Dr. CS Baiju is currently serving as HOD of Periodontology at Sudha Rustagi College of Dental Science & Research, Faridabad. Having a specialized practice in Delhi for the last 23 years, he has been instrumental in creating the recognized post-graduate course - MDS in Periodontology. He is a Life Member of the Indian Society of Periodontology and has a large list of publications and presentations of scientific papers at various platforms. Also, he has been an examiner for most of the universities in and around NCR.
What are your roles and responsibilities being the HOD?
“Academic development of students and monitoring departmental activities”
As a specialty head, I am looking after undergraduate and postgraduate academics as a routine. I design and implement the curriculum to train and teach students different subjective knowledge and practical skills. In addition, the functioning of the department in coordination with the principal office as per the requirement is on my duty list as well.
What are the factors that make your program the best for the students to opt?
“High clinical aspects and wider knowledge”
After BDS, those students who like to specialize in Periodontology will be getting an MDS in Periodontology & Implantology, which in turn is a branch dealing with the treatment of Gums and replacement of lost teeth by an artificial one. Being a branch that looks after the foundation of the teeth and surrounding tissues, it is of primary importance in terms of oral health. It also exposes the students to various cosmetic and delicate oral surgeries. After MDS, the students can go into specialized practice, academics, etc.
What are the best practices you offer that help students gain necessary skills?
“Deploying quality professionals and well-defined curriculum”
Since ours is a surgical branch, students tend to develop good manipulative surgical hands at the end of the course, and we bring in the best expertise to assist students with such practice. Specialized doctors and clinical experts are invited to help students attain the necessary skills. Besides, we follow the prescribed curriculum designed for UG & PG, governed by the higher authority, modified as per the needs of the students and upgraded from time to time.
Check Sudha Rustagi College of Denta
How does the program ensure that students are being prepared for the future?
“Large scale practical exposure”
The Department makes sure the postgraduates get to do as many different cases and projects so that they become confident to handle all clinical situations well. Separate level procedures are charted out for post-graduation students from the first year to the final year as they progress. When they are in the completion of their final year, they are professionally ready to take up the exam and be rewarded with an MDS degree. We give them short-duration clinical studies on patients, publication of their case reports, paper presentations on national-level conferences and other activities to explore.
How did you train your faculty to deliver this program to the students?
“Dissemination of knowledge and duties”
Along with several FDPs, symposiums and seminars being organized at the departmental and institute levels, we at the beginning of the PG program, plan up the staff duty and take in charge of each student. A particular staff will be training a group of students under them with full guidance and support.
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What are the benefits after pursuing this course at your college?
“Diverse career options and guidance for higher studies”
One can become a periodontist and pursue as a specialist dentist, do further studies in allied fields of the same branch in research and development. Those who are interested in pursuing academics in the same field, we issue LOCs and for the one who wants to specialize in different aspects of the branch, we guide them accordingly.