Shri Vinaychandra Mahendrakar is the Founder and Chairman of Institute of Business Management and Research, Hubli, Karnataka. He started his career as Marketing and Service Engineer in 1994. He was the co-founder and partner in Pentagon Engineering, Pune , Co-founder and Director of Pune based Cadonix Info Systems Ltd., Software Technology Group, JPMS in addition to being the Founder and Chairman of Vishwachetana Foundation which manages Oxford Polytechnic College. He has published more than 30 interviews and articles in reputed newspapers across India. He is a member of various professional bodies such as TIE, Global International Entrepreneurs Organization (Hubli), Delhi based AIMA and India Didactics Association, National Institute of Personnel Management (Bangalore), Italian Chamber of Commerce, American Chamber of Commerce in addition to Bangalore based PRCI and Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce. He has received various awards and accolades such as including Chanakya Award from Public Relations Council of India, Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2018 from Times of India, Promising Entrepreneur of Year 2019 from Vijay Karnataka, Visionary leader Award for Education in South India 2019 from CERG, New Delhi, Emerging Leadership award in Management Education 2019 from Global Educare Forum, New Delhi etc. His other Key new Ventures are I- Invent Start-up, TCS Digital ION India, IBMR I-Work, Director in AIMS –IBS Bangalore. 

IBMR Group of Institutions

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

"Our region has been neglected in terms of education development and that was major reason for me to join this sector"

The North Karnataka Region has always been neglected in terms of educational advancement from the last 22 years. So, it was our vision to bring the much-needed development in this sector by offering modern educational opportunities to students. I have served for 10+ years in the corporate sector, and it was then when one of my esteemed Gurus motivated me to contribute to my nation's growth and that's how the idea to join the education sector stuck in my mind and that's how we have branched out into numerous cities across PAN India. 

Being the Chairman and Founder of IBMR Group, what is your philosophy of leadership?

"Producing future leaders by guiding people in right direction and utilizing their skills is true leadership"

Leadership for me is simply to help and support the individual team members to become a leader. I would like to mention that I am more of a king maker and my role is to empower, motivate and push every individual associated with us to be the best version of themselves. 

How do you strategize the key programs for the marketing and administration of your institutes?

"We keep rediscovering new methodologies to teach our students to enhance our presence among future students"

We always try our best to offer something unique to our students in terms of courses and training and we keep reinventing our teaching pedagogy from time to time to be in line with industry expectations. For instance, in 2004 laptops were a thing of luxury, but at that time as well we were distributing laptops to our students free of cost. We are the first pioneer institution across India who have imported more than 1000+ laptops from HP India. And in 2006, we conducted foreign tours for our 1000+ students in collaboration with reputed organizations. 

What are your responsibilities for the University and students?

"To offer best quality education to students and guide them during placement time"

Being an Assistant Professor, I am responsible to deliver the finest quality education and placement assistance to my students and guide them whenever they get stuck somewhere in their studies. Apart from this, my role is to instill best skills in my students which they will need to work in a corporate environment. 

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What were the biggest challenges you have faced while improving the education quality of your institute?

"Language blockade and maintaining cultural heterogeneity of students were major hurdles"

One of the biggest challenges which we faced while improving the education quality of our institute was exposing the students of Tier 2 cities to the rapidly changing market while coping simultaneously with the language barrier. In addition to this, getting resources for tier 2 cities and managing the cultural diversity among our students was also a tough challenge. However we have managed to tackle most of the roadblocks due to the support of our hardworking faculties.

How is your institute more welcoming to students of all races and economic backgrounds?

"We offer all kinds of study support to needy students and scholarships to meritorious ones"

Our institute doesn't differentiate among students based on their race, cultural background, religion, caste or gender. And we cherish the diversity of students that we have in our campus because it gives a better learning experience to students and helps us to successfully inculcate all the cultural values under our roof and also maintain the perfect balance between everyone. We also offer scholarships to eligible meritorious students and our management ensures to provide all the required resources free of cost, be it laptops, learning materials or industry tours so that money never comes in the way of a student’s learning curve.

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Any suggestions which you would like to give to the current youth and aspiring students?

"Keep upgrading your skills and put continuous and sincere efforts to achieve your goals"

We all are aware that in today's digital time, it is very essential to have a strong base knowledge in order to build a career in such a dynamic world. Hence I would like to advise my students to keep upgrading their skills. Also develop your entrepreneurship and team building skills because people have amazing ideas and wonderful insights, but they often fail in terms of coordination and teamwork. So, my advice would be that strengthen your core knowledge and be consistent and persistent.