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Please provide insights around the faculty members of your college. Also mention about the course structure, exam systems and marking schemes. Please consider including: The faculty-to-student ratio. How is the faculty to student relationship and how approachable are the faculties? The name of the faculties you liked and why did you like them? Who are the best faculties? The names of the faculties you didn't like and reason for not liking them? How many exams are there and how easy or difficult are they? How many students fail to clear the exams? How relevant is the course curriculum?
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.1 What’s the nightlife like in or around your college campus. Share your favorite hangout spots, late-night activities, and how students unwind after a day of classes. How do these experiences shape your overall college life? Please consider including: Mention gym, cafeterias, library and public area closing/ off Mention hostel and campus in timings List famous hangout places inside and outside the college/university. Also mention is the locality safe to roam around at night
Please provide insights around the faculty members of your college. Also mention about the course structure, exam systems and marking schemes. Please consider including: The faculty-to-student ratio. How is the faculty to student relationship and how approachable are the faculties? The name of the faculties you liked and why did you like them? Who are the best faculties? The names of the faculties you didn't like and reason for not liking them? How many exams are there and how easy or difficult are they? How many students fail to clear the exams? How relevant is the course curriculum?
Course curriculum was easy but schedule of classes was so hectic. Good aspect was that course was interesting and easy to learn but bad aspect was huge syllabus. We attended 4 classes during a day sometimes research labs and theory classes. timing of classes was 8a.m.-4 p.m. We don't so much free time due to hectic schedule and so much file work. Teaching methodology was really appreciable. Teachers uses presentation, pdfs, even used board for teaching. Renu mam from zoology department she was reall brilliant teacher and her behaviour was polite and humble. She use to help us a lot. Chemistry department was so rude to students we were really tired of them. Yes 75% attendance was mandatory. If that was not fulfilled you have to come with your parents to college and tell a genuine reason to teachers why u didn't come to college and then they will issue you your admit card. Yes even I've been penalised for this coz I suffered from food poisioning one semester and my attendance was short and i faced lots of issues coz of that.
The course curriculum at PCCOER can be quite challenging, as it requires a solid understanding of complex technical concepts and rigorous problem-solving skills. While the coursework is demanding, students generally manage to pass, though some do struggle with the exams, especially if they are not well-prepared. Good aspects of the course include a comprehensive syllabus that covers the essentials of the field and prepares students for real-world applications. The faculty is knowledgeable and supportive, and the course is designed to equip students with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. On the downside, the workload can be intense, and the pressure of keeping up with the fast-paced curriculum can be overwhelming at times. Each academic year typically includes a series of exams, often comprising mid-term and end-of-term assessments. On average, students may have 4 to 6 exams spread throughout the year. Classes generally take place from early morning until late afternoon, with around 4 to 6 classes per day. Timings can vary, but students usually have a few hours of free time between classes for study or relaxation. The teaching methodology employed by the faculty includes lectures, practical sessions, and project-based learning. Some professors use interactive teaching methods and real-life case studies to enhance understanding, while others stick to more traditional lecture-based approaches. Among the faculty, I particularly admire Professor Dipali for their engaging teaching style and ability to make complex topics accessible. Conversely, I found that Professor Maithali could be less approachable and sometimes struggled to clarify difficult concepts effectively. There is a mandatory attendance rule at PCCOER, typically requiring students to maintain at least 75% attendance. If students fail to meet this requirement, they may face penalties such as being barred from exams or losing credits. I have seen a few students being penalized for not fulfilling the attendance criteria, which sometimes led to additional stress and the need for extra efforts to catch up.
I am in first and i find it easy it’s not so difficult for me , the good and bad of the course are good is this course develop me in such a way that i will able to choose both technical and nontechnical industries bad is it’s quite difficult for students who don’t have basic knowledge of computer, class timing is 9am to 4:30pm, the faculty teach us on smart board, there is a Ma’am who teaches us Economics Vibhuti bishnoi ma’am I really admire her the way she teaches yes you should have minimum 75% attendance
The course curriculum is not easy for some of the students, as some of the students fails in the examination. Some good aspects of my course is, it is easy for many students that they don't fail in the examinations but bad aspect is, some might fail due to logical questions. There are mainly 8 exams in a year in my course as per 4 exams each semester. There are 6 classes per hour we need to take everyday with 5 minutes of break after every class. The teaching methodology is very poor in our college, as some teachers don't know how to teach and discipline the class. There was a teacher names Anju Mam, she was the only teacher I admired and she taught everything very easily and practically so every student passes in her exam. There is a mandatory attendance rule in our college that is to have a maximum of 75% of attendance each student. If we fail to fulfil that rule we needed to pay the fine of ₹100 per percentage.
- I am student of BMS, so my course has much more Difficulty than courses like bcom. Students around 4 to 5 failed in 1st sem and 2nd sem - if I talk about good aspects, we not only have theory aspects, but also very much practical aspects Bad aspects- we have subjects like python which is bit confusing to have in management as a core -we have two exams every year, one at end of each sem in which we have 7 subjects each sem - almost 3 to 4 lectures are held every day and timings are from 830 to 130 -most of the teachers use the traditional method of teaching which is through books -i admire my economics faculty coz it has complete knowledge about subjects like microeconomics and macroeconomics - minimum attendance is 67 percent, if we don't fulfill it, we have to fill a bond.
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There are students who even though graduated from Ramanujan College long back, are still hanging on to their college days because of the innumerable experiences, lessons as well as memories the college has showered them with.
Here are some insider details regarding Ramanujan College.
The three years will change your perception and choices as time passes. Your social and personal development will be extraordinary, as the college has numerous opportunities that will enrich you and transform you as an individual.
Classes at the evening college start in the afternoon and end in the evening.
The curriculum, degree, classes, principal (in most cases), canteen, and location are all the same for the morning and evening batches.
However, the cutoffs differ; evening colleges have a lower cutoff than morning colleges. It has a different faculty and administration and is less crowded than the morning classes.
It differs from one college to the next. Some evening colleges are excellent, while others are on par with government schools. Teachers are present, but students don't actually care, and vice versa.
So, students with lower percentages in their XII standard are more likely to be admitted to evening colleges.
If you want to attend evening college, you don't have to feel inferior to morning students because many students from evening colleges have topped the DU exam.
Ultimately, it is up to you to consider and make decisions wisely. Many students attend evening colleges and then go to coaching to prepare for exams such as UPSC and SSC in the morning.