Prof. Arvind Lumbhani is the Principal of the Pharmacy Department at Gyanmanjari Group of Colleges. He is qualified in a Bachelor of Pharmaceutical and completed a Master in M. Pharm in Pharmaceutical Analysis and Pursuing his Ph.D. He has a total of 37 Years of experience.
You have held Principal positions at Gyanmanjari Pharmacy College? What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?
Yes, I am serving as a Principal at Gyanmanjari Pharmacy College. The Key factors that keep me connected with the education sector are, By sharing knowledge can increase awareness towards scenario education. According to our system, we use techniques like; utilisation and implication for the better the means of the institute and students. Passionate faculties motivate students for teaching and learning. Enlarged or extended studies can facilitate the new scope of studies in education.
Being the Principal of Gyanmanjari Pharmacy College, what is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?
"My philosophy of leadership is, A leader is one who gets work done while working and being with the subordinates"
I believe to Teach and observe until the task finishes with intermittent guidance if required.
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Being the Principal of Gyanmanjari Pharmacy College, how do you strategize the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your school?
Proper planning with consideration of all micro parameters, To make the team very clear about the planning and execution with a constant monitoring to ensure no deviation from the planned strategy; the whole program may be divided into equal segments and taken one by one within the time frame.
The education systems in India and other foreign countries are structured very differently. In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here at Gyanmanjari Pharmacy College?
The system does deviate but ultimately when the students go to the field after graduation from Gyanmanjari institute is different in the sense that their exposure to industry and other related fields of work. The students are specifically trained in the field of their choices or domain for 3 years.
How does the curriculum of the Gyanmanjari Pharmacy College ensure the best practice of the industry?
Preview selection in the 3rd semester. Adaptation of Mastermind strategies, Shaping and casting the students’ mastermind group by forsooth expert faculty. Industrial visits for each semester, Industrial training in the last year
Any insights into how Gyanmanjari Pharmacy College could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?
There is coeducation, No difference in the facilities provided. All the students are treated equally at par. There is a dress code to have uniformity. Students are arranged according to their enrollment number given by the university and not by any other way to ensure uniformity throughout.
No, we never had any issues which promote other things like racism, caste differentiations, or gender inequality. In our institute, we provide such courses which enlighten students’ lifestyles and learning. We have enthusiastic faculties, management and students. Thus, we haven’t been part of such marginalisation. Each and every member of this institute is treated as a part of our important position holder whether he is in a higher position or in a lower position like a student. We have COD (Committee of Discipline) which manages our rules and regulations too for every member or student of this institute.
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What are your roles and responsibilities to Gyanmanjari Pharmacy College and the students?
Here we have different roles for faculties and students though we are dedicated to achieving our goal. We have ordinary attention towards students’ betterment in their learning. Coherent to achieve goals we remain updated with these tasks on regular basis:
- Attendance of the students
- Curriculum conduct
- Organisation of extra and co-curricular activities
- Internal examinations and strengthening identified weak students by offering them opportunities for classes, assignments, and practice.
What do you think should be Gyanmanjari Pharmacy College’s top priority over the next 10 years?
- Good infrastructure
- Well-equipped laboratories
- Library rich with reference textbooks and other literary texts, e-journal, internet facilities, and digital classrooms.
What would you like people to know about Gyanmanjari Pharmacy College that they may not know?
All activities and exposures of the students to extra and co-curricular activities.
Industrial exposure and training Placement activitiesMore Appropriate infrastructure, students’ club’s activity.