Rev. Dr. Thomas V. Thennadiyil is the Principal of St. Claret College and St. Claret Institute of Management, Bengaluru. He has 12 years of experience in higher education as a faculty and leader. He believes in the transforming power of education and as a leader he intends to provide a platform for students to explore and grow. Innovation and growth, he says, are his top priorities for the college. Read the script of his interview.

St Claret College

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“The transforming power of education keeps me connected to this sector”

I have discovered education as my passion and calling and making a difference in young people's lives through education gives me meaning and purpose. I feel there is nothing more transformative than education. I was a first-generation college student from my family. Over the years, both as a faculty and a leader, I have been involved in educating many young people from similar situations and low-income backgrounds. I have witnessed how transformative education has been in their lives. I know for sure educating one generation positively impacts every generation to follow. Being a positive influence in the lives of young people has been very fulfilling to me. Additionally, being an educator makes me a lifelong learner. 

What is your philosophy of leadership?

“My leadership style is participative and democratic”

I ensure that all the stakeholders are involved in the decision-making process. I engage my team members, and I treat them with respect and care. Our institution has evolved a bottom-up decision-making process engaging students, parents, faculty, and staff. For example, we have a democratically elected student council that has a decisive say in the services they receive. My doctoral study was in leadership, and I think that helps. And among the many leadership models, the servant leadership model has inspired me much. 

What can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?

“We are committed to inclusive education”

I had five years of educational experience in the U.S., where I did my doctoral studies. That exposure has helped me understand the difference. Yes, the education system in some of the more developed countries are more student-centric and focused more on developing critical thinking and promoting creativity. Here in India, we are making good progress catching up. Claret’s faculty members have both national and international credentials, and they are exposed to the global realities. Our campus hosts rich diversity having students from all over India and abroad, and we are proud of that diversity. We have found many ways to celebrate our diversities. I am sure our inbound students will learn much from India’s diversities of languages, cultures, belief systems represented on the campus. Our commitment to inclusive education amid diversities provides the perfect ambience for preparing global citizens.

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How does your curriculum ensure the best practice of industry?

“We align the curriculum with the needs of the industry”

St. Claret College offers a wide range of add-on programs that cater to the industry's ever-changing demands. Our robust placement cell begins training our students from the very first semester. There are frequent visits that our students make to industrial locations for hands-on experience. Industry experts are invited for guest lectures, add on programs and interactive sessions. We have entered into MOUs and partnerships with industries and other institutions for knowledge and resource sharing, research and collaboration in other areas. Overall, the educational experience is directed towards getting our graduates' jobs ready. 

What are your roles and responsibilities towards the college and the students?

“It is my responsibility to provide opportunities and platforms for students to express themselves”

As a leader, I know the whole college community looks up to me. I want to be a motivator, an inspiration and an example. It is my responsibility to provide the student's opportunities and platforms to express themselves and grow. My job is to get the best out of people, helping them to be the best version of themselves. 

What do you think should be St. Claret’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“We are aiming for bigger things”

We are moving towards becoming an autonomous college within the next ten years. Meanwhile, we will also have more Postgraduate courses. Now we have three: MBA, MCom and MSW. Establishing a research centre is also in our plan. Innovation and growth are our top priorities. 

What do you see as ST. CLARET COLLEGE’s greatest strengths?

“Our greatest strength is our committed, qualified and experienced faculty”

Most of our faculty are either PhDs or NET/SET qualified or both. They keep updating themselves through Faculty Development Programs and knowledge enrichment courses. And we have a right blend of young and experienced faculty. Our alumni are our strength too. They are our brand ambassadors. They know how significant and impactful St. Claret experience has been in their lives. Another strength is our state-of-the-art infrastructure and the serene, beautiful and green campus that is very conducive for education.

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How do you tend to establish a healthy relation and environment in your college?

“Our positive institutional environment fosters values of trust, respect and inclusion”

Our students are adults, and we treat them as adults with freedom and respect. We recognize the socializing needs of our faculty, staff and students and provide ample opportunities for it. We recognize, appreciate and reward the achievements of the college community. The overall positive institutional culture has contributed immensely to our growth.