Ph.D. From RGUKT Nuzvid, Nuzvid

Nuzvid, Andhra PradeshAutonomous UniversityEstd 2008
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Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Basara (RGUKT-Basara) specializes in the teaching and research sector in the field of Information Technology and Engineering.

RGUKT invites applications from the RGUKT Lecturers working in any of its Science and Engineering Departments and desirous of enrolling for Ph.D. program for the academic year.

Candidates with an M.Tech / MS Degree in an appropriate branch with GATE or Equivalent Qualification are eligible for application to Ph.D. offered by RGUKT. Applicants can apply online on the official website of the university after paying an application fee of INR 400 (General category) and INR 300 for SC/ST category. Check RGUKT Admission 2021.

RGUKT Ph.D Eligibility Criteria

Ph.D. (Engineering) Programme

  • Candidates with an M.Tech / MS Degree in an appropriate branch with GATE or Equivalent Qualification are eligible.
  • A minimum of 7.5 CGPA out of 10 (general category)/ 7.0 ( SC / ST category) at PG level is required.

Ph.D. (Science) Programme

  •  First Class at Master’s level in MA / M.Sc. in an appropriate branch with a minimum CPI of 7.0 or 70% of marks.
  • For SC / ST category candidates, the minimum CGPA requirement is 6.5 and the percentage marks requirement is 65 percent.
  • Candidate must have qualified CSIR-JRF or NET; or UGC-JRF or NET.

RGUKT Ph.D Admission Process

  • Selection process to the PhD programme may include a written test followed by interview.
  • The basis for the examinations is to test the capability to carry on high quality research work.
  • GATE/UGC-JRF/UGC-NET/UGC-SET qualified candidates are exempted from appearing into written test.

RGUKT Ph.D Application Process

  1. Visit the official website of the University.
  2. Access the Application Form, click on the “Online Application link” and fill the details in the respective fields.
  3. Verify the information after filling it.
  4. Click on ‘submit’ Application Form.
  5. After submitting the online application form, it will be saved as a PDF file.
  6. Take a print out of the filled up Application 
  7. Payan application fee of INR 400 (general category) and INR 300 for SC/ST category, in any nationalized bank through a Demand Draft drawn in favour of The Registrar, RGUKT, payable at Hyderabad.
  8.  Attach all the relevant documents to the application form, and write "Application for Ph.D program" on the envelope cover.
  9. Post the application form with enclosures to below address:

The Registrar, RGUKT, 1st Floor,

Vindhya-C4 Building, IIIT-H Campus,

Gachibowli, Hyderabad-500032v

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Ph.D. Comparison

RGUKT Nuzvid
Reviews Rating
Cost To Study
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General Course Details
Duration - 2 Years
Course Offered - Full Time
Mode - Full Time
Degree Type - On Campus
Course Level - Doctorate/M.Phil
Course Credential - Degree
EligibilityPost Graduation

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