06 Mar, 2025
While a question like this is bound to attract varying and subjective answers as every student has his/her own preference when it comes to professors. However, there are some brilliant professors which are mutually admired by most of the students. Given are the names of some professors who are considered to be one of the best at IIT Kharagpur.
All these professors have influenced their students’ lives in one way or the other either through inspiration or by imparting knowledge, their teaching methods and interactions with students have played a major role in their students’ success.
I am a second year BSc. Applied Geology student at IIT Kharagpur. The geology faculty at IITKGP are highly qualified and possess outstanding knowledge in their subject area.
The teachers in our department are very helpful, talented and student-friendly. They clear our doubts whenever needed. The best part about them is that they emphasise on practical learning and discussions in the classroom lectures. The Geology curriculum at IIT KGP is the best. Semester exams are difficult but it is easy if the student regularly attends classes and follows the professors’ advice.
Overall, the BSc Applied Geology faculty is quite good at IIT Kharagpur.
IIT Kharagpur faculties are widely known in their respective fields. They are highly qualified with most of being holding a PhD degree and extensive research experience. Many have national and international accolades to their names for significant contributions in their field.
Faculties are known for their quality of providing dedicated education. They are easily approachable for guidance and mentorship. Their industry and academic experience enrich students with learning experiences with applications and insights.
The institute also has strong ties with faculty members of other prestigious institutes that often visit the campus for guest lectures providing students with the opportunity to gain insights on a diverse range of topics. IIT Kharagpur’s dedicated faculty base ensures that the students are provided with a well-rounded education enabling them to excel in their fields.