USTM Overall ranking by NIRF is 151 out of 200 colleges in India in 2023 and it was 151-200 out of 200 colleges in India in 2022.
Stream / Category | 2023 Ranking | 2022 Ranking |
Overall | #151 out of 200 in India 2023 | #151-200 out of 200 in India 2022 |
USTM Overall ranking by IIRF is 69 out of 160 colleges in India in 2024 and it was 68 out of 171 colleges in India in 2023. USTM B.Tech ranking by IIRF is 160 out of 170 colleges in India in 2023 and it was 175 out of 192 colleges in India in 2022.
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No, all students donot get placement as the companies comes for placement offers and they select according to the skills and performance. 25% students gets the placement among all students. Its bit tough to get paid internship like 10% gets paid internship and other do internship for acquiring skills. Our course donot allow for internship so if we want to do then we have to do it at the time of vacation.
Internships were available only for the BBA and MBA students So we don’t have much idea about the internships available for us There were companies all around India to recruit students from our college
Internships were available only for the BBA and MBA students So we don’t have much idea about the internships available for us There were companies all around India to recruit students from our college
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