Gravitation, Sound, Optics, Electrostatics and Semiconductors |
Chemistry | Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Structure of Atom, Chemical Bonding, Redox Reactions, Elements of Group 1 and 2, State of Matter, Adsorption and Colloids, Hydrocarbons, Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry |
Mathematics | Trignometric II, Straight Line, Circles, Measures of Dispersion, Probability, Complex Numbers, Functions, Limits, Permutation and Combination, Continuity, |
Biology | Biomolecules, Respiration and Energy Transfer, Excretion and Osmoregulation, Human Nutrition |
Important Instructions for MHT CET 2023
- The difficulty level of MHT CET will be at par with JEE Main for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as for Biology the difficulty level will be at par with NEET.
- Candidates should ensure that they opt for the medium of examination at the time of filling MHT CET 2023 Application Form as it cannot be changed later.
- Only after completion of 90 minutes for Physics and Chemistry, candidates will be able to move on to Biology/Mathematics section for the latter 90 minutes.
- Candidates can also opt for both groups- PCM and PCB. However, in this case, the percentage obtained in individual subjects like Physics and Chemistry will not be interchangeable.
How to Prepare for MHT CET 2023 in 2 months?
Students must make a proper study plan and follow a thorough strategy for the preparation of the exam.
- Revise the important Topics- A lot of times candidates are unable to retain topics due to an overload of information. In order to avoid this, students should prepare a list of important topics and revise it during regular breaks. These gaps could be anywhere between 15 to 20 days, depending on the assessment of your strengths and weaknesses.
- Solve Previous Year Question Paper- At this point, solving MHT CET Previous Year’s Papers will help students in understanding the important topics, type of questions that can be expected as well as effective management of time.
- Attempt Mock Test- Mock Test provides a sense of the actual question paper. Candidates should attempt to solve at least one mock test paper every alternate day. This will boost the confidence of candidates and help in analyzing where they stand.
- Take regular breaks- Students should ensure that they take regular breaks between preparation of the exam. If there are important topics that students have not prepared for yet, then it can be prepared for now as well.
MHT CET 20232 Important Topics for Mathematics
Integration | Trigonometric Functions |
Three dimensional Geometry | Differential Equation, Differential Coefficient |
Probability | Vector |
Matrices and Determinants | Continuity and Differentiability |
Check Detailed MHT CET 2023 Mathematics Syllabus
MHT CET 2023 Important Topics for Physics
Kinetic Thoery of Gases and Radiation | Oscillations |
Rotational Motion | Electrostatics |
Current Electricity | Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current |
Magnetic Effects of Electric Current | Semi-Conductors |
Waves and Sounds | Properties of Matter and Fluid Mechanics |
Check Detailed MHT CET 2023 Physics Syllabus
MHT CET 2023 Important Topics for Chemistry
Subject | Topics |
Chemical Thermodynamics | P-block elements |
Coordination Compounds | D and F block elements |
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers | Organic Compounds containing Nitrogen |
Solutions and Colligative Properties | Chemical Kinetics |
Hydrocarbons | Biomolecules |
Check Detailed MHT CET 2023 Chemistry Syllabus
MHT CET 2023 Important Topics for Biology
Subject | Topics |
Evolution | Reproduction in Humans and Flowering Plants |
Molecular Basis of Inheritance | Evolution |
Respiration in Plants | Human Health and Disease |
Biotechnology and Applications | Respiration in Plants |
Check MHT CET 2023 Biology Syllabus
Best Books for MHT CET 2023 Preparation
MHT CET 2023 consists of Syllabus from Class XI and Class XII textbooks of Maharashtra Board. Listed below are some preparation books for MHT CET 2023:
Best Books for MHT CET 2023 Physics Preparation
- Concept of Physics Vol 1 and 2 by H.C.Verma
- Complete Reference Manual MH- CET Physics M.K. Dikshit (Arihant Publictaion)
- Marvel MHT CET Physics by A J Bapat
- MCQ Physics for MHT CET by A J Bapat (Mavel Publictaion)
Best Books for MHT CET 2023 Chemistry Preparation
- MHT CET Triump Chemistry (Target Publication)
- Complete Reference Manual MH-CET Chemistry (Arihant Publication)
- Chemistry for MHT CET (MCQ) by Mayur Mehta and Chitra Joshi (Marvel Publication)
- MHT CET Chemistry by Arihant Publishers
Best Books for MHT CET 2023 Mathematics Preparation
- Complete Refernce Manual MHT CET Mathematics by Sushil Verma (Arihant Publication)
- Mathematics for MHT CET (MCQ) by Hemant G Ainapure ( Marvel Publication)
- Pradnya’s Objective Mthematics by C.S. Patil
Check Preparation Strategy for MHT CET Biology
MHT CET 2023 Preaparation Notes
Since the difficulty level of MHT CET is at par with JEE for PCM and at par with NEET for PCB group, students can also refer to the following notes of JEE and NEET for MHT CET 2023 Preparation:
Subject | Study Notes |
Physics | |
Chemistry | |
Mathematics |
MHT CET 2023 Exam Pattern FAQs
Ques.: What if the candidate has completed Section 1 earlier than the stipulated 90 minutes, will time saved be added to the time of Section 2 as per MHT CET Exam Pattern?
Ans. No, MHT CET Exam Pattern is fixed in the way the candidate attempts the paper. If the candidate completes Section 1 before 90 minutes, he would not be allowed to attempt Section 2 immediately. He must complete the duration of 90 minutes in Section 1 before attempting Section 2.
Ques.: Are we allowed to carry calculator in MHT CET 2023 exam centers?
Ans.: No, you are not allowed to carry any electronic item with you in MHT CET 2023. Doing so will result in disqualification from the whole process. Candidates should read the exam instructions mentioned on the MHT CET 2023 Admit Card.
Ques: What subjects are there in MHT CET Exam?
Ans.: MHT CET is conducted for two groups- PCM and PCB(Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology) for admission to pharmacy, Engineering and Technology courses. Engineering and Technology course aspirants can opt for PCM while Pharmacy course aspirants can opt for PCB. Students can also opt to give both groups- PCM and PCB.
Ques.: Is there 11th syllabus in MHT CET 2023?
Ans.: Yes, as per MHT CET 2023 Exam Pattern- 80% weightage will be given to Class XII syllabus and 20% weightage will be given to Class XI syllabus.
Ques: How many questions will be asked from Mathematics as per MHT CET 2023 Exam Pattern?
Ans.: Mathematics section will comprise of 50 multiple-choice questions. However, 2 marks will be awarded for each correct answer in Mathematics.
Ques: Is MHT CET 2023 Exam Pattern different for PCB group?
Ans.: Yes, MHT CET 2023 Exam Pattern for PCB group is different. The question paper will comprise of total 200 questions. 50 questions will be asked from Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology. The total marks for PCB group are 200.
Ques.: Will there be a break between sections as per MHT CET Exam Pattern/
Ans.: No, there will be no break between sections. As per MHT CET 2023 Exam Pattern, there will be three sections- Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics/Biology. While the first two papers will be conducted in first 90 minutes. Biology/Chemistry will be conducted in the remaining 90 minutes.
Ques: Which topics in Mathematics has the heighest weightage in MHT CET?
Ans.: As per previous year’s analysis, Calculus with focus on integration has the highest weightage of around 9% of the total questions. Other important topics in Mathematics are Trignometric Functions, Three-dimensional Geometry, Differential Equation, Probability.
Ques: Can I attempt MHT CET 2023 in Marathi Language ?
Ans: Yes, candidates can opt for medium of examination at the time of submission of MHT CET 2023 Application Form. The options are- Marathi/Urdu and English. However Mathematics can only be attempted in English .
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.