Started in 2004, School of Allied Health Science is an institution with a motive of giving the best education and training in the field of Allied health sciences. The institution is dedicated towards a the cause to make students excel in academic and life skills ,the most needed in this fast changing world. Read here to know more about the institution
“Interdisciplinary International Allied Health SciencesConference – CONVERGENCE 2021”

Date: July 17, 2021
On behalf of School of Allied Health Sciences, VMRF (DU) located at Salem, Chennai & Puducherry jointly organized a “Interdisciplinary International Allied Health Sciences Conference – CONVERGENCE 2021” from 15.7.2021 to 27.7.2021.
The First day session started with a prayer song and followed by lighting of lamps. Dr.B.Sendilkumar, Dean & Director, AHS inaugurated the programme and delivered the welcome address. The aim of this programme is to create a powerful learning experience & cultivating knowledge in the different fields of Allied Health Sciences.
The sessions, including a talk by Mr.Abdul Karim Mustafa, Senior Assistant Medical Officer, Jabatan Perubatan Kecemasan Hospital Canselor Tuaku Muhriz Pusat,Perubatan UKM, on the topic “History taking in prehospital care:Formulating Differential Diagnosis, Mr.Ranjithkumar Inbasekaran, Dialysis Technologist, Reaya Mumayaza Healthcare, Abu Dhabi, UAE, on the topic “Advancement in Dialysis Technology” Dr. Fredrick Johnson M.S CAS Ph.D. (Neurosurgery)Department of Neurosurgery, Inselspital Bern, Switzerland, on “Advanced Technologies and Trends in Operation Theatre towards automation” Dr.Rupendra Shrestha, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Genetics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA, on the topic “Mucormycosis” , Nasser Hamed Hamoud Al Kalbani Senior Cath Lab Technologists, National Heart Centre, Royal Hospital, Ministry of Health, Oman , on the topic “EP Study”, Dr.Vishwanataha Kini, MD., DNB., FRCR. Professor & Senior Consultant Radiologist, Weill Cornell Medical College, Qatar, on “Children are not little Adult: A preparation for next wave”, Ashraf Ali Perfusionist, Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Muscat, Oman, on the topic “Principle of CPB” Mr. Gokul Sampath, Neurophysiologist ,Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital, Singapore, on the topic “Advanced Neurophysiological procedures and it’s significance in Clinical Neurology, Stevan David Lampley, Retd Traffic Homicide Investigator, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, on the topic “The Forensic Psychology of deception and lying” Mr.Sumeer Singh ,Postdoctoral Clinical Research Fellow, Department of Optometry & Vision Sciences, Faculty of Medicine , Dentistry and Health Sciences, The University of Melbourne, on the topic “Computer Vision syndrome and blue light Blocking Lenses : Closing the evidence gap” Mr.Krish Prahalad, Ph.D Candidate, College of Optometry, University of Houston, on the topic “Eye Movements and Visual Perception”, Mr.Saravanan, Advanced Paramedic, Ziqitiza Gulf Paramedic, Dubai, on the topic “Basic Life Support & Common Emergency.
Nearly 3000 participants were registered for this programme from all over the world. The whole programme was well arranged by Incharges of all departments, SAHS,VMRF(DU).
Webinar on Career Essentials: An HRs perspective
Date: July 06, 2021
In order to get a good placement of students, the Placement Cell of School of Allied Health Sciences, VMRF-DU, organized a webinar series every week. On account of this, Placement cell, SAHS organized a webinar on “Career Essentials: A HR’s Perspective”recently.The primary objective of the webinar was to insist the industry anticipation at the time of interview process to students.
The welcome address was given by Dr.B.Sendilkumar, Director, SAHS, VMRF (DU). Mr.Sampathkumar, Talent Acquisition, Apollo Hospitals, Southern Region invited as a chief guest of the programme. He delivered the speech on “Industry expectation & How to improve the skills based on the HR Perspective”. Nearly 350 participants were participated in this webinar. The whole programme was well organized by R.Tamilchudar, Associate Professor, Dr.G.Deepiga, Placement Coordinators, SAHS, VMRF(DU).
Date: July 06, 2021
The Dept.of Optometry Organized,SAHS,VMRF-DU, Salem organisee free short term Course from 8/06/2021 to18/06/2021 on “Clinical aspects of binocular vision and vision therapy”. In this 10 days Program 485 Optometry Students and Professionals from School of Allied Health Sciences and other optometry colleges took part in and benefited. The course was accredited with 15 points from Optometry Council Of India(OCI).
Prof Dr.B.Sendilkumar Dean and Director inaugurated the program and he highlighted that the objective of this Short Term Course is to ensure that a student and even a professional continues to be competent in his/her profession by updating oneself beyond the prescribed curriculum.
Our resource persons Ms.Kowsalya, M.Phil in Optometry,Freelancer and Educationalist ,Ms.Sivapriya, AsstManager,HOD-Optometry at Dr.Agarwals Eye Hospital,Trichy and Mr.Md.Oliullah,M.Optometry,Founder,Bynocs shared their valuable knowledge and these renowed experts delivered Comprehensive results oriented strategies that can be implemented by every student and Practicioner in their professional practice for improving their patient outcomes, also while earning education credits from a forum like Optometry Council of India is an added value of this Short Term Course.
This Short Term Course was well Organized and headed by Ms.Tamilchudar R,Associate Professor and other Optometry Faculty.
Felicitation Ceremony for the Campus Placed Students
Date: July 06, 2021
In order to get a good placement for students, especially in this pandemic Situation School of Allied Health Sciences, VMRF (DU) organized a number of career guidance & campus drive programmes in virtual mode.
On account of this, Placement Cell, SAHS, VMRF(DU) conducted a campus drive programme on 4.6.2021 by Delvin group of companies through an online channel. Delvin Group of companies is India's largest independent Healthcare service company. It provides trained and skilled phlebotomists to clients for fulfilling the leads that are generated both on-line and off-line. It also provides services like nursing, physiotherapy, elderly care etc.The students from SAHS actively participated in this campus drive. At the end of the drive, the result was announced by the HR of the Delvin group. Following this a felicitation ceremony was held for the selected pupil.
Dr.B.Sendilkumar, Dean, FAHS inaugurated the ceremony and delivered the Welcome address. Mr.Jai Ganesh, General Manager, Human Resources & Corporate affairs, Delvin Group of Companies,Chennai explained about the company activities and released the appointment order to the selected students.The Dean and faculties of SAHS , thanked the recruitment team and congratulated the selected students.The whole arrangement was well organized by Mrs.R.Tamilchudar & Dr.G.Deepiga, Placement Coordinators, SAHS.
Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation Celebrates World Donor Day

Date: June 18, 2021
World Blood Donor Day is an initiative by the World Health Organisation (WHO). The aim of this day is to spread awareness about blood donation and the need for safe blood and blood products. Also, it is celebrated to appreciate the contribution of voluntary blood donors in saving lives. This year, the slogan is 'Give blood and keep the world beating'. The slogan highlights the contribution of blood donors in saving lives and improving the health of others. It also reinforces the global call for more people to contribute to better health by donating blood regularly.
On account of this, RRC & NSS Unit, School of Allied Health Sciences, Salem, VMRF (DU) celebrated a World Blood Donor Day. Director Dr.B.Sendilkumar delivered the welcome address. Dr.Ravinderan, District Blood Transfusion Officer, Government Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College & Hospital, Salem invited as a Chief Guest of this programme. He delivered a speech about “Blood Donation & Awareness'' to students. At the end of the programme the blood donation pledge was taken by participants.
Based on this programme, SAHS created a quiz for students and the public to get better awareness about this day. Around 400 participants participated in this whole programme. At last the participation certificates were issued to all the participants.The overall programme was well organized by RRC & NSS coordinators Mr.R.Inbasagar, Ms.R.Ragitha, Dr.R.Dhanasekar & Dr.S.Harishraj.
Workshop on Research Methodology
Date: June 15, 2021
Institutional Research Committee, School of Allied Health Sciences, Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation (DU) organized a “Research methodology.” Dr.B.Sendilkumar, Director, SAHS delivered a welcome address.
The day 1 session included a talk by Dr.V.Balasubramanian, Assistant Professor II, Amity Institute of Biotechnology (AIB), Amity University,Raipur, Chhattisgarh on the topic “Introduction, defining a research problem, refining research questions, formulating objectives and hypothesis” & Dr.Sreekanth K S, Professor & Head of Molecular Biology, Sree Gokulam Medical College & Research Foundation, Thiruvananthapuram , Kerala & Principal, College of Allied Medical Sciences, Venjaramoodu, Trivandrum, Kerala on the topic “Research Designs -1,Selecting appropriate research designs. Observational designs, Cross- Sectional studies”.
The day 2 session included a talk by Dr.Saikiran, Head/Incharge, Department of Medical Imaging Technology, Manipal College of Health Professions, MAHE, Manipal, Karnataka on the topic “Research Designs -2,Case-Control studies, Cohort studies.”
The day 3 session included a talk by Dr.Nisha B, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Saveetha Medical College & Hospital, Chennai on the topic “Research Designs- 3,Experimental: Before- After studies and randomized controlled trial”.
The day 4 session included a talk by Dr.R.Arivuchudar, Assistant Professor, Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, Periyar University, Salem on the topic “Sampling and questionnaire design” & Mr.Gopinath, Ph.D Scholar, Department of Optometry, Manipal College of Health Professions, MAHE, Manipal, Karnataka, on the topic “Steps in protocol development & Critical appraisal of journal article”.
The day 5 session included a talk by Dr.Shankar, Professor, Biostatistician and Oral Epidemiologist, Dept of Public health Dentistry, Vivekanandha Dental college for women, Tiruchengode and President, Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry (TamilNadu chapter) on the topic “Introduction to biostatistics, collection, classification and presentation of data”, and Dr.Anil C Mathew, Professor (Biostatistics),PSG Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Institute, Coimbatore on the topic “Inferential statistics”.
The day 6 session included a talk by Dr.Sebastian George, Head, Department of Statistical Sciences, Kannur University on the topic “Measures of central tendency, dispersion and probability distribution”& Dr.Anil C Mathew, Professor (Biostatistics),PSG Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Institute, Coimbatore on the topic “Correlation, regression and sample size calculation”.
Nearly 950 participants were registered for this programme. It was well attended by eminent academicians & faculty members from various reputed technical and educational institutions. At the end of the day the e certificates were issued to the eligible participants.The programme was well organized by V.Kalaivani, Associate Professor & R.Tamilchudar, Associate Professor , SAHS,VMRF(DU).