Professor Milind Gujarkar is the Placement officer at the Institute of Design Education and Architectural Studies [IDEAS]. With a B.Arch. and M.Arch to his credit, he has guided several batches of aspiring architects to realize their dreams. Being a prominent figure in the field of Architecture, he aims to provide the students with world-class innovative, and skill-focused design education. Under his guidance, the institute has received several distinguished awards of excellence.

IDEAS Mumbai

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

To impart education by learning and practicing in the field of architecture and academics”

Architecture is an applied field. To be an academician one needs to practice, and this synergy of practice and teaching goes in synchronization with each other. Teaching always updates you as a professional and as a member of society. 

What can an inbound student gain from studying here in your College?

“A chance to explore various creative endeavors apart from the academic syllabus”

The institute believes in developing a spirit of entrepreneurship and hence motivates students to venture into other creative fields other than the construction industry. Our experienced and diversified specialization of faculty has always been an asset for our students.

How does your College practice inclusivity towards students of different backgrounds?

“An institute run by professional architects & experienced academicians who function beyond the social constructs”

The foundation of the institute has been very liberal in terms of social stratification and caste. We never encourage any caste, social, and financial discrimination amongst students and faculty. Financial help is extended through scholarships to academic performers and deserving students every year.

Check Institute of Design Education and Architectural Studies Courses & Fees

What has been your vision for this college?

“To become an ethical and authentic landmark amongst a plethora of architectural schools”

We as a group of professionals strived to establish this school as a unique platform for creative education in Central India. This institute has evolved into this vision and has proven itself in achieving academic excellence by bagging numerous awards at the International, National, and State level. We have received the prestigious MASA, Maharashtra Association of Schools of Architecture, an award of excellence in Building Services, Construction Technology, and Architectural design category, and overall College Excellence award in Feb-2020. 

What are some of the biggest challenges you see for higher education in the current age?

“Finding faculty that is constantly motivated, has excellent practical knowledge & skills of this field”

The biggest challenge today's students face is a digital distraction and handling its noise imaginary. Being focused and motivated seems like a tough task these days. Additionally, the faculty needs to be updated, well-read, extensively traveled, and must possess practical experience. IDEAS is blessed with a team of talented faculty who are bestowed with the above qualities. 

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Find your passion in academics, to excel since the beginning itself”

Stay focused and motivated throughout your career and life. Also, students need to be self-aware enough to choose the field they love & not be misled by bad influences. Creating experience by traveling, reading, meeting people, and making a note of these things would help shape up a good architect. Above all stay humble and non-judgmental.

Read Institute of Design Education and Architectural Studies Placement