St. Aloysius Institute of Technology

Dr Fr. Davis George is the Director of St. Aloysius Institute of Technology, Jabalpur. He holds a Doctorate in Political Science and has published a book titled “Dynamics of Power: The Gandhian Perspective”. He has also published more than 50 articles and research Papers in a number of journals, books and newspapers. He has also been the recipient of several prestigious awards for his contributions.

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“Being able to contribute to sustainable human development”

I believe in what Kofi Annan said, “Education is a human right with immense power to transform.” Over the years, I have seen students being empowered and assuming responsible Positions and making a difference in the lives of others. It is amazing to see students discovering their own talents and potentials and embarking on a journey to explore new frontiers in life. Human resource development is the biggest investment we can make and that we make it through holistic education.

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“Deeds speak louder than words”

A leader is the one who ignites the big dream and motivates people to make the dream come true. A leader is one who walks the talk. There should not be any difference between precepts and practice. It is once own example that would count in leadership. Most effective leaders practice servant leadership. The leader is one who serves others and empowers others. One empower, heal people and go about doing well irrespective of caste and creed. My responsibility is to show them a better way of living, loving and serving.

How do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your institute?

“Making excellence a habit”

Over the years, I learned that it is the only quality of teaching and learning that would count the most. Having got St. Aloysius College accredited as the topmost college of Madhya Pradesh and introduced many job oriented courses, I am convinced that students are the main ambassadors of the college. Being a member of NAAC Peer Team, I have realized that more than commercial marketing what we need is an internal quality assurance mechanism which would take care of all the rest.

In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute/University/ School?

“Promoting the importance of communication, concepts, creativity, confidence, character”

Having visited many universities abroad and conducted many faculty development programmes in India and abroad, I can very convincingly say that we follow participatory, student-centric, ICT oriented teaching-learning processes. We focus on project-based learning, outcome-based learning and industry-institute partnership providing employability skills, soft skills and life skills.

How does the curriculum of St. Aloysius Institute of Technology Jabalpur ensures the best practice of industry?

“Offering quality teaching and learning environment”

Beyond the curriculum, we have introduced many best practices like training students as per Industry requirement, by developing an effective partnership with industries. We have an effective internship program with quality supervision. Under our initiative ‘Skills Training for Employability Programme (STEP),’ we conduct the latest skills required for placement. We are committed to preparing students as the global leaders for ensuring justice, peace, prosperity, love, and respect for all.

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What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the Institute and the students are?

“My role is to facilitate, empower and mentor students”

As the founder Director, we have provided the best of infrastructure and state of the art laboratories with a quality based academic teaching and learning ambience. My role is to inspire, motivate and ignite the big dream in students and staff to build a sustainable developmental model of growth.

What do you think should be the Institute’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“To be at par with the rapidly growing industry”

The priority lies in:

  • focusing on employability skills, soft skills, life skills. 
  • keeping updated with the latest development in the local and global industry.
  • responding to the changes by introducing such courses that would give a competitive edge to the students.

When you first came to St. Aloysius Institute of Technology Jabalpur, what was your vision for the university? Has it evolved, and how far along in implementing that vision is you?

“Exploration and discovery of eco-friendly technology”

St. Aloysius Institute of Technology epitomizes excellence in technology-centric education, ensuring opportunity for all, upholding rigorous academic standards and serving as a catalyst for

learning. We hope to evolve and become a University in due course of time. We have introduced new courses that ensure up scaling of or standards and quality of education. My vision is always the development of the institution.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for St. Aloysius Institute of Technology Jabalpur specifically?

“To redirect the purpose of education from being job-oriented to collective development”

The New Education Policy 2020 has addressed many of the challenges in both Higher Education and Technical Education. Much would depend on how effectively this would be implemented. We need to focus on practical theories as we have had enough of theory education. Ensuring project-based and problem-based education right from the early days is still not a widely accepted method. We need to introduce credit-based interdisciplinary education right from the beginning. Lastly, I would like to say that we must let our education make value-based human beings instead of selfish intellectual giants.

What are your learnings from the pandemic and how are you dealing with the situation?

“It has made us humbler and interdependent”

The Corona pandemic has been a good teacher making human kinds to change lifestyles, learning skills, focus on the immune system and prioritize life and its challenges. On the whole, it has been a great learning experience. No bird can fly with one wing, however big and strong it may be. It is the same with every human being and every nation. We have learned to slow down and find out what are the essentials of life and look at life and events from the right perspective.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Develop resilience”

Dream, dare and do it. You have the power and the potential to achieve anything in life. Focus on communication, concepts, confidence, companionship and character. Get connected to God to recharge your mind and body. Spend time in meditation, exercise, creativity, reading and a healthy diet. Success will come your way. 

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How do you tend to establish a healthy relation and environment in your institute?

“Being respected, heard, included, and praised is the key”

Relationships are the key to teamwork. We need to focus on each other’s needs and the institutional goals and try to inspire and motivate to make a big team come true. There are 4 basic needs while establishing and nurturing healthy relationships:

  • Need to love and to be loved.
  • Need for self-worth,
  • Need for autonomy,
  • Need to belong to.

They can because they think they can. Let everyone be part of the learning and winning Team.