Assam Agricultural University - [AAU], Jorhat - Affiliated Colleges

Jorhat, AssamState UniversityEstd 1969
#19 For Agriculture abcd By NIRF 2023  
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Assam Agricultural University Jorhat: 2 Answered Questions

What is the eligibility to take admission in B.Sc agriculture in Assam Agricultural University?

Mausumi GhoseM.Sc. Agri. Biotechnology Plant Tissue Culture, Assam Agricultural University

Until 2018, there was no entrance examination for admission in B.Sc Agriculture at Assam Agricultural University. The selection was based on 12th marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. From 2018 onwards, the university started taking entrance tests. If you are from an outer state, you will have to appear in the entrance test conducted by ICAR. 

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Will there be entrance exams for admission in UG for Assam Agricultural University?

Kirti Goyal
Subhamita BanerjeeB.Sc Horticulture, Assam Agricultural University

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) conducts an all-India entrance test for admission into different agricultural universities of India. But if you are a resident of Assam, you can get admission based on your 10+2 PCB marks. There are also options of taking admission through high fee categories. Other than the ICAR entrance test, there are no specific entrance tests. Selection through ICAR is given based on ranking.

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