Shahzad Mobeen Ahmed is the Principal of Maulana Mukhtar Ahmad Nadvi Technical Campus, Malegaon. A Ph.D. pursuing Head of the department, he has an in-depth knowledge of his field of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. He has teaching experience of more than 20 years & is very passionate about academics. He has published and presented eleven research papers in national and international journals and conferences. 

Maulana Mukhtar Ahmad Nadvi Technical Campus

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

I consider teaching and sharing knowledge a noble job & not just a profession”

Education and an effective education system is the key to the development of any society and nation. A 21st-century education is about giving students the skills they need to succeed in this new world and helping them grow the confidence to practice those skills. My interest in research, innovation, and continuous learning keeps me connected to the education sector in this fast changing world. 

Being the HOD and Principal, what is your philosophy of leadership?

An environment that celebrates diversity and difference of opinion”

I have a vision and mission. I articulate it clearly to provide direction for the staff working under me. I am transparent and act in a fair and just manner. I facilitate discussion and collaboration amongst the team. I also provide leadership opportunities for others to foster growth and share responsibility for attaining goals. I acknowledge my weaknesses and continuously seek ways to improve. I communicate promptly and listen to the concerns and ideas of my staff.

How do you plan for the marketing and administration of your institute?

A strong digital presence along with strategic ad-campaign”

We use social media, local and national newspapers for the advertisement and marketing of the different events and programs organized by MMANTC.

Check Maulana Mukhtar Ahmad Nadvi Technical Campus Courses & Fees

What can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?

“A project-based practical approach in learning”

MMANTC focuses on imparting project-based learning education by providing world-class state of art laboratories and advanced software labs for all branches. To fulfill this MMANTC has established the SIEMENS Centre of Excellence (The 1st and ONLY in Maharashtra at Full Scale) having Machines and Equipment Imported from Germany to provide experiential learning. MMANTC has also established Advanced Computing Labs for all branches having industry-based advanced software that provide hands-on practice to the students and make them ready for placements.

Any insights into how your institute practices inclusivity towards students from different backgrounds?

An inclusive institute that truly believes in the idea of diversity and its beauty”

Every student of MMANTC is treated equally and not differentiated by gender, race, religion, caste or any differentiating factor there might be. Our institute provides financial support to economically weaker students by offering management scholarships ranging from 10% to 90% of tuition fees depending upon the economic background of the student. 

What are your roles and responsibilities to the Institute and the students?

Accountable to make MMANTC the most preferred institution in the country”

My basic role is to develop and implement the best practice of Academics and Research in the Institution to ensure the holistic development of the students and staff. I am responsible to strengthen the Academic Delivery Mechanism to enhance students’ performance and ensure that students undergo rigorous Training for enhancing their Employability Skills and Facilitate quality placement. 

What has been your vision for the institute & how has it evolved?

To make MMANTC amongst the very best technical institutes in the world”

Within a few years of its establishment, our students have achieved University gold medals and university merit rankings. We are imparting the best quality education at less than 50% fees as compared to other colleges in the state. We have achieved 81% on and off-campus placements for our students.

Read Maulana Mukhtar Ahmad Nadvi Technical Campus Placement

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Hard work and talent go hand in hand, and don’t shy away from it”

Dear Students: Life is not easy; there is no short cut to success. Achieving the goals requires effort and hard work, even if we do not enjoy doing that work. You do not have to be a talented person to study or work hard; talent is a direct result of hard work.