Mr. Rashid Mukhtar is the Secretary at Maulana Mukhtar Ahmad Nadvi Technical Campus. He is a Pharmacist & Administrator by Education and a Healthcare Entrepreneur & Academician by Profession. Rashid Mukhtar strives to change what is necessary to push social development boundaries. An avid learner, ardent listener, and articulate orator, Rashid Mukhtar likes to lead by example.

Maulana Mukhtar Ahmad Nadvi Technical Campus

Why did you join the Education Sector?

“Education ensures development”

Education, for me, is the soul of any society. If you wish to create a better environment, then you need to improve the education standards. An educated society is morally, ethically, judicially, and economically much better than an uneducated one.

What are the key factors that keep you connected to the Education Sector?

“Interaction with the young minds keeps me connected to the education sector”

Innovation, Research, and an Interest in Perpetual Learning keep me connected to the Education Sector. My experience as an Industrial Entrepreneur helps me understand the gap between Academia and Industry, which helps develop bridging tools to enable students to access quality placements.

What is your philosophy of Leadership?

“Inculcating leadership qualities by passing on to others is what I believe in”

Leadership for me, in simple words, means the ability to create more leaders. A true leader is dispensable as s/he creates a team of leaders that can function irrespective of her/his presence. The ability and willingness to create leaders create an environment of growth that is the cornerstone of success for any organization.

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What are your thoughts upon the Indian education system?

“We make sure that our students are abreast to current industry standards”

Indeed, the Education Systems in India and other countries vary significantly, but one must also consider that the Industries, Work Places, and Work Cultures also vary significantly. Every region requires a tailor-made local solution to cater to its diaspora. Although there are pros and cons to every idea, India's Education System is not too far behind. Apart from the University Curriculum, MMANTC has established the SIEMENS Centre of Excellence (The 1st and ONLY in Maharashtra at Full Scale), having Machines and Equipment Imported from Germany to bridge the academic gap. Besides, we encourage students and regularly conduct classes to promote higher education, research, and innovation at our institute.

What do you see as MMANTC’s greatest strength?

“Transparency in the commercial world is a rare idea”

 MMANTC is wholly a social project managed professionally without any profit margins. Again, our mission of making the best quality education affordable and available enables us to stay transparent. We have an open management system where every individual associated with MMANTC is any capacity is free to meet with the management and address their grievance or provide valuable feedback.

What are the biggest challenges that you see for MMANTC and Engineering Education as a whole?

“People are not inclined towards pharmaceuticals”

One of the significant challenges that we face at MMANTC is the local diaspora's aversion towards Engineering Education. Pharmaceuticals' growth in the country and with more and more establishments of Medical colleges, Engineering admissions have taken a back seat. The large numbers of defunct engineering colleges across the country also do not help our cause. But Engineering is the foundation on which every other field lays its success. For any other area or country to succeed and progress, engineering needs to move forward and develop through more and more research and capital investment.

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Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and aspiring students?

“Technology is evolving at a rapid pace”

Learning has significantly evolved over the years and more so in the recent past with the internet and digitization. Earlier, sourcing education was a part of learning where individuals had to seek out teachers and libraries to access what they desired. Today, at the tip of your fingers lies the whole world and wealth of knowledge in it. Dream big and realize it through persistence, hard work, dedication, and innovation. Those who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who often do it!