Interview by Bhawna Rawat

Dr. Harsh Sadawarti is currently working as the Vice Chancellor of CT University, Ludhiana. He is an eminent academician & excellent administrator with 24 years of experience in General Administration, Research & Development and Teaching Functions who possesses high academic credibility, clear strategic vision and outstanding leadership qualities. He has been monumental for the development of corporate planning across CT University and setting academic & corporate goals and objectives for departments. He is responsible for providing executive leadership in assisting the Chancellor in the overall planning, organizing, and controlling of the academic program areas, developing and planning academic programs, budgeting, resource allocation, supervising staff development programs, monitoring personnel actions, promoting the University in a regional, national and international context and to increase the financial resources available to the University in order to realize the full potential of the University.
Dr. Sadawarti’s commitment to furthering the University's interest by liaisoning with academic institutions, business organizations and industries across the country has taken the University to the next level. He has more than 80 research publications in various national, international conferences and journals to credit. He has supervised 8 Ph.D Scholars, 2 M.Phil. scholars and 12 M.Tech scholars. He has taught various subjects like Computer System Architecture, Database Management System, Operating System, Compiler Design, Microprocessor and System Analysis & Design.
Education sector serves as the engine for the progress of the country
I have had a chance to be associated with the education sector for over two decades. The education, in fact, is the engine for the development and progress of the country. Several landmarks have been established in this sector in the country. The products of education in India have created an indelible mark globally. I find that the education industry is the best to work in because it deals with chiselling the future of the students and to make them employment worthy. I have, over the years, made the future of my students and several of them are serving in diverse sectors and contributing to the cause of nation-building.
Leadership which emphasizes bringing great ideas into actions
My philosophy of leadership is very simple. It is leading by the example of translating your vision into action. I believe that the real education motivates you to keep your vision in front of you all the times. I strongly believe that the world is full of great ideas but success comes only through action.
A need to create a brand image among the masses
Being a newly established university, the CT University requires creating a niche of credibility for itself in the contemporary society. It must try to win the confidence of people. There is a need to enhance its visibility among the masses. For this, efforts have already been started by providing its visibility not only in the national canvas but also internationally. The help of social media portals like twitters, facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc. are taken.
Students’ visits to different industries are arranged in order to make them industry-ready
The CT University has formulated its curriculum, keeping in view the needs of the corporate world and of the industrial sector. What is best for the industrial society is incorporated in the University functioning. Students are provided exposure to new developments by arranging their visits in industries and in providing them hands-on experience in industrial activity. In fact, the University is better known as industry-driven owing to its curricular and other programmes.
The placement cell at the campus assists and supports students to acquire placements
The Placement, both for job and summer internship, is a fundamental activity at CT University. We have a well working process of catering to student’s career aspirations and corporate expectations.
The Placement Cell of CT University functions as a bridge between the University’s Schools, Industries and Students
At times, the Placement activities are for the students and are also carried out by the students. The process is completely transparent and starts with the uploading profiles on placement is accessible to each student, faculty coordinator and Training and Placement personnel.
The leading companies from the diverse sectors, where there is the of absorption of our students, are invited by the Placement Cell on the University campus, where the eligible students are made to undergo process. The process considers the student's ability and performance as well as the requirements and norms of the Industry.
The University will arrange mock interviews, group discussion, job fairs by involving the industry and academia.
Read more about placements opportunities available at CTU
We make sure that the students participate in every decision and policy change that we make
Our prime focus is on students and they are free to contact me anytime. I have already started a system of keeping myself always accessible to the students. They can meet me any day, anytime, as per their need. A time slot has been fixed for them. They can fix up an appointment with me through my Officer on Special Duty.
If there is an emergency or a moment necessitating their meeting me immediately, they can call me and we arrange a meeting. I will myself take an initiative that students’ participation is ensured for any decision making or formulation of any policy that concerns their welfare.
An ideal learning environment eliminates every distraction so that the students can focus only on their studies
As the Vice Chancellor of CT University, my earnest endeavor will be to create an ambience of comfortable learning with a focus on developing communication skills and work culture among students. The faculty will be also provided with facilities to impart education in their areas, scrupulously.
In this context, my philosophy is that the environment of smooth functioning without too many interruptions should be ensured, be it a task of learning or imparting education. We are thinking to ensure that students will not find any suffocation or any distracting space.
We will try identifying the probable distracters and help students focus on their work or concentrate on their studies while in the classroom or library.
A sound mind resides in a sound body. Students will also be encouraged to keep themselves physically fit and mentally alert.
We will also make sure that each student has a mentor. In lieu of classes, the student would meet with the mentor daily to learn. AT CT University, we have maintained a teacher: student (taught) ratio of 1:15 for various programmes. This helps in sustaining a congenial learning environment in the University.
I will hold regular meetings with the Head of different schools and Officers of the University. For these, dates are already fixed for each month. The agenda items pertaining to diverse issues (such as curricular, extra-curricular, University development fulfilment of requirements of national bodies such as UGC, AICTE, PCI, ACI, BCI and others) will be pursued, implemented and monitored.
The feedback from students about the academic performance of each teacher will be gathered through an ERP mechanism
The assessment of the performance of teachers, non-teachers and supporting staff will be made. For this filling of APAR (Annual Progress and Assessment Report) Performa has already been started. Based on the above appraisal and the feedback, a think tank of faculty will be developed in the University to seek their prudent suggestions and ideas for running the University.
The University is creating an International Advisory Board on which experienced academicians, researchers and policy planners will be placed. From their prudence, directions for futuristic vision will be obtained. Our aim is to have a comfortable and hassle-free learning environment for the students and a progressive agenda for futuristic vision.
The Engineering profession offers the space for innovation but also demands precision and teamwork
Engineering is a rewarding industry. It requires extraordinary skills and experiences. Engineers have to be prepared to take on different tasks as well as be familiar with integrating their colleagues work into their own.
This will need a dedication and adaptability. It can be challenging, but if you have the right aptitude, this profession could be befitting. A student interested in engineering related education must have an for Mathematics and Science. Having good numeracy skills and a fair grasp of scientific concepts and principles will help the student stay on top of his or her studies.
In a profession like Engineering, precision is important. There is little room for error. Safety is considered to be the priority. For example, if you’re asked to design a flyover or bridge, it’s vital that it should not collapse!Exact measurements and calculations are imperative – even being off by a few mm or a few decimals could cause serious consequences.
Engineering courses cover mostly standard concepts and calculations, but the profession entertains a lot of creativity
An expert in engineering is accountable for new ideas that build or improve upon old processes, and a product’s functionality and aesthetics are equally vital. Engineers have to collaborate with diverse departments and people, sometimes even with professionals outside of their field. Thus, one needs to be a strong team player to work with different teams of people.
Working in a team is utmost important for a student who wants to be an engineer.As a team member, leadership is a great skill to have, but it’s equally important to know when to step down and listen to instructions when the situation calls for it
Goals to bring CT University to the top rank
My would be to see that CT University gets a high ranking in India and is considered as a place of credibility and esteem in academic circles, globally.
I am sure that with the need-based programmes started, achievements made, human resources produced and trained at the CT University, it will scale newer heights of credibility and esteem in the years to come.
Things which the youth needs to take care of in order to succeed
Youth is the most productive period of life.
Youth must know their energy limits and what they can do with their time
They must realize their potential.
I suggest them to learn how to manage their time.In the present he or she is successful who knows how to prioritize action and manage the available resources and time.
They should keep themselves mentally alert and physically fit. They must learn to stay away from distractions and vices like drugs and intoxication.
They should develop a strong character. They must know how to burst their stress and have occasional introspection.
Youth must build their own team to boost their success.They should set their goals and remind themselves of them each day. They should learn from their mistakes.